Digitalt Rejsekort

When users are introduced to the design process of a digital solution to Rejsekortet, this is the result


This project aims to understand the growing problem of an increase in students experiencing severe exam anxiety over the years. The so-called performance culture is building additional pressure on students to perform well and get good grades, with the fear of having the preferred options later in life if they don’t perform well here and now.
The project will be based around designing and developing an immersive performance installation, that will be able to portray the affects that students experience in relation to exam anxiety, with said experiences gathered from a series of interviews of st

Culture, Structure, and Disaster: DSB

This project examines the efficacy of DSB’s technostructure as it relates to culture and structure in the face of challenges related to changing DSB’s core fleet of intercity trains from diesel to electric (IC5). Megaprojects such as this one carry severe implications for budget, time, and utility, as can be seen from the past two decades of research in this field, spearheaded by Bent Flyvbjerg and his associates. With a theoretical foundation in Schein’s model of culture and Mintzberg’s model of organizational structure, a qualitative analysis of interviews, available reports, and literature

looking for an easy project journey

lorem ipsum sularum

Bachelor (2023)

Currently, Astma-Allergi Danmark, as an organization, is responsible for manually collecting pollen
data across Denmark. However, there is potential for improvement through the application of AI
and machine learning. Due to a lack of collaboration with Astma-Allergi Denmark, this project
aims to investigate the collection methods of pollen and develop an attempt to create an image
recognition AI that can automate the organization’s manual processes. Given the limited
knowledge and cooperation regarding their internal systems, the projekt relies on building
networks with external partners to es

Delebiler i det offentlige transportsy

Many people do not have the need for a car every day, and it does not become cheaper over time to have a car, however, various car companies such as Share Now have made it possible for those who cannot afford a car or want to save money by using a car. This project will account for our approach towards analysis of the subject, and how it can be possible to make carpooling more easy, satisfying, and simple for users by making an app.

Datalogi semester projekt – java

Java 2d spil

Forbedring til eksamen:

Etisk produktion i tøjindustrien

Udbredelsen af miljømærkerne

Den flydende Smart City

In this project we drew our attention towards heating in particular and how it is planned in Denmark. We take a detailed look at the Danish government’s heating plans, and the recent changes made in these, to evaluate how they see their way out of the crisis.

Visualisering af luftforurening

The following paper seeks to investigate how the individual human experience of particle pollution might change using sensor technology inspired by citizen sensing. Our empirical basis for the study is based on several qualitative interviews with the two subjects before and after they had been using our sensor kit. The interviews followed a post-phenomenological approach and had the goal of investigating the relation between the user, the sensor kit, and the subjects’ experienced world.

Robotter og psykolgi

This project report is on the use of a welfare robot by the name of VECTOR and its use in elder care, including an analysis of why it would work and how it should be implemented into the current system.

Wind of Change

This research analyzes the vision of NSWPH for a North Sea energy island using environmental planning methods. It follows the backcasting method’s four phases to establish visions, identify measures, and analyze EU directives. The Baseline phase creates a bidding zone, addresses challenges, and examines the energy market. Proposed solutions include bidding zone review, grid expansion, and Power To X implementation for a sustainable EU energy system and island development. Implementation is crucial for a sustainable EU energy system and island development.

DFDS Oslo færgen

Tourism made up 10 percent of the global GDP in 2019, a trillion-dollar industry that includes everything from air travel to underwater travel. This paper focuses on the growing sea tourism sector involving cruises, which had 27.5 million passengers in 2019.
It will investigate what constitutes a good cruise experience, and how we can improve it through design meant to tackle problems onboard the DFDS Oslo Ferry. This will involve ana-lyzing the actor-network of the cruise industry and the Oslo Ferry to understand the advantages and disadvantages of a design prototype. Ideas for a new design w

Fast Fashion

The paper examines reasons for why individuals buy and use clothes and how notions of sustainability is seen in relation to clothing consumption whereby the study is conducted as a case study with a focus on Danish individuals between the age 18 to 29. This study’s point of departure is positioned around questions on how to handle consumerism, in a world where resources are limited and considerations on the environmental impact of overconsumption must be made. Therefore, firstly accounts on sustainability and with a view on the phenomenon of Fast Fashion is presented.

Persondata i det Moderne Samfund

There are many different marketing strategies in Denmark. These help companies promote or provide a service for their consumers through various platforms.
The General Data Protection Regulation “GDPR” law affects firms that handle Personal Data collected from EU citizens, which includes Denmark. This framework of laws sets strict guidelines for the use and collection of user data. The main purpose of this law is to make sure that companies are prohibited from obtaining User Data without explicit consent from individual users, this in turn has the consequence that companies wouldn’t be able to


Til at besvare vores problemformulering vil vi lave en Aktør Netværk Teori (ANT) analyse af projektet Tilpasset telerehabilitering: Virtuel holdtræning (TT) udført i Aarhus kommune i 2022. Dertil vil vi undersøge hvordan ICURA, som er en anden type af telerehabilitering, har oplevet sammenspillet mellem teknologi og mennesker samt transformeret den fysioterapeutiske praksis. Valget af dette andet telerehabiliterings studie grunder i, at der er udarbudarbejdet en ANT-analyse i dette studie, hvilket vil have samme videnskabsteoretiske retning som vi benytter os af.


The purpose of this research project is to examine the significance of attachment in relation to self-regulation in an individual’s life. Our research question is defined as follows:
What significance does the child’s attachment to its parents have for the child’s ability to self-regulate in childhood and adulthood?
Our aim is to nuance our understanding of the concept of attachment and what significance this has for the ability to self-regulate. We analyzed Walter Mischel’s Marshmallow experiment on self-control with a hermeneutic approach as our scientific theoretical position.

Crypto as an answer. To what question?

The group has sought to analyze and map out the nature and role of crypto currency in society and the implications of digital currency-like technologies for humans in society at large. This has been achieved through the application of actor-network theory and the derived theory of controversy mapping, as well as deductive, ontological reasoning practiced on selected cases of crypto currency applications in recent years. Langdon Winner’s theories of decentralization, technodeterminism, and technological somnambulism factor heavily in our analysis of crypto currency and blockchain technology.

Delebilsordning i Københavns Kommune

This project examines ways of optimizing, as well as raising awareness of, existing types of arrangements for Carsharing in Copenhagen Municipality. Further, a Mock-Up for a potential solution is proposed.

Ansigtsgenkendelse i offentligheden


Teknostress hos ældre

This paper aims to investigate how the rising digitalization in Danish society affects the
elderly at nursing homes. This paper will work towards understanding the relatively new term
“technostress”, which is a feeling of stress, caused in some way by the use of technology.
The group has chosen this focus, because of how fast digitalization is happening in
Denmark. The group expects that because of how fast the digitalisation is going, certain
parts of society are going to be left behind. While other parts of society could have been the
focus point for this paper, the group chose to focus on t

Digitalt løsningsforslag

This project explores a digital solution for the lack of Social- and healthcare workers.

Interactive Digital Systems projekt

Smart mirror

Google Maps for viden

Workshop project about fear and AI

A collection of wireframes on the new internship module for the new platform that launches in August 2022.

Atomkraftværk – Vedvarende energi

Aflevering ind her

Rage room og vredeshåndtering

I denne opgave ønsker vi at undersøge menneskers måde at føle vrede på. Der kan være flere grunde til, at man bliver vred eller frustreret over noget, og det kan yderligere være forskelligt fra person til person, hvordan man bliver vred eller frustreret. Vi ønsker at undersøge, hvordan forskellige køn håndtere deres vrede, og om der er forskel på, hvordan de håndterer vreden. Dette gør vi ved hjælp af blandt andet interviews og en kvantitativ spørgeskemaundersøgelse. Herudover inddrager vi teori omkring vrede og vredeshåndtering til at få et overblik over, hvordan vrede defineres i nutidens sa

Rage rooms og vredeshåndtering

I denne opgave ønsker vi at undersøge menneskers måde at føle vrede på. Der kan være flere grunde til, at man bliver vred eller frustreret over noget, og det kan yderligere være forskelligt fra person til person, hvordan man bliver vred eller frustreret. Vi ønsker at undersøge, hvordan forskellige køn håndtere deres vrede, og om der er forskel på, hvordan de håndterer vreden. Dette gør vi ved hjælp af blandt andet interviews og en kvantitativ spørgeskemaundersøgelse. Herudover inddrager vi teori omkring vrede og vredeshåndtering til at få et overblik over, hvordan vrede defineres i nutidens sa


This study explains what chronic diseases are in a general sense, and what challenges a patient with chronic disease faces. Based on this, the group have created a collaboration with Tina Ryberg, to develop a website that will motivate, and increase the quality of life of chronically affected patients.

Digital Selvskade

This project seeks to examine how acknowledgement and the performance-oriented society leads young women to join the online PRIV-network.

Kan kød erstattes af luft?

This paper examines the possibilities of using air and electricity to create protein through a fermentation process, which is referred to as “air protein”. . This paper analyses the internal mechanisms and processes of the fermentation process. The paper then compares air protein to our current meat production by analysing various climate footprints of air protein against beef production. Multiple barriers to changing peoples’ current meat consumption are also identified.

Fremtidens mad

This paper seeks to analyze alternative protein farming systems, in order to present an idea of a different combined farming system, than what are being used today. The focus of the paper is mainly on the current area usage of the conventional animal protein farming, and the feed conversation rate of these.
This will be done by comparative analyses through already established knowledge from around the world, combined with visual models created to show the idea of an Entomo Aquaponics System, which combines the use of insect farming and aquaponics.

Bæredygtig kost – luft proteiner

endelig opgave


This paper addresses future climate changes, and in particular consequences such as long
droughts as well as intense and extreme periods of downpour. With this as a focus, we have
been developing a water management system, which is adapted to an urban hydrological
To accommodate this, we have developed a technological system that consists of a
combination of Klimaflisen designed by the Danish architecture company Trejde Natur and
UV-radiation. The purpose of the technological system is to collect and clean rain for further
use in private households, including flushing the toilet and gard


This project is created with the purpose of understanding the game engine ‘unity’ and the process of creating a game. As a produt a game, SLASH, has been created. This game follows the genre styles of rogue-like. In this game, a randomly generated dungeon will allow the player to treverse and find two keys to pass through the end-gate. This player needs to avoid enemies, spikes and other posible obstacles on his way. The enemies hunt the player with the help of an implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm, allowing the enemies to pathfind around obstacles.

For more information read report.


Final project

Design af en scan-og-betal app

This paper examines existing scan and go applications for supermarkets in Denmark and identifies the design issues to develop a design solution which will meet users’ needs and contribute to a better user experience.

Et design af Thirdroom som app

This project has been completed in collaboration with the nonprofit organization Thirdroom. The overall focus of the project is to find an IT solution for the problems that Thirdroom is experiencing, by the users of their current platform. In this context, we will work out a feasibility study, by using the MUST method as an analytic structure for the project and results from the collected empirical data. We will be focusing on the phases and principles of the MUST method.


The aim of this paper is to understand the hows and the whys of open-sourced DIY looping. To investigate this, we have conducted interviews with people who label themselves as loopers. We wanted to find out how long they have been using the system, what their overall thoughts on it were, how it compares to conventional treatment, and what impact it has had on their lives. This data has been thematically analyzed to help us find correlation between their answers. Furthermore, we have included relevant and recent research on the topic, to further shed light on the phenomenon.

Energispild i hjemmet

Færdiggjort rapport

Drukneulykker i havne

In this report we have investigated and analyzed drowning accidents, specifically in harbours. The empirical knowledge that was used for this report is accounted for in the form of collection and categorization of larger datasets from Rådet for Større Bade- og Vandsikkerhed. An Expert Interview with Erik Bech, chairman of the council, will also be accounted for in this report. With these components we have described the harbor as a complex technological system and analyzed it through an Actor-Network-Theory Analysis and Complex Systems Analysis. This succeeded in gaining a greater understandin


This project takes its starting point in finding a technology, which solves the discharge of
chemicals from agriculture, that damages the environment. The group narrowed the
agriculture subject down to pig manure and its capabilities in Denmark, which is used as a
fertilizer for crops. Furthermore, the assignment revolved around analyzing a technology that
contributed to an environmentally friendly future. This project delves deeper into the
technology, referred to as ‘Next Generation Manure Reduction Technology’ which is
developed by researchers from Syddansk University and Aarhus Unive

Socialisering i VR

Denne rapport handler om socialisering i VR. Den vil fokusere på platformen VRchat.

Social Media Analytics

In this project we will focus on the platform YouTube and investigate as well as analyzing the algorithms on social media and how its recommended algorithms work as a filter bubble.

Hydroponisk Vertikal foderproduktion

Dette projekt kigger på muligheden for arealbesparelse, ved hjælp af hydroponisk vertikalt landbrug, i from af en omlægning af foderproduktion, med henblik på at få mere vild natur


In this project we try to get a sense of how the youth struggles with decluttering their homes and we attempt to make an application that focuses on this while also keeping them engaged in the application. We will be looking at various theories concerning games and motivation, to find the best possible solution.
This application will be based on image recognition which will help to connect the application to reality. We will end this project by concluding on our findings throughout the process of making this project.

Biodiversitet på altaner



This paper investigates the possibilities of microalgae produced in a photobioreactor with the purpose of creating an alternative solution to the current Danish import of soy. There is a heavy demand for protein supplements in Danish agriculture which is currently being occupied by soy. The production of soy takes a heavy toll on the south American environment in which its grown and creating unnecessary CO2-emissions in the shipping to Denmark. The EU and the UN, and therefore Denmark, are making promises to cut CO2-emissions. Danish agriculture is responsible for a lot of the Danish emissions


This report uncovers the possibility of designing a digital platform for trading food between individuals, with a focus on a good user experience. It will examine the problem area by looking into the relevant legislation, customers trust, platformization, and existing solutions within the area. The collected empirical data will then be analyzed, as well as a competitors analysis of the existing solutions within the area. Based on these analyzes, some specifications will be determined, as well as what emotions are desired to be provoked.

Social media algorithms

The focus of this project is to understand how the TikTok recommendation algorithm works and observe how it affects the user. Furthermore, this paper works towards understanding what a filter bubble is and if a filter bubble is a negative thing. This project is based on theories about machine learning, algorithms and filter bubbles. The project includes a pilot experiment where the aim is to discern if filter bubbles exist and if so, how fast they can occur.

Video på baggrund af musik via AI (mul

The objective of this paper is to investigate the possibilities of creating a technological artifact
allowing a given agent to utilize Deep Learning as a tool in live visuals.
With an understanding of the additional layers of technology as a form of science, the paper first
and foremost seeks to clarify the fundamental concepts of Deep Learning and related
technologies, subsequently leading to an exposition of the theory of GAN models.

AI detection of toxic comments

This paper is a research of the challenges associated with detection of online toxicity. It is primarily based on
a machine learning challenge posted to by Jigsaw and Conversation AI. Thus our research on
machine learning and AI identification of toxic comments is based on an attempt to fulfill this challenge.

Super Mennesker

Expanded Carrier Screening

Anbefalings systemer/modeller

YouTube has been accused of radicalizing users on their platform, through the unforeseen
consequence of the concept of the so-called filter bubbles. Through a series of experiments and case
studies, based on general implications of machine learning, black boxes and surveillance capitalism,
this research team has explored the validity of filter bubbles as a theory. By developing a model for
measuring nuttiness based on elements of structured observation, the team is able to determine the
general nut-number of any given YouTube video and measure the influence of clicks on the
recommender system


This study seeks to examine the motives for the lack of (opinion) registration among young people in relation to organ donation and especially; how to create a solution that can help this group make an informed decision. This study focuses primarily on a deliberately chosen target group; 15-19 year olds. The selected target group is based on statistics which shows that this segment is the one with the lowest percentage registered.

Algoritmers indflydelse på unge

This report examines the use of TikTok and if there is any mental health that can be damaged if you’re a younger user of the social media platform. We decided to narrow down the target audience and have produced this question for research: “Which effect does the social media TikTok have on young individuals, and does it have potential positive and negative effects?”
Through research and analysis it can be concluded that there are both positive and negative consequences of using TikTok if you’re a younger individual. Both parents and younger people are aware of the pros and cons, but as it see

Rent drikkevand

Denne rapport har til formål, at imødekomme de stigende problemstillinger omkring rent drikkevand, ved at arbejde med vandet i atmosfæren.

Nedsat arbejdsfokus i folkeskolerne

In these observations made in this semester’s project, we will try to determine the sustainable group- workroom for primary school students. To gain knowledge about the optimal room, the audience, and the current workspaces, are observations, questionnaires, and interviews held. As for theory, Richard Thaler and his method “nudging” are used to define different elements in work-related areas at Campusskolen in Ringsted.

Teknologisk markeringspind

For the past one hundred years, the white cane has not been developed in its function or
design. This project examines the
function of the traditional white cane and how it could possibly be optimized for its tasks. A
prototype was created of the traditional white cane with sensors and haptic feedback. The
prototype was manufactured to determine if there was a possibility to invent a smarter white cane.

Klimasikring af Nyborg bykerne

In this report we are concerned with extreme precipitation in urban environments and the methods used to prevent flooding. The project sets out to describe different urban drainage systems for implementation in the city of Nyborg, which have the capacity to handle the worsening consequences of climate change.

Teknologisk formidling til folkeskolen

Projektet omhandler teknologiforståelse i folkeskolen, og introduktion af dette som fag i indskolingen. Gruppen har udviklet en robot og et programmeringssprog til eleverne i indskolingen, der skal medvirke øget teknologiforståelse, digital dannelse og forberedelse til det fremtidige samfund og arbejdsmarked.

Derudover sammenlignes gruppens produkt med en mulig konkurrent, LEGO MINDSTORMS. Der undersøges også teknologiundervisning i Holland og USA, hvorefter en sammenligning med Danmark finder sted.


Dette projekt handler om konstruktionen af en chatbot som er et samlet it-system for studerende på RUC

VR til fjernundervisning

The purpose of this project is to study and examine the use of Virtual Reality at Danish Higher Educational Institutions, for their online classes and courses. The report seeks to clarify what type of technology Virtual Reality is, and how a future implementation can be achieved through distance learning. To meet these ends, the theory of distance learning, as posited by American philosopher Hubert Dreyfus, is analyzed in relation to existing knowledge and insights of the initial Danish Covid-19 lockdown, in the spring of 2020.


This report attempts to solve the issue of the vulnerability in Port Safety´s product, LifeLadder. It does so, by designing an artefact which adds flexibility to a specific part of the modular system of LifeLadder, that part being the spacer. The report documents the process of analysing the problem, designing the solution, and testing the solution. The analysis is done using the theory of TRIN. With an adequate understanding of the problem, the design process can begin. This project is done based on the methods of iterative design and rapid prototyping.

Machine-learning i sundhedsvæsenet

This project is about the potential advantage and consequences, that machine learning could have in the Danish health care system. The focus is prediction of patient absenteeism which we will shed a light on, through our own machine learning model, In connection with a literature analysis.
The literature analysis is made, due to the load of experiments and surveys already made on the topic. One of the scientific articles that we are working with, is an experiment about the specific topic of our project prediction of patient absenteeism through machine learning.
In the project there will be i

VR Escape Room

A VR game development project, with a focus on creating an Escape Room/Puzzle Game experience. In this project, we have focused on understanding what is needed in order to design and develop a VR Game. This is coming from three students with no experience in either of the fields that is a part of this project, mainly Unity, C# Coding and game development itself.

Den Redigerede Verden

The overall theme for the following rapport is Artificial intelligence which consists of two concepts, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. The study focuses on the technology Deep Learning and the purpose of this paper is to understand the technology, how it works, how it interacts with the users, as well as how the users are utilizing it and if they benefit from the technology that they are using. The technology will be related to YouTube that is one of the most visited websites, there can be found on the web.


In this paper we are researching the possibility for microalgae to be an alternative sustainable protein source, compared to other animal protein. We quickly uncovered that microalgae does have a lot of potential as a sustainable protein source. This is because algae has an incredibly high amount of protein contents and low CO2 emission. We wondered if there were some technological barriers, since microalgae is not a widespread protein source in our society.

Madspild og system optimering

This paper reveals a clearer picture of food circulation as a larger system and how small incremental changes to said system are likely to not have any significant positive effect on the problem, and how households have a huge role in the amount of total food waste in Denmark. Furthermore, the sociotechnical analysis highlights barriers to improvement within the system. The thesis concludes that these emerging technologies are more of a gimmick than a solution – an attempt to insert a middleman between the consumer and their food consumption with no apparent advantage.

Klimasikring mod oversvømmelser



The final product

Tænk på Lydniveauet


Sound as a Creative Process

Vi beskæftiger os med Stress, afhængighed og søvn i forbindelse med den digitale verden.

Oscar OceanSavingandCleaningAquaRobot

The intention of this product is to clean the oceans where there is a huge amount of garbage as shown in the front picture.
We believe O.S.C.A.R could be an idea to solving this problem.

Robotter og Levendegørelse

Dette er vores endelige produkt

Modern sun watch

People to time – This clock shows you the day visually by the sun’s movement. You will experience appreciation by the transformation of the day. Enjoy the sunrise, the clear blue sky, a colorful sunset and the bright stars during the night. All this by not knowing and worrying about the specific time clockwise.

Tjernobyls Flora

25 år efter atomkatastrofen på Tjernobyl, er der opstået et helt særligt landskab omkring det tidligere atomkraftværk i Ukraine. Den radioaktive stråling har givet træerne varige mén, fuglene dér har udviklet mindre hjerne. Samtidig er der sendt nye ’Xeno-botter’, udviklet med celler fra bl.a. frøer, ind i området. I krydsningen mellem disse ganske forskellige væsener og vækster opstår nye levende væsener, som på ganske forskellig vis interagerer med landskabet, hinanden og de mennesker som tør besøge området. Heriblandt Flora.

Snus Box

I Arduino-Ninja i FabLab, har vi lavet en SnusBox, som skal hjælpe dig med at holde dig fra at tage snus gentagne gange indenfor kort tid.

RemindArm – Fysisk Timer

På Arduino workshoppen E2022 har vi bygget en fysisk timer i form af en automatisk robotarm. Produktet har til formål at hjælpe individer i dagligdagen med, at huske diverse aktiviteter de skal huske at lave i løbet af dagen.



Artificial Climate Generator 1000

Ever wanted to replicate the climate somewhere? Maybe so you can grow all the exotic plants you remember from there? The answer is The Artificial Klimate Generator 1000


This project entails the investigation into the different areas of work with eelgrass, with the intent of possibly finding common ground between the present actors. The project will cover the biological bases of how eelgrass works, what it has been used for historically, the many ways it is being used today, and the significance of its presence in the modern ecosystem.
The project will utilize information gathered from biologists, field workers, harvesters and manufacturers, and the project will look for areas of interest between the different participants.

Can you feel it?

Climate change continues to be a pressing issue. However, it seems that traditional ways of communicating climate change fail to communicate the urgency of the issue. This project proposes a different arts-based approach to broaden our perspectives on climate change. This project creates an audio walk in Copenhagen, which addresses climate change through sound, by engaging with found spaces and utilizing speculative design. The project shows how an audio walk can provoke deep emotions and engage the audience in dialogues regarding climate change, and potentially transform their ideas and minds

Aktiv Nudging i Byrummet

In this paper we seek to nudge the users of Folkeparkens public restrooms to reflect on their own engagement and responsibility towards the maintenance of the restrooms. This also applies to the Municipality of Roskilde and their role in the matter. This will be done by identifying the causes behind continuous unhygienic public restrooms and investigations into how critical design and nudging can be used to get people to realize the issue and their own role in this.

Technological Singularity

his project investigates what futures scenarios can be set up based on technological singularity generated by CRISPR technique. The biomedical knowledge and techniques have one thing in common – they have changed the way in which human life is understood.

The project uses socio-constructivist approach as a means to to explain how gene technology is going to shape our society in the future. The future scenarios are designed and analyzed with the help of three expert interviews, trend-spotting and desk research.

Transparenthed fra regeringen

In this report we focus on how the roll out of electric vehicles in the Danish society displays transparency from the governments side. We do not seek to conclude whether there is a lack of transparency from the governments side, but only to focus on how transparency in general is displayed. This focus also seeks to keep us neutral in our perception towards the government and their work. To do this, we involve a case study, focusing on the technologies involved as well as the political situation, and an analysis of the communication between the Danish Government and the EU.

Oplevelsen af tid og adfærd ved gaming

Vi vil i dette projekt undersøge hvordan de unge selv oplever, at League Of Legends har en betydning for deres tidsfornemmelse og adfærd. Tid og adfærd fremhæves som nogle af de væsentlige aspekter, når man forbinder det med computerspilsafhængighed. Projektet vil som udgangspunkt forholde sig til målgruppen 15-24 årige, som er League Of Legends gamere. Disse gamere vil kunne fortælle deres opfattelse af, hvordan de selv oplever at gaming og hvordan det har en betydning for deres tidsfornemmelse og adfærd.


This project seeks to examine how the municipality of Copenhagen has created and implemented sensory carts in disability care homes to help employees regulate arousal levels of the residents. A sensory cart is a piece of furniture on wheels equipped with different instruments to stimulate the senses of disabled citizens. Although the use of sensory carts in care homes have been successful there were some changes made in the implementation process. The aim of this paper is to examine what work and adaptations need to be done in order to ensure an effective and positive implementation process.

Atomkrafts indflydelse på samfundet

This project aims to study and discuss discourses appearing in debates regarding nuclear power in Denmark today. The examination and identification of historical and existing discourses will be based on the perspective of social constructivism and discursive practices, with the purpose to get a specific perspective on the subject. By doing this, the project has included its own empirical data and furthermore used external empirical knowledge, to accommodate the study of the above. Besides the focus on discours, the project also aims to study the technological part of nuclear power. The project

antidepressiv medicin

This paper will explain and discuss subjects regarding depression, and its consequences. Depression is among the most common mental disorders, and it is estimated that depression affects roughly around 150 to 300 thousand people in Denmark every year.

P-piller til mænd

This study seeks to examine the reason why male birth control pills do not exist and why the development of such have not gotten any further. In addition, the project also seeks to elaborate what social and individual significance it would have if such a pill became a reality.

Historiske computerspil

This paper seeks to investigate the technology historical videogames and how the user is affected by the technology when being introduced to factual history from the game.

Stress hos unge i gymnasiet

Fænomenet stress er gået hen og blevet en afgørende problemstilling, når den bliver sat i kontekst med gymnasieelever. Dette projekt undersøger, hvordan de unge elever oplever stress i gymnasiet, og hvilke faktorer der stresser dem. Til at gå i dybden af projektets fænomen, har vi gjort brug af Axel Honneths anerkendelsesteori, samt Anthony Giddens teori om individet i det senmoderne samfund.

Arbejdskraft og identitet

Projekt om sociale interaktioner i VRChat.


This type of research is usually initiated by citizens, who experience lack of knowledge or transparency regarding certain problems.The technological aspect with sensors has given people the opportunity to experience and measure air quality in a way that would not have been possible without technology. This project will address air pollution and citizens’ lack of knowledge thereof. Air pollution negatively affects the citizens’ health. The project will continuously weigh the driving forces and barriers of citizen science and technology, in relation to air pollution.

Gambling i Gaming-industrien

In the modern era technology has many aspects that define our relationship with the
world outside of our subjective senses. It, therefore, becomes crucial in an academic
sense to investigate such a relationship between a certain technology and the subject
which through their practice of interaction with the tech, comes to a new
understanding of the world, and through said interaction, therefore, acts differently
than otherwise.

Anti-depressiv medicin blandt unge

More and more people are getting into depression and the number of young people getting sick has grown much in the last decade. Mental disorders are a taboo subject in society and there is generally a lack of knowledge about the subject among the population, making it difficult for young people to decide what to do if they feel depressed.


En rapport der omhandler den skepsis omkring COVID-19 vaccinen, som er skabt i løbet af de sidste par år.

Sociale Medier og Unges Mistrivsel

The focus of this case study is to explore and possibly conclude on whether the influence of social media has a direct effect and cause on children’s well-being specifically Danish children in secondary school. This case study is centered in the Science, Technology and Society field supported by theories from Design and Construction. With use of qualitative interviews of a graduating class and various reports on Danish students’ well-being as well as theories from sociologist Erving Goffman. This paper explores the possibility that social media might have an impact on the students’ well-being.

Fingerplanens indflydelse af København

This project intends to examine the effects the ‘fingerplan’ have had, and will have, on the possibilities of transport along the lane-like structure that make up the five ‘fingers’.


Skærmforbrugs påvirkning på børn

This project assignment focuses on 2- to 5-year-old children’s screen use. It states how they use the screen and some of the consequences connected with a high screen use. Furthermore, it focuses on the great impact from society and what social situations have on the different purposes and the implementation of screens.

Vertikal farmings rolle i en bæredygti

This paper regards the possible role of vertical farming in a transition of the conventional agriculture towards sustainability in Denmark. Therefore, the appliances as well as the limitations of vertical farming are established as well as the actors (such as vertical farmers, conventional agriculture, consumers, and the government) and their relations to each other and to the forementioned transition.
Agriculture, in general, covers more than 1/3 of earths landmass, and a little less than 2/3 of Denmark’s landmass. Conventional agriculture poses different environmental challenges, such as em

Atomkraft og implementering

This project examines the narrative and its effect on how safety is conceived, with regards to a technology such as nuclear power. How a narrative developing through time has been affecting society and the perception on nuclear safety. In order to find an understanding of this narrative, there is involvement of relevant theories to examine how we measure and understand what is certain and what is uncertain. This differentiation will support a better understanding of the society’s view on the matter, as well as how and what impact the narrative has had on nuclear power.

Chat rooms for ensomme

In the following paper we wish to examine how online chatrooms such as can help young people with problems like loneliness. It is a common problem that especially young people experience loneliness, and can feel that it is a difficult topic to talk about.
In a time where the internet and technology is a big part of our society, it is also a tool where we now can find help with a lot of mental and physical problems. We will research what chatroom technology can offer young people with loneliness.

Moderne hekse

This project explores the phenomenon magical resistance in a case study of the Facebook group “Bind Trump”. Magical resistance as a movement grew after Trump was elected, initiated by the Bind Trump-ritual. Through interviews of members and theory on social media the multistable functions of the group is analyzed. The purpose of the movement is to generate political change through collective magical rituals. Magic is defined as an activity done with intention. Magic doesn’t generate change in itself, and it is vital in magical resistance to manifest intentionality by participating politically

Lydklima til festivaler

Project about Sound Climate on Roskilde Festival

Mediernes dækning af klimakrisen

In this report we will examine digital journalism and its potential to create incentive towards climate action on an individual level, in which the target group represents the general danish citizen. We will hereby put an emphasis on the different ways which digital journalism as a technology can mediate its recipients, which is carried out through the scientific theory postphenomenology.

Undersøgelse om folks online liv

it’s about VRChat and relations in said program

Algoritmer og film

Have you ever watched a movie and thought to yourself “this movie is truly made for me”? Well, what if we said that maybe it is? Data and algorithms can be a strong combination when you use them together with the right knowledge and for the right purpose. Since the founding of the world wide web in 1989 digitalization of the world have been ever growing. In this project we examine how data is used to predict future movies and how agents at CAA use the data in their work. Through case study we learn that CAA consists of smaller departments like CAAdata. You could say that CAAdata is the secret



Notifikationer fra sociale medier

The purpose of this study is to gather information about the impact of smartphone notifications
from social media on the individual, specifically the impact on social relations. We therefore
came up with the research question “How do notifications from social media affect social relationships,
and what are the consequences?” The main theme for the project concerns the academic
fields of Subjectivity, Technology and Society (STS), and Technology Systems and
Artifacts (TSA).

VR og Mental sundhed

In this paper we want to investigate how Virtual Reality technology can contribute to the treatment of social anxiety. We want to explore this based on knowledge about Virtual Reality technology and the current treatments for social anxiety.

Coops bæredygtige tiltag

This project first examines Coop Denmark’s app function Dit klimaaftryk (Your climate foot-print) and Coop Sweden’s app function Hålbarhetsdeklaration (Sustainability declaration) and their commitment towards climate change. Furthermore, the project focuses on consumer be-havior throughout a shopping situation. The project then examines the in-app functions with a technical approach using the TRIN-analysis.

et samfund for psykisk sårbare

In this paper we wish to figure out if it’s actually the case that people prefer the online meetings over physical ones and if there actually is a possibility that the online meetings could replace the physical meetings. To do this we chose to analyze the suggested technology VitaComm using “TRIN-Modellen” as an analytical framework while viewing the technology through a phenomenological perspective on technology.

Algoritmer i det offentlige

This paper seeks to study the use and impact of artificial intelligence in the public sector focusing on the employment centers. Artificial intelligence is becoming a bigger part of the public sector in the hopes of streamlining processes and procedures. In order to understand how the implementation of A.I. will work. The underlying technology in A.I. will be analyzed in order to examine other parts of the technology. This will be done using the TRIN- model.

Virtuelt prøverum

This examination contains a statement of the problem about the volume of returns in online fashion, including the environmental impact it provides. The examination is based on the corporation The actual problem occurs, when the size guides and other factors makes it hard for the consumers to find the correct sizes. This makes it more likely that consumers buy multiple pieces of the same outfit in various sizes.

Depression hos unge

This report is about how to help children and youth in the age of 12-18 to reduce or combat mild and moderate depression through a digital platform. This is topical as depression is a serious and increasing mental disorder, resulting in long waiting times for psychologists, as well as making it more expensive for the state and depression sufferers.
To answer the problem formulation, various methods and empirical evidence have been used in the form of interviews, theory and existing digital platforms within depression. Two experts on the subject of depression have been interviewed, as

Atomkraft i Danmark

Atomkraftens økonomi

Afhjælpning af unges stress og angst

In this paper, we will try to understand the association between younger students’ stress and
social media. Stress and mental health problems are growing problems among the youth, and
it is presumed that social media are the cause for it. We have been focusing on looking into
the relation between the young students of Instagram and how it influences their mental
health, described as social pressures such as Fear of Missing Out, the collective
understandings of the “perfect image”, and much more…

Potentiale med selvkørende biler

The purpose of this project is to analyse and discuss the potential safety related to challenges that can occur with automotive vehicles. We categorize these safety threats into physical and digital security. As the fully automated vehicle is still under development, due to these safety challenges we also partly discuss the possible solutions for overcoming these obstacles. We have conducted two interviews to gain further knowledge of automotive vehicles and how they gain full safety with their technology. Through our empirical collection, we were able to get an overview of society’s current s


Igennem denne opgave har vi arbejdet med teoribegrebet angst, og er kommet frem til at der ikke findes nogen helt præcis teori for, hvad angst egentlig er. Vi har kigget på tre forskelli-ge teoretiske forståelser, hvor Søren Kirkegaards forståelse og Irene Henriette Oestrisch for-ståelse ikke er ens. Her ses at begge teoretikere ikke ser angsten på samme måde. Kirke-gaard snakker meget om, hvordan forskellige håndtere deres angst og mangel på håndtering. Derfor kan det medføre til værre angst jo ældre man bliver. Hvorimod Irene H. Oestrisch er meget mere orienteret på, hvordan man kan leve med

Redskab til psykisk sårbare


Fødevareemballage i cirkulær økonomi

This paper examines the possibilities of redesigning the current plastic packaging of meat products to include them in a circular economy. To understand how plastic food packaging is placed in a circular economy, the paper examines the various aspects, such as how food packaging is currently designed and todays’ available recycle and sorting technologies. The paper provides an in-depth analysis focusing on the technical difficulties of changing plastic packaging of food in three of the phases in the circular economy cycle: Design, Sorting and Recycling.

Teknologisk genoptræning

This report concerns the usage of sensor technology, where we focus on an already existing tech-nology named ICURA trainer. This technology is being used in several municipalities around Denmark, including Roskilde, to help patients with hip and/or knee injuries, undergo a more ef-fective rehabilitation period. This is done using these ICURA trainer sensors, which collect and analyze how well a patient performs their rehabilitation exercises.
Read the rest in the report.

Bæredygtigt dyrefoder

Der bruges meget plads på landbrug i Danmark og 80% af alle danske afgrøder, benyttes til fodring af avlsdyr. Udover det bruges 70% af verdens ferskvand på traditionelt landbrug og landbrugsjorden forurenes af pesticider og gødning.

VR til behandling af socialfobi

Vi undersøger i dette projekt om virtual reality kan bruges i behandlingen af socialfobi. I dag er den mest effektive behandlingsform kognitiv adfærdsterapi, hvor eksponering er nøglen til effektiviteten. Vi undersøger hvordan eksponering virker i virtual reality, og om dette er et bedre alternativ end den nuværende behandlingsform.

Small scale water supply.

Hvad gør vi, når der ikke er mere rent drikkevand tilbage?

Dette projekt analyserer teknologien indenfor afsaltning af saltvand til drikkevand.

Alternative måde på at forbedre it-sy

The report is about the search for alternative solutions for issues of the IT-systems in Roskilde university

Genanvendelse af tøj

Vores eksamens aflevering basis projekt 1- genbrug af tekstil.

Flytbare vægge

Yes, vi gjorde det sgu!

Æstetik og design

I denne opgave har vi valgt at kigge nærmere på Mjølnerparken og hvordan man ved hjælp af æstetiske egenskaber kan lave et design, som højner den æstetiske erfaring. Da Bovita allerede er i gang med en helhedsplan i området, har vi valgt at kigge nærmere på de steder, som vi mener bliver overset. Vi er kommet frem til, at vi ønsker at lave en lysinstallation, som ved hjælp af farvetemperatur og et æstetiske flot design, vil skabe en positiv æstetisk oplevelse.Ved hjælp af observationer og interviews i området har vi fundet brugernes krav til og oplevelse af mangler ved passagen.

Æstetisk videreudvikling af Trekroner

This project seeks to redevelop the connecting tunnel between platforms on the local train station in Trekroner and reevaluate the importance that aesthetics should have when designing spaces for public pedestrian use.
This project concludes that an aesthetic change would be highly beneficial for the users of the tunnels in Denmark both mentally and in user-friendliness. There is a lacking aesthetic beautification throughout the Danish tunnel network and pathways that could be rectified using aesthetics and using Jan Gehls quality criteria.


Færdiggjort rapport

Nem Affaldssortering

Semesterprojekt for affaldssortering

Design til hjemløse

This paper examines how homeless people have become more alienated in the city of Copenhagen. Through dark design as well as laws prohibiting homeless people sleeping together in camps, more and more homeless people are having a hard time finding a proper place to sleep. By closely examining the homeless strategy the municipality has in place, as well as talking to key figures in the community, our design attempts to better the terms homeless people have on the streets of Copenhagen.

Reduktion engangs plastikkrus RUC-bar

Gennem dette projekt, “Reduktion af plastik-kopper på RUCbar”, sætter gruppen sig for at designe et løsningsforslag der på bedst mulig måde opnår de opstillet krav for produktet, skabt under projektet. Kriterierne for produktets endelige design vil blive defineret igennem forskellige faser for at optimere resultatet. Gruppen vil arbejde med for eksempel segmenteringsanalyse, den tekniske viden og arbejdsmetoder som er relevante for processen og fremstillingen af prototypen. Dette er for at vise den opnåede viden gennem projektet.

En bæredygtig RUC-bar

This project examines the possibilities of reducing the use of single-use plastic cups in RUC-bar. With grounding in the Design Science Research realm, the project aims at creating a design solution, working within the premises of abductive logic. The exposition and analysis are structured within the design process model “The Double Diamond”, allowing for a flexible and iterative approach to problem-solving. Conclusively, the paper will present a recommendation for the chairperson of RUC-bar, encompassing the design solution and guidance thereof.

Præstationsangst app

Et projekt der omhandler eksamensangst. I dette projekt udvikler vi en prototype der skal hjælpe folk med eksamensangst.

Tryghed på Høje Taastrup St.

Done John


Our project explores the possibilities that VR technology can provide for us. Not only can it be used for game purposes, but also help us visualise our everyday homes and interior designs without having to worry about the real-life hassle of moving and placing furniture. We want to focus on how we can take advantage of VR, and use it to eliminate the missing visualisation, because sometimes it can be difficult to visualise the design when designing and furnishing rooms. The main purpose we want to examine and dig deeper in is how VR can be a useful tool when designing rooms.



Mental Sygdom VR/AR

This report examines Virtual Reality and the possible uses of this digital technology, as a means to convey a deeper understanding of what it feels like to have schizophrenia.

Flytbare vægge

I dette projekt, har vi fokus på støjs negative påvirkning på arbejdsmiljøet i storrumskontorer. Igennem undersøgelse af teori samt empiri, inden for emnet, er vi kommet frem til løsningen på problemet: En Flytbar Væg.

Automatisk Plante Vanding

This project aims to produce a solution to the problem surrounding the small number of young adults that buy houseplants. The conclusion for this problem came from an analytical production process, in which design theory played a key role. The project has utilized several methods of creating and constructing an analysis of the problem at hand, and several design methods to work an idea into a tangible and functional product. The analytical methods used to establish a documented understanding of the problem involve interviews, colored cognitive mapping, diffusion of innovation, as well as sever

app til social angst

Our project report focuses on the use of technology and how it can be used to create tools that can effectively help persons with mental health struggles, which we later decided to be specifically targeted at social anxiety. Through the research we have done and the literature that has been accumulated we came to the conclusion that the most productive way for us to accomplish the goal we wanted was through the development of an application.

AR Kunst


Mjølnerparkens teoretiske fremtid

This project is based on the idea of increasing the amount of social interaction between the residents in Mjølnerparken by remodeling the common outdoor area.

This is done by a thorough analysis of what works in the already established public area in Mjølnerparken and what can be added so that the residents will use the area more often.

Optimering af arbejdsprocesser

This paper will deal with time registration issues experienced by our collaboration partner. Their customer desires more detailed invoicing on the time consumption, but this requirement cannot easily be supported by the current time registering system. In this paper, we will investigate the problem through the MUST method, which assists us in performing a user-driven study. The report is based on empirical data collection involving employees and includes interviews, questionnaires and observations through the think-aloud method.


This project seeks to confirm or deny the hypothesis that students at Roskilde University in Denmark have an overall negative perception of the future. Based on the negative rhetoric and scaring artifacts concerning the future, not to mention the substantial research supporting the fact that there is an overwhelming fear with particularly young people, who are concerned about what the future holds. With doomsdays prophecies from everything from the climate crisis to the corona crisis. But is this fear truly justified? What does the data show us about the future?


Thispaper seeks to unfold and understand the reasons behind people’s behavior regarding discarded cigarette budsin the environment and aims to provide a suggestive solution to this problem. Through studies, surveys, and interviews this paper uncovers the theory and methodology behind people’s behavior and actions when discarding cigarette butts. These insights are gathered to get a clear understanding of how asystem for behavioral economics withan economic incentivecould be developed.Furthermore, this paper seeks to analyze and discuss the possible barriers regarding

Edible garden

This paper focuses on elements of a design to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases within the production of food to add to the sustainable development of our society. Because of huge emissions by the production, distribution, and disposal of produce of conventional agriculture, the purpose of this assignment is to compare the make an analysis between conventional agriculture and non-soil solutions. Furthermore, the three non-soil productions, hydroponics, aeroponics and aquaponics are analyzed to find the best compatible with our design.

This paper investigates the causes and consequences of cigarette butts in nature and smokers’ behavior of littering the butts. The subject is partly chosen because of our personal interest in environmental protection. The paper will account for our chosen approach towards the issue and the following development of a product solution that might help solve the issue. Qualitative interviews with professionals that study this field will be accounted for and analyzed, as well as quantitative surveys with the public. The analyses will be carried out based on relevant theory of the field, which in pr

Social angst med VR

Exposure therapy with VR

Sundhedsplatform for psykiatrien


Applying algorithms to solve a Rubik’s

In this project a problem of solving a rubik’s cube is presented. Here multiple algorithms can be used to solve it. The algorithm considered brute-force, depth first search, is here compared to two A* algorithms, with two different heuristics. The two heuristics are also compared to eachother to see how different heuristics can affect runtime.

Read more in report

Plante- og aromaterapi på Mars


Arduino ninja workshop.

A collection Power Point of what we did during the week, the process of my product and the final product.

zoneinddeling – Mjølnerparken

Zoneinddeling af Mjølnerparkens 4. karré

Klimaskærm til studenterhuset

Cecilie Toft Sode
Maj Hjortskov Jensen
Sofie Morville Kruse
SketchUp & Layout
Design af klimaskærm

Olsen Banden

En lille audio vandring rundt om RUC


We won the WE21!

Red Light, Green Light

What if children’s games were lethal?

Belysning i Mjølnerparken

I dette projekt har vi udarbejdet et forslag til optimering af lyset på gangstierne mellem boligblokkene i Mjølnerparken i København.



workshop#10 – E 2021 HumTek

vi er i gang med workshop 10, hvorpå vi skal lave en klimaskærm. vi har lavet en pergola som skal være ly for regn

Artificial Misinformation

En Ai som kan kommunikere med os når vi stiller den et spørgsmål.

Sociale medier og mental sundhed

Instagram og mental sundhed
– Hvordan relateres det
– Skader de sociale medier (Instagram) ens mentale sundhed

Guidelines til bedre miljømærker

This report seeks to help solve part of the problem, that the Danish consumers have buying sustainable products. Specifically, only 16% find that it is easy, or very easy to spot sustainable products. This is a problem because, a majority seems to want change and are willing to accommodate it, but they lack the ability to change, because of missing sustainable transparency. This report tries to change this, by taking a closer look at the technological system of ecolabels, and creating guidelines, for the two official Danish labels, on how better to communicate sustainability to consumers.

Sociale liv og strukturen af et minde

This paper seeks to examine how the formation of memories is affected by technology, with an interest in the mutual influence between human, technology and society. Our two science-theoretical standpoints, phenomenology and postphenomenology, are chosen in order to shed light on how smartphone technology shapes people and society, from a first-person perspective. The empirical methodology consists of phenomenological interviews which focus on individuals’ perception of the world.

Hjemløses teknologiske udfordringer

En undersøgelse af hjemløse i københavns udfordringer med teknologi.

Ansigt psykologi

The intention of this report is to document our studies about facial recognition and anxiety. We
investigated if it would be possible, with the help of facial recognition, to see some early signs
of anxiety. The methods we used in this study to gather information are Litteratur, interviews,
Participant observation, online surveys, Qualitative and Quantitative methods, trin-model, and
test of technology.
There are some topics we need to understand in order to see if facial recognition could be used
as a tool to discover early signs of anxiety. We need to understand how anxiety works.


En materiel-diskursiv og sanselig undersøgelse af Stejlepladsen og Fiskerhavnen. Udmundede i en udstilling med henblik på at undersøge og afprøve en anden tilgang til og formidling af områder end benyttet i eksisterende byudvikling

What do I do with 100g of chickpeas?

Exploration of meat consumption and strategies to reduce it in response to the need for global dietary shifts away from meat. Based on qualitative interviews with consumers, the analysis identifies barriers to reducing meat consumption, including limited understanding of environmental impacts and insufficient skills for meat-free meals. Building on this, workshops generate various initiatives, with consistent suggestions for interventions in supermarkets and public campaigns. This research provides insights into addressing meat consumption challenges and promoting sustainable dietary practices

AI som ven

The purpose of this project is to find the most optimal way to prevent suicide attempts amongst young adults by introducing a technological solution, such as the implementation of chatbots.

Overvågning På Instagram

Dette er vores færdige projekt omkring overvågning på Instagram.

Fremtidens landbrug – Vertical farming

This project examines the concept of vertical farming and its future possibilities in Danish agriculture. It investigates political, social and historical aspects of agriculture and is based on a case study on one of the leading vertical farm companies in Europe, Nordic Harvest. These aspects will be examined and analyzed with use of Dickson Despommier’s (2010) theories on vertical farming and will be put into perspective by looking at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, the project contains an in depth analysis of the most important technological features

Instagrams effekt på unges selvbillede

Projektet søger at belyse de utilsigtede effekter, særligt de negative, ved brug af det sociale medie, Instagram. Især hvordan retoucherede billeder, som kan tilgås på platformen, kan skabe et forvrænget virkelighedsbillede. Her er der særligt fokus på unge pigers (13-23 år) selvbillede og i hvilket omfang, dette bliver påvirket.

SDG-accelerator program – HelloScience

This bachelor thesis is a preliminary study on a potential pilot project between UNDP and HelloScience.
The thesis presents a vision of change based on the results. The vision includes thoughts on how a preliminary study could move forward and what further steps need to be taken before launching a pilot project. Specifically this means developing prototypes for the incorporation of the various tools available to be tested in an onboarding of a few SME’s on the HelloScience platform. Especially to make sure the SME’s can take full potential of the storytelling element on the platform.

Overvågning via Cookies

The project aims to discuss the use of cookies today through the theories of Shoshana Zuboff, Immanuel Kant and the ideology of utilitarianism. The discussion will be based on the results from the analysis, the perspective from critics of cookies and the users of cookies such as Facebook. From this analysis, we will be able to conclude if Facebook’s use of cookies has developed an influence on the users behavior and therefore to create an impact on democracy and the free choice.

Anti Racistisk Kunst Projekt

Kunst projekt der arbejder med blandingen mellem empati og interaktion igennem teknologi.

Vær opmærksom på at læse disclaimer før der blev set nogle film

Overvågning i det offentlige rum

Overvågning i det offentlige rum

Algoritme og Virksomheder

In this paper we want to investigate how Google as a search engine operates. We also seek to investigate how a given website’s rank can be increased on Google, based on the theory of search enginge optimization. In this regard we teamed up with the Human Ressource company, HRtechX, to illustrate how their website ranking on Google could be increased.
Our thesis explores whether HrtechXs ranking on Google can be affected by well-known search engine optimization strategies and theory hereabout. We describe the most important and relevant aspects of a search engine which include the following:

Ingenuity-helikopter på Mars

Projekt om anvendelse af UAV´er på Mars

Bæredygtige Energisystemer

This project examines the technology, Power-to-X (PtX) as a way to produce carbon neutral hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels, with a focus on the heavy transportation sector, as a means to reach the 2030 and 2050 climate goals, agreed upon at the 2016 Paris-Agreement.

Overall, this project will research how and to what extent PtX can play a key role in a carbon neutral conversion of the heavy transportation sector.

Anbefalingsalgoritmer i hverdagen

In the project we attempt to dig into the recommendation side of Spotify, how the algorithms work, and how they shape our way of listening to and discovering new music. We chose to work primarily with the Spotify playlist “Discover Weekly”, as it generates a new playlist full of songs the user most likely have not heard at all.
The highlights:
– General insight of a consumer’s experiences with the Spotify Recommendation Algorithms.
– Awareness to how these algorithms affect the consumers choice of music.
– How the algorithms and discover weekly has affected us during the project period.

Teknologisk overvågning

In this report, we seek to examine technological surveillance in workplaces and environments and thereby the consequential influence on the employees. This examination is carried out through a thorough investigation of a particular case concerning as a workplace by the assessing of three technologies, and the influence and consequences of their implementation, in comparison to their supposed purposes.

Facebook-algoritmens indflydelse på sa

This project examines how the social media, Facebook, affects the behavioral traits of an individual Facebook-user through the use of the technological tool; algorithms. The background for the project stems from the documentaries, The Cambridge Analytica Scandal and The Social Dilemma. Based on the theory involved, we have managed to investigate how Facebook’s relevance algorithms affect and sometimes change the behavior of individuals………

Kunstig livmoder

Dette er den endelige report.

Ansigtsgenkendelse i Kina og London

This project seeks to examine the technology of facial recognition, to get an understanding of the consequences it brings. The research question is defined as follows:

“How does the technology behind face recognition work, and which positive and negative consequences can the technology have for the citizens of China and London?”.


The purpose of this project is to study the aspect of self-monitoring with a focus on how people use self-monitoring technologies such as Strava to track quantifiable data about themself. To investigate this, the project introduces a theoretical aspect of practice theory and Pierre Bourdieu, which will be applied through qualitative methods. Furthermore, to get an understanding for how the technology behind Strava is structured and developed, a technological analysis of Strava would be presented through the project. Moreover, the project aims to discover opportunities and restrictions correspo

AI som mental støtte

The healthcare system not only in Denmark but also in the world is lacking the needed psychologists to properly treat and diagnose people who are suffering from the effects of a given mental illness, under these is a major one namely depression. Depression is an issue that a lot of people struggle with, but there is not enough attention on depression to give a proper diagnose for the people suffering from the illness. This is a huge issue, since this illness is incredibly serious, and dangerous and many people can go years without the proper treatments.

Machine Learning and Spot

Med nok energidrik i blodet til at kunne dræbe en elefant ,har vi færdiggjort vores projekt.

In The Chains Of Algorithms

This project is a study regarding the usage of Facebook’s News Feed focusing on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. This project’s research will also include the effects the technology has on the users, in particular how the algorithms might polarize and in worst case radicalize the user. Our findings show that Facebook’s news feed consists of machine learning, decision trees and matrixes. These technological parts are what makes every single news feed individual and can to some extent make a user polarised and radicalised.

In our theoretical part of the project we made an in-depth

Hjemsendelse af udsatte børn.

Not everybody finds online tuition easy. We will try to solve this problem.

VR i sammenspil med psykisk lidelse


Kryptovaluta: moderne mønter

Bitcoin has many desirable attributes as a decentralized currency. We will in this paper attempt to discern whether it would be feasible to adopt the cryptocurrency instead of the fiat currency DKK. To accomplish this we have used the TRIN-model to outline the in- and external technological systems and processes, as well as advantages and disadvantages of both the current fiat valuta DKK and Bitcoin.


This report seeks to evaluate on lessons learned so far running the digital platform Thirdroom since 2017, with its prime starting point in the Humtek house under RUC, IMT. The information gathered is used to generate an implementation strategy for Thirdroom to be executed on IKH in the nearby future. Through the use of ‘Semi constructed Interview Method’ data has been gathered from different individuals belonging to different interest groups, connected to the usages of Thirdroom.

De hjemløses verden

This project examines how Odense municipality can use GPS-tracking as a tool for citizen involvement regarding urban planning. It investigates social and technological aspects of how the homeless can be empowered by being included in the process of urban planning. Furthermore, the technologies and systems of GPS-tracking, data management and data visualization will be analyzed.


The importance of the internet, and its capability to facilitate information-, and knowledge sharing is ever-increasing. This trend, increases the importance of the foundational technical applications in cyberspace. However, some of the technology applications, like the web cookie, which is a small data file used to cache website attributes, are being used in ways, not intended initially, thus enabling controversy in its use, as it pertains to the tracking of personal information, for example. In this project, we will examine how the web cookie technology is facilitating surveillance capitalis

Cookies i medier

Tracking cookies (and pixel-tracking) are both methods that help collecting data around and about internet users. Cookies collect information and data on different formats, while pixels essentially do the same, but, apparently, with more variety in data collected on the user (and then sent to the pixel-creators server).
Advantages of tracking cookies and pixels (tracking, in general terms) could be that marketing can be targeted and be more relevant to the targeted subject. Disadvantages could be the ethical implications that the implementation of the tracking would provoke.

De indre mekanismer af onboarding

This project revolves around the onboarding-process on the website Thirdroom. Thirdroom is facing a problem due to its lack of resources, to maintain sufficient amounts of mentors for mentor driven onboarding. In the future Thirdroom is meant to be a collaborative tool, for the entirety of Roskilde University. To solve this problem, this project seeks to establish an IT-facilitated solution. In solving this problem, we applied theory about gamification, first impressions, nudging and more. The end result is an onboarding-process which we hope inspires the future of Thirdroom.

Videospil med Kunstig intelligens

We looked at the effect microtransactions has on both the player but also the game industry

VR i sundhedssektoren

VR’s applications have broadly been viewed as deeply connected and thus isolated within the gaming sector.

However, the technology’s ability to play with people’s perceptions using presence through incorporation of PI and PSI, means
that now applications within the health sector have shown more promise.

Considering people suffering from social anxiety disorder, this report seeks to uncover how therapists in conjunction with their patients are using VR in treatment.

Social Computer Interaction

This project examines how social interaction can be streghtened amongst young Copenhageners through interactive installations.

Kryptovaluta: En komparativ analyse af

Bitcoin has lately gained massive attention in the media due to huge price fluctuations. However, most people don’t actually know how the inner technological systems of Bitcoin work. This paper seeks to understand the inner workings of the technology and how it might be implemented as a currency in Denmark.


This paper dives into the thoughts and processes behind the Supercykelsti
phenomenon that seeks to enrich Denmark’s bicycling infrastructure. By interviewing
officials from within the system of developing infrastructure, it becomes clear which
parameters and standards the biking lanes must contain. The most vital parameters;
hereunder security, comfort and accessibility, have been studied and put into context
of each other. Nudging is also discussed as a means to help citizens increase the
effectiveness of the parameters themselves. Analyzing the Supercykelsti also makes
it apparent where thes

Protection of otters in Denmark

In Denmark, the extinction status of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is categorized as “vulnerable”. Sadly, each year many are killed by traffic when trying to cross the roads running through their habitat. In this paper we are researching how GIS can contribute to the surveillance and protection of the otter population in Denmark. We will investigate how analyses and processing of data in GIS can contribute to better informed initiatives in protecting otters from being killed by traffic. By looking into theory on conservation initiatives, like the Ramsar Convention…

GPS overvågning

This Project assignment is about the Global Positioning System (GPS), how it works and its impact on society in relation to smart mobility.
We used the 6-step model by Thomas Budde Christensen, Erling Jelsøe and Niels Jørgensen, to understand how the GPS work and operates.
Throughout the project, four different cases will be examined, which gives an overview on the great impact GPS has on society in relation to smart mobility.

Implementering af solceller

Et projekt omkring diffusion af solceller

VR Eksponeringsterapi for Social Angst

Social anxiety has for a long time been a problem for many people because of its ability to stun people and make them scared of normal human to human interaction, but now we may have a new way to help people with this problem in the form of VR technology.
The purpose of this report is to explore how VR technology can help people with social anxiety problems and what can be done to implement and innovate VR technology as a means of exposure therapy.

Facebooks Relevansalgoritme

Et indblik i Facebooks relevansalgoritme og dens magt.

Sleep learning

Projekt om hvordan Silbot kan bruges til bevarelse af kognitive funktioner.

Digitale fodspor og effekten af cookie

The focus of this study is how cookies and their algorithms, influence the youth, in specific Genera-tion Z, through the social media called TikTok. We seek to inform about the influence of social media in relation to Generation Z, and attempt to better our understanding of the issues that may arise, as social media apps like TikTok entangle themselves in the lives of a young generation.

Data- & online aktivisme

This project focuses on online radicalization with a special look into YouTube and its recommendation algorithm, and how it can affect the radicalization process.

Blockchain og Kryptovaluta

This paper researches the topic of criminalities influence on Bitcoin.

Kunderejse hos Oveo

This paper examines how Oveo is structured as a business, what obstacles they encounter and how their customer journey can be optimized. We conclude that Oveo should be aware of its structure due to overtime work and due to the fact that the international employees risk not feeling like a part of the community. We also suggest that Oveo establishes a channel, where leads and customers can evaluate the product. This will also give Oveo an insight into what their customer segment needs as well as feels during the customer journey, which could improve their product in the long term.

Game environment for interaction

We have programmed a 3D game that has the fundamental function of a starting first person shooter game.
The player can move, jump, aim, shoot and the AI’s can chase, patrol and
shoot after the player. We created different AI’s so the game has more variety, instead of just fighting one enemy all the time. They have different Health points, some can shoot, chase and
others just patrol. The game has a scoreboard of enemies left counter, but does not have the
most optimal functions. Bugs can emerge, but do not ruin the fundamental function coded in
the game. The design of the game is basic.

Recognizing Emotion in Dance

This project aims to examine how a program can detect emotions in a user’s dance
movements, and how this can be utilized in an interactive scenography. The project utilizes machine-learning to predict which emotion is portrayed through the user’s dance moves via a live video-feed. Each classification of the user’s emotion is set to trigger a corresponding graphical animation. The final program manages to create an interactive relation between the user and the scenography’s visual appearance.

Task Management

This project examines how to develop a tool for task scheduling using the Google Calendar API. Our program aims to be helpful for students who have difficulties planning the school assignments into their calendar.
We have integrated the Google Calendar and our application, which inserts the tasks into the user’s calendar. The scheduling algorithm handles the tasks’ deadline and duration, splits them into multiple events and sends them to the free time slots.

AI og spilleadfærd

This project is about how Danske Spil exploits artificial technology to identify and prevent problematic betting behaviour. We have been in direct contact with two employees from Danske Spil to collect the necessary data to answer the problem definition. One of them is the actual developer of the model, the other one is the person who is responsible for “Responsible Gaming”

In the theoretical part of this project, we examined in-depth how AI works, and found out that Danske Spil uses Supervised learning to optimise their model.


This study investigates and presents our project on how to provide better conditions, coordination
and communication for the users of Aula. Our main goal for the given project is to present solutions
to the missing elements in Aula. Therefore, we wish to accomplish a better and a rather simplified
environment for the teachers, that also has the ability to reach the pupils, and the overall user of

Digitalisering af Carlshuse


Kommunikation hos Feriepartner Møn-Ste

The study investigates the needs of Feriepartner Møn-Stevns, a vacation rental bureau. In an effort to increase effectiveness through a new digital feature, set to solve issues with their internal communication. It makes use of the MUST-method to focus on user centered analysis, design and strategic planning. The analytic data is obtained through conducting research observations with relevant stakeholders within the Bureau.
The study utilizes stakeholder analysis in order to structure Unified Modeling Language diagrams to visualize the “as-is” structure giving the data to restructure

Controlled drone

Technological development is advancing rapidly with drones, and therefore the technology for drones is constantly improving. However, research shows that the control of drones has been primarily in the form of keyboard and joystick. With this project, we want to challenge the current control of drones to a control through hand gestures and – movements using MediaPipe and OpenCV. We will test the program’s hardware and software in several tests with methods like acceptance- and black-box testing. The program will be tested on anonymous people that will give us data on further programming.


Soldater for børn


This project is looking into the issues of turing computation. Here the concept of turing machines are explain, as well as what turing computation means. This brings in the Church-Turing-Thesis and some posible answers of the thesis. Here the accellerated turing machine and the O-Machine were mentioned, who both have each their own limitations.
To understand the discussion in detail, papers from two experts on the topic have been investigated; Jack Copeland and Martin davis.

For more read the report

Workshop – Mars, Psyken + tek i rummet

Astronauter står over for enorme psykologiske udfordringer ved længere rumrejser. VR er potentielt et værktøj, der kan styrke psyken i denne situation.

Her er vores forsøg på at illustrere dette.

Hvad er den perfekte kvinde? – podcast

Denne podcast omhandler kvinders påklædning.

! Vil vi gøre jer opmærksomme på, at podcasten indeholder et lydklip, som er baseret på en voldtægtsscene, og kan derfor virke stødende for nogle. I så fald anbefaler vi ikke at lytte. !

Kom tættere på hinanden med hobbyer

Kender du også det at alle dine venner har noget de brænder for, mens du bare sidder der hjemme og ser den ene serie efter den anden? Vi har fremstillet en prototype af en app, som skal hjælpe netop dig med at blive motiveret og inspireret til at finde en hobby og måske finder du noget du virkelig brænde for.
Du kan se en video om vores projekt her:

Her finder du et link til vores App (prototype):

Podcast – Det Kontroversielle Hjørne

Tag gerne dine høretelefoner på – så opnår du klart den bedste lyd oplevelse.
Oliver, spilles af Midde – vi vil gerne understrege, at alle medvirkende KUN spiller en rolle 😉

Videopræsentation af vores podcast kan ses nederst her 🙂

Sound as Creative Process – Mit KBH

Det endelige lydportræt!

Vores projekt, ‘Mit København’, omhandler lydene af København og de forskellige dele af byen; Østerbro, Vesterbro, Nørrebro og Kbh K. Konceptet bygger på et lydportræt af byen som, ved at genskabe lydene af hver bydel, giver fornemmelsen af at være til stede i byrummet. I hver bydel har vi forsøgt at ‘fange’ kendetegnene og dermed de lyde vi associerer med selve bydelen. Tag med os på rejsen gennem ‘Mit København’ – en nostalgisk fortælling om det København, vi kender (og savner)!

AI Workshop : Graphic design

Vi har under denne workshop lavet et program, hvor en bruger kan lave en tegning, hvorefter programmet omdanner det til et maleri med Pablo Picasso stilart.




For at illustrere, hvilken betydning VR teknologien kan have for astronauter i fremtiden, har projektet produceret en video, som følger Kevin, en astronaut på vej til Mars.

I filmen viser vi, hvordan VR bodysuiten fungerer. Vi antager, at VR rummet ikke kan være alt for pladskrævende og tungt i første omgang. Derfor bliver rummet småt og der implementeres i stedet en treadmill, så der er mulighed for mere bevægelse. På den måde kan astronauter også bruge VR som en form for motion.

Vi håber i nyder filmen!

Green Roof Space

Vores projekt “Green Roof Space”.

Ideen er at prøve at løse støj og gener fra byrummet generelt. Dette har vi prøvet at illustrere gennem vores enkle prototype, der skal vise hvordan et simpelt hyggeligt rum med tilhørende udendørs areal kan mindske lydgener, da støjen derved bliver ført over byrummet og andre mennesker.
Samtidig med at de tomme tage og plads bliver udnyttet.

Dette vil skabe et privat sted at kunne mødes uden at generer andre i nabolaget.

Styr andres lys med Google Home

Vores projekt i Arduinoworkshoppen 2021, der handler om beskeder man kan sende til sine venner gennem lys via smart home assistants. Vi bruger forskellige ord som “triggers” til at sende et signal til hinanden, som så vil ændre hinandens lysfarve, og dermed vise hvad vi har gang i.

Dating and Doubts – Podcastworkshop

Vi har lavet en historiefortællende podcast med fokus på undergenren: fiktionspodcast. Historien handler om en kvinde, som skal på date med en fyr. For at sætte podcasten i kontrast til emnet køn, vil vi gerne give lytteren mulighed for en lidt mere abstrakt fortolkning af kønsroller og dreng/pige-forholdet på en date.
Vi anbefaler at benytte hovedtelefoner, når man lytter til podcasten. God lyttelyst!


Workshop podcast.

#WSF21 AI Workshop: Smartmirror

Via kodning og kreativitet har vi udarbejdet et Smartmirror samt en protype hertil. Du kan via de delte links prøve tøj på samt se processen bag.

Vi håber du syntes lige så meget om vores projekt som vi selv gør!! 😀

Tak fordi du kigger forbi!!!

God fornøjelse 😉

Marskoloni 22. århundrede #WSF21

Kuppel D, sol 66, (Earth Time: 12/03/2100)

Vi tog den drastiske beslutning at sende mennesker til Mars for at bosætte sig. Målet var ikke at sende millioner af mennesker til Mars, men rettere at garantere menneskehedens overlevelse.

Kuppel D blev bygget i siden af et krater, derved kunne vi sikre os mest mulig beskyttelse fra stråling. I begyndelsen af koloniseringen valgte vi at drage inspiration fra jordens terrasse rismarker, vi kunne hermed udnytte de lodrette kratervægge og gøre plads til landbrug samt beboelse.

Workshop: Arduino ninja

>>> Ensomhed på twitter <<<

Jeg har lavet et projekt der sætter fokus på ensomhed og fællesskab.

I min video forklarer jeg i korte træk hvordan det teknisk fungerer (med data der hentes ned fra Twitter).
Men konceptet er et visuelt output der simplificere den data der kommer ind og er tilgængelig for alle og til fri fortolkning.

Det er en prototype af en installation der kunne være spændende at have i byrummet og se hvordan folk reagerer og interagerer!

Jeg håber det vil inspirere dig til at tale om ensomhed med dine medstuderende.

(Billedet: boFÆLLESSKABET hvor jeg er vokset op)

Workshop 8 – Arduino

Jeg lavede et produkt kaldet ROOMTEMP hvis opgave er at måle temperatur og fugtigheden på mit værelse om natten.
Formålet var at se hvornår der kom mest fugtighed om natten, se hvor høj temperaturen var når fugtigheden var højest.

Fremgangsmåden var at skrive en kode til mit Wemos board, som ville få en DHT sensor til at måle temperatur og fugtighed, men samtidig sende dataen videre til Thingspeak via online forbindelse og en APIkey. Derudover besluttede jeg mig for at bygge en kasse, som jeg kunne sætte mine komponenter fast i.

Processen var en simpel og hurtig metode til at nå mit mål

SAACP Workshop – ‘Go Hide’

I løbet af denne uge har vi lavet et lydportræt, som handler om en flygtning i skjul.

Artful Dancer #WSF21

Artful dancer er et produkt der skal give en anderledes interaktion med computeren, end de fleste er van til. Vi har udarbejdet en prototype på et program der forbinder det kropslige, kreative og det tekniske. Med en positionstracker og et integreret tegneprogram, har vi forbundet dine hænders bevægelser, med et kunstfyldt udtryk. Dette, skal sammen med integreret musik, give en sanselig og meditativoplevelse.

Prøv det selv af her:
– Stå oprejst for at få den bedste oplevelse

Se koden her:

Er du dus med campus?

Arbejdsdokument til indsamling af data og idégenerering til modelbygning.

Prøvestenen Syd

Vores færdige design af prøvestenen, fremlægges kort i vores video i linket forneden.

Showtime på Thirdroom

En opsamling/evaluering af Workshop Showtime F2021, som viser graden af aktiv deltagelse og interaktion på Thirdroom.

Workshop Design af energiplan

Vi har igennem de to uger arbejdet med energiplaner og hvordan man kan blive CO2 neutral. Vi har lært noget om hvordan de forskellige ting hænger sammen når det kommer til affaldshåndtering, energisystemer og udledning. Så vi har fået et godt indblik af hvordan det hele fungerer overordnet.

Kønsroller i barndomshjem – Podcast

En podcast hvor vi diskuterer kønsroller.

Astronautens døgnrytme

Linket til video presentationen:


Design af fremtidens energisystem

Ferie Alternativ #WSF21

Her har vi en video præsentation af vores proces.


Videoen til launch ligger under milepælen “Showtime præsentation” – god fornøjelse”

Optimering af Den Røde Plads

Denne video præsentation indeholder en udpensling af vores forståede problemer af Den Røde Plads, en analyse af problemets realitet samt et bud på hvordan man evt. kunne imødekomme sagte problem.

Workshop Design af fremtidens …..

Det her har været vores forløb på vores workshop


Vores produkt er en notifikationsmeddeler, der er designet som en postkasse. Notifikationsmeddeleren fungerer således at en Servo-motor samt LED-lys vil blive aktiveret, når brugeren modtager en besked over internettet. Se videoen for den fulde oplevelse af vores produkt.

Workshop 8 – Arduino

Arduino workshop tidslinje.
Tidslinjen indeholder arbedsprocessen over 2 uger fra workshoppen. Tidslinjen indeholder både den første uges arbejde, med forskellige små projekter vi lavede for at finde en ide til det endelige produkt vi udarbejdede. Det færdige produkt kan ses som det sidste punkt på tidslinjen.

Link til videopræsentation:

Tulle – The Opensource Smart-Assistant

Project Tulle is an opensource Smart-Assistant, that can tell you a joke on-demand, and what the weather is like. You can also tell it ‘Good Morning’, ‘Good afternoon’ and ‘Goodnight’.

Here’s our code-presentation link:

Here’s our code for you to edit and play with:

Here’s a link for our video-production:

Basargrunden ved Nørrebro station

Re-design af Basargrunden ved Nørrebro

Design af fremtidens energisystem

Vores præsentation:
Derudover er vores roadmap også vedhæftet.

Lydportræt af Skriget

Lydportræt af Skriget.



Dette er vores produkt som skal forestille en TV-udsendelse i 2187 der omhandler 100-års jubilæet for Mars uafhængighedserklæring.

Workshop 8: Tidsbegrænset læselampe

En læselampe med tids-restriktion

Workshop: Energisystemer

Der er vores løsning til workshoppens problemstilling. Enjoy:)

Gør RUC studerende gladere

Vi har fundet et program ved navnet Habitica. Formålet er meget simpelt; Gør din hverdag overskuelig med vaner i form af to-do lister. Vi tror at Habitica kan hjælpe de studerende på RUC med at få en bedre og mere struktureret hverdag under COVID-19

HumTeks egen discord

How can we accommodate the lack of engagement and mental well being at RUC.

During our workshop, we created a design sprint. Here we took the 5 workdays of the week into different sections; Monday we looked for the underlying causalities and symptoms, Tuesday we looked to create different solutions, Wednesday we picked out the most favored solution, Thursday we created a prototype and Friday we tested the prototype out on our target audience. The effectiveness of the design sprint mean that we could identify the lack of social ties and that a discords server could help. Testing was positive.

Design sprint studierammer

Vores idé har til formål at skabe rammer og rutine så individet føler at de har en hverdag og noget at se frem til.

Ideen er at før eller under forelæsning skal der forekomme en fysisk aktivitet i form af f.eks. en hurtig gåtur, 5 minutters udstrækning.

Ved at lave en fysisk aktivet før den gennemsnitlige online undervisning/forelæsning begynder, “jumpstarter” vores idé hjernen og forbereder den til at modtage læring.

Udover fysiske aktiviteter er vores idé også at undervisningen har et “pausesystem”, som underviseren primært styrer. Så eleverne derved ikke føler de sidder stille og ly

Glade og engageret studerende

Launch indeholder testdata fra vores respondenter. Det er vigtigt at sige, at vi ikke kan generalisere ud fra den data vi har fået, men det giver en udemærket indikation.

Workshop – bæredygtig tøjproduktion

Vores arbejde under workshoppen

Offentligt transport

This project incorporates the dimensions “Subjectivity, Technology and Society”, “Design & Construction”, and “Scientific Theory”.
The assignment is focused on the sustainable and environmentally friendly aspects of public transport systems. The report goes on to explore how green and sustainable public transport truly is, and how we can make people between the ages of 18 to 29 play a bigger part in slowing down the global CO₂ emissions by choosing public transportation.

Fælles platform for ensomme

This project examines if a digital platform can be designed to reduce the feeling of loneliness among young and old individuals, by creating a platform that embraces different design techniques suitable for younger and older people.

Seksuel krænkelse på arbejdsmarkedet

Mennesket bruger cirka ⅓ af sin hverdag på arbejdspladsen. Derfor er det essentielt at arbejdspladsen er et godt og trygt sted, hvor både det fysiske og psykiske arbejdsmiljø er tilfredsstillende. Især det psykiske miljø, hvor seksuel krænkende adfærd finder vi relevant, da problematikken kan have negative konsekvenser for den det går udover (Heinskou et al, 2017).
Det kan dog være svært at definere hvornår noget er seksuel krænkende, og hvor den enkelte persons grænse er. For hvad der er seksuel krænkende for én, er ikke nødvendigvis gældende for alle andre.

Doughnut-modellen i København

This paper will examine how the municipalities of Copenhagen and Amsterdam accommodates
climate change through their respective climate plans. This paper will also investigate Kate Raworts
doughnut-model and its implementation in Amsterdam. In addition, this paper will investigate
how the concept of development has changed since the middle of the 20th century up till today.
Furthermore, there will be conducted a comparative analysis, comparing the two cities climate
plans. Here the strengths and weaknesses of the two cities approaches to climate change will be laid

Twitter og Amerikansk Politik

This project examines the present use of Twitter in relation to the American presidential election in 2020. Furthermore, it examines the possible consequences and problems related to the use of Twitter, as well as some of the regulations on the subject.The project concludes that the use of Twitter in the weeks before the election increases. Filter bubbles and misinformation are two central problems related to the use of Twitter, and the project concludes that there is a need for transparency on the subject and the current way of regulating it.

Eksoskeleton for elders

Something educational about exoskeletons

Nøglen til Paris?

A systemic approach to redirect the over-consumption of the danes.

Datingkulturen i det moderne samfund

The purpose of this project is to examine how Tinder works and have changed the way people date in the modern society.

Kommunikation i sundhedsvæsenet

In Denmark practitioners and patients are not good at communicating with each other, which has led to 63 people dying each year because of patient injuries that occur due to misdiagnosis. Over time, the Danish government in collaboration with municipalities and regions have improved digitalization in danish healthcare, intending to support communication for this issue. With this in mind, the project examines if an app can contribute to stronger communication between a general practitioner and a patient.

Tænker du over din data?

In the era of the 21st century, humanity has been revolutionizing digital technology. The report illuminates discussions about how society, subjectivity and technology is formed and shaped by the phenomenon Big Data, which happens throughout the project by focusing on researching the technology’s effects on society and mankind. In order to get a better view of what Big Data is, the method accumulates in analyzing the concept of the technology, which aspects are important and what sort of actants are connected with the technology? With epistemological research of science theory, and a literate

Central Bank Cryptocurrency

The Future of cash
a Digital Cryptobased Alternative
This Paper seeks to discover pros and cons of implementing af crypto based alternative

Implementeringer af Random Reward Mech

The goal of this paper is to examine the feature of Random Reward Mechanisms (focused on loot boxes as an artifact) in video games and hopes to spark more discussions and investigations into the topic. Our focus was set on examining the consequences of loot boxes on certain social elements such as individuals and game developers/publishers. We have collected theories and methods from various scientific areas such as Actor-Network theory, Social Construction of Technology and Nudging. We have put them to use by analyzing the current situation from the perspective of an individual consumer and t

SoMe’s design og effekter af Skærmtid

This project examines the use of social media and how it affects the daily lives of Danish students. We will study if technology may factor in behavioural changes. We will look into if Apple’s Screen time could be a tool to decrease the user’s time on social media.

De sociale medier og mentalt helbred

Vi vil med denne opgave sætte fokus på den identitet man skaber online og den manglende digitale dannelse. Derudover vil du kigge på flere faktorer, for at få en helhedsforståelse af problematikker unge piger kommer igennem via. Instagram.

Menneskerettigheder i en digital alder

Ever since societies across the world has started employing algorithms to sort data in social context, the distribution of sorting algorithms has engaged several studies that concern algorithmic
construction, unintended effects of algorithmic sorting, and how individuals, technology and society merge and flourish in our age. Several of these studies has put a strong focus on the hidden layer of information that most studies have denoted: the ‘black box’ of the algorithm.

Covid-19’s påvirkning af PD-metoder

The purpose of this paper, is to examine how Covid-19 and the restrictions that have followed, have affected participatory design (PD) methods.
PD is well-known for being a design method where cooperation and user involvement is essential. When Covid-19 hit the world at the beginning of 2020 many countries tried to fight the pandemic with lock downs and social distancing. In the wake of these, it is the hypothesis that PD as a method was affected.

Mobileffekter og forstyrrende objekter

This paper concludes that the observed children can be distracted by objects in the classroom, both mobile devices and non-technological
objects. However, mobile devices have certain affordances that intentionally invite
the user to be distracted. Therefore, we conclude that it is effective for schools to
make rules and policies regarding the use of mobile devices. However, it can be
discussed whether we, as adults, can make these statements about the lives of
children, when we have an entirely different lifeworld perspective.

Brugerdrevet design

The purpose of thisprojectistotry to identify common tendencies in different PD cases, and to see if it is possible to schematize these tendencies, toachievea higher understanding, and a helpful guide for future PD-projects.Furthermore, the project will explainindetail how current PD-projectsfunction and the ups and downs by takingaparticipatory approach.The project will include a comprehensivedata analysis, interviews with leading PDresearchersand the use of theauto ethnographicapproach.Through empirical,quantitativeand qualitativemethods, the project has found its foundation in six…

Kommunikation under Corona

This project will explore the problems that occurred when physical meetings were replaced by online meetings, and how students adapted during this process. To examine the problem, this project will conduct interviews and observations of students, and interview counsellors at Roskilde University. Furthermore, theory on Online Collaboration, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Computer Supported Cooperative Work is included in the analysis of the gathered data. Within scientific theory Postphenomenology is featured to shed light upon the relation between humans and technology.

Hyperloops: Fremtidens Transport

This is a paradigmatic, quasi-comparative case study of the hyperloop project running between San Francisco and Los Angeles. By comparing the hyperloop system to similar systems such as the Shinkansen high speed rail system in Japan, we attempted to assess the role which the hyperloop will inhabit going forward. We found that the hyperloop shares some characteristics with the Shinkansen systems, such as long distance travel at high speeds with the aid of frictionless electromagnetic levitation. This technology, along with a vacuum tube will mitigate the high energy consumption that would other

Netnografisk analyse af BTS som subkul

In this project we wanted to investigate how the communication between members of the fangroup ARMY are and what we can tell from their communication. We wanted to find out how the individual ARMY member feels and why he or she is a member.
We have found out that each member of ARMY identifies themselves as ARMY. From their communications with other members of ARMY online, we have found out that their sense of identity and some of their stories are bigger than just being a fan.

Fertilitet i Danmark

The purpose of this report is to examinate artificial insemination and the related discourses in news media. The report attempts to apply different scientific theories regarding feminism to explain the different views from the articles. The report therefore has a focus on subjectivity technology and society as well as a minor focus on technological systems and artefacts. The goal of the report is to discuss whether there is a scientific explanation of the discrimination within laws of scientific insemination or if the reasoning is a result of discourses.

Sociale Medier og Politik

This paper seeks an answer to the posing challenges of the uprising of social media and Twitter, in the modern political landscape. By looking at theory composed by the theorists Langdon Winner and Stig Hjarvard, we try to analyze and discuss the changes that social media has brought to the current political landscape. Twitter has had an impact on the way politicians’ campaign, and provides a large platform to, unsupervised, spread a lot of political information and opinions.

Smart Homes/Smart Mirror

The focus of this project is Subjectivity, Technology and Society, apart from this the report
will also include elements from the course Technology, Systems and Artefacts. The purpose of
this report is to research what consequences Smart Home devices can have on their user’s
privacy and the security of their homes and find out whether these consequences can have
negative or positive effects. Furthermore, we introduce our own homemade Smart Home
device, a Smart Mirror.

Plastik i havene set i virtual reality

This project aims to examine how a virtual reality experience can change people’s understanding of the world in relation to plastic waste in the oceans. We concluded that by aiming this experience at the politicians we will reach the best outcome because they influence the laws, and this will make a broader change. Based on our project we conclude that a virtual reality experience aimed at the politicians is a desirable tool to encourage people to make a difference, and to make them aware of how we are connected to the world through water.

Hjælpemiddel til lydsensitivitet

Some individuals with underlying conditions such as autism tend to have issues with overstimulation in noisy environments and/or hypersensitivity towards specific or loud sounds – also called hyperacusis. In this paper we will investigate the possibilities and difficulties of alleviating issues with hyperacusis, while focusing on designing a discreet wearable device that can aid people in this target group.

Den gode rejse

In this assignment we seek to study and understand the topic of hygiene rules in trains and on train stations and why travelers may or may not follow them.
The assignment focuses on describing what we have found to be a problem in the current situation of Corona, what the problem entails, what causes there might be for the problem and to offer a possible solution.

Safe Copenhagen

In the following paper we wish to examine how the individual respond to surveillance. Overall, there´s more than 1.5 million CCTV cameras in Denmark corresponding to 1 CCTV camera per 3.5 person. Whereas 300.000 of those CCTV cameras are recording in public
We wish to understand the influence of surveillance on the individual’s behavior and what psychological responses may occur when they are under surveillance.
Surveillance in all its forms is all around us, in our phones, in public and when doing the Christmas shopping online, something right under the surface, but not often noticed. We

Den (Lyse)Grønne Sti

Vi ønsker at gøre Den Grønne Sti mere sammenhængende, da vi på baggrund af egne observationer har oplevet indgangene til stien som nemme at overse i de mørke timer. Helt specifikt vil vi designe og opsætte lysinstallationer ved stiens indgange. Vi har en teori om, at lysinstallationerne ved indgangene kan medføre, at vi, og ønskeligt flere, benytter sig af stien. Målet med vores projekt er at optimere Den Grønne Stis affordance, sådan, at der ikke er en tvivl om stiens formål.

Optimering af seksualundervisning

The purpose of this project is to investigate what shortcomings there may be within sex education in primary school today as well as how these deficiencies can, for example, affect individuals’ actions and perceptions of reality as a ‘sexual citizen’ later on. After designing and constructing the prototype, the podcast was presented to respondents. Throughout the follow up interviews, respondents were asked if they felt the podcast would be a helpful tool in addressing the challenges of providing sex education in schools.

Genbrug af plastikemballage (Kampagne)

This project examines how a creative teaching approach affects children’s learning and understanding of plastic, primarily soft plastic, within the subject “Science and technology” (Danish: natur/teknologi).
We have designed and compiled a course, which meets the curriculum requirements for the 5th and 6th grade (age 11 to 13). The course consists of two exercises, a teacher guide, a student guide, a poster for the classroom as well as an explanatory YouTube video attached to exercise two.



Smartphones & Miljøet

This project revolves around the environmental issues regarding smartphones.


This paper seeks to study whether the online platforms used by the students at Roskilde University causes confusion or stress. It also seeks to shed light on the design choices behind an alternative interface for the online platforms at the university. There are different ways to create a good design and those methods are explored. Through feedback and interviews will this paper create a deeper understanding of the existing confusion due to the design of the university’s websites, and offers a design idea to help minimize the confusion. Supported by Schneiderman’s golden rules of design and co

pant på telefoner

This paper focuses on the recycling of mobile phones and the lack of efficacy of already existing systems. It also proposes an idea for a new, more innovative kind of design for a recycling system, which combines elements of leasing and depositing. Furthermore, the contents of this paper uses methods such as Soft Design Science Methodology and interviews to examine how such a system can be as consumer-friendly and sustainable as possible without sacrificing its effectiveness. Using methods such as these also create a link to the various subjects that students of the HumTek Bachelor education.

Techgiganternes dataindsamling

This paper examines the digital data collection with focus on Facebook and Google and the consequences hereby. It tries to analyse the economic consequences but it also focuses on the potentially more diffuse societal consequences of the vast amount of data collected. In regards to these consequences we attempt to map how legislation and the differences in legislation between Europe and the United States affect the potential economical and societal changes in the respective areas of the western world.

Effektivitet uden stress

A paper on the effects of napping in the workplace

Ydre Og Øget Tryghed

Some people feel uncomfortable and insecure walking in the public space after dark – including to and from train stations. With Taastrup Station, a train station in Denmark, as a basis of this project, this project investigates what causes insecurity and how different theorists define insecurity, including Rune Holst Schergs distinction between objective and subjective security and Jane Jacobs theory on natural surveillance. The significance light can have in the urban space is also described in this project, mainly using theory by Mikkel Bille.

Genbrug af polystyren

This report is about EPS waste management in Denmark. EPS also known as Styrofoam is a styrene plastic material, which is widely used as packaging. The following report includes analytical research about the problematics regarding collection and transport of EPS, in regards to recycling of the material. The aim of the report is to provide a design as a solution to collecting EPS in the danish society – better than the one currently in place. In order to achieve this, the design of the new solution is based on affordances familiar to the danish public, interviews and a questionnaire.

The pandemic concert

This project examines how young people from 16-29 years old experience concerts under the covid-19 crisis in Denmark. In addition, it examines the development of our own harbour festival, CPHarbour, in Copenhagen.

Tryghed i H. C. Ørstedsparken

Endelige rapportaflevering

Hacking i modeindustrien

This project examines how to contribute to sustainable changes in the fashion industry through empowerment. Inspired by problem oriented sustainability science, the design focuses on creating a design solution that includes participation as a method for sustainable changes. Finally this project concludes that creating a workshop manual that encourages participation and taking ownership can create empowerment and hopefully the solution spirals to mobilise sustainable communities of empowered consumers.

Utryghed i Ørstedsparken

Her er vores endelig resultat af vores arbejde om at skabe mere tryghed i Ørstedsparken, efter mørkets frembrud. Vi har arbejdet med en designløsning af et lysdesign, som ligner et træ. Dette design mener vi er det bedste og mest realistiske bud på et artefakt til at oplyse mørke steder i Ørstedsparken.

Genanvendelse af elektronik

We have researched the topic reuse and recycling of mobile phones.

Here is the final result.

Dataindsamling & det digitale samtykke

‘Big Data’ is widely used to describe the collection of data which companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook & Google do.
In this paper, we will analyse and cover the topic ‘data collection’ and how the Project Group can inform our target audience about what kind of data they allow companies to collect when they ‘accept’ their cookies, and which tools can be used to increase their privacy and the freedom to act while browsing the internet.

Besøgsordninger på plejehjem

Denne rapport omhandler vores besøgsordning, som skal være med til at formindske ensomheden hos ældre på plejehjem i form af vores besøgsordning, som suppleres med vores hjemmeside. Vores hjemmeside er vores produkt som skal administrere besøgende og behandler informationer imellem vores målgrupper.

By Vindue


Grøn afskærmning på Nørreport Station

Dette projekt omhandler grøn afskærmning på Nørreport Station.

Forståelse for klimakrisen

Threatning textiles report

Optimering af byrum

Mødested for studerende i Jernbanebyen.

Forbedring af Affaldssortering

designløsning for affaldsortering

Online Undervisning

BP1 projekt om online undervisning.

Lights In The Dark

This paper is a design report centred around public space, lighting and the perceived notion
of unsafety.

Tryghed i nattelivet

Her er vores ende lige projekt, hvor vi har haft fokus på hvordan mennesker interagerer lys og hvordan det kan være med til at påvirke trygheden i parker.

The RUC event app!

In this assignment, we have been looking into information availability of university events for Roskilde University students. The main focus has been to optimize the way information from student organizations is relayed to others, and to help to improve the overview of this information. We also investigated the importance of social relations in universities and how it affects the study environment and student welfare.

Bias i risikovurderingsalgoritmer

This paper argues that one should be aware of the use of risk assessment algorithms in the criminal justice system in regard to ethical concerns. To further investigate this inquiry this paper discusses four objections, against the use of biased opaque risk assessment algorithms in the criminal justice system. It is concluded in this paper, that an opaque risk assessment algorithm, does not necessarily become more legitimate if it becomes more transparent.

Forbedret udførelse af SSF 2020

Emnerne køn, krop og seksualitet samt sundhed og trivsel er tæt tilknyttet til vores identitet som menneske. Vi kan ikke separere os fra disse emner, da de på et eller andet tidspunkt i vores liv kommer til at berøre os. Derudover forventer samfundet en vis grad af kompetence fra det enkelte individ vedrørende disse områder, og på samme måde har de fleste oplevet en form for pres angående uvidenhed indenfor mindst et af disse emner.


This project examines how to optimize the reading and registration of blood sugar levels for diabetics with the use of a TCS3200 colour sensor together with an Arduino Uno board, and how to implement a new and improved glucose measuring artefact in the Danish healthcare sector.

Tracker med Pulsmåler

The intention for this report is to document our study of a GPS-tracker combined with a heart
rate sensor, for the people diagnosed with dementia and to give relatives less concern and more stability in their daily routine.
In this report, there are some sub-topics we need to understand, to make a good prototype.

Social ulighed i sundhed

This study investigates the social inequality in mens healthcare. The baseline of this project is based on the report; ​Social ulighed i mænds sundhed og sygdom​, published by the Danish Health Authority. This report analyses whether or not men’s self diagnosis of health does have an effect on their relationship with the general practitioner. It seems that men have a tendency to not go to the doctor before their health takes a turn for the worse. Although study shows that many men do want to visit the doctor, sometimes they cannot find the time……..

Augmented Reality via skolen og museer

In this paper, we want to investigate the use of Augmented Reality in educational settings. We hypothesize that schools in Denmark do not have the same opportunities to visit and explore museums due to the great distance. Therefore, we want to explore the possibilities in designing a program that can solve this issue. To make a useful program for schools that displays culture and art, we have analyzed and examined the studies regarding the use of Augmented Reality in educational settings and explored learning theories.

Bæredygtig emballage i detailhandlen

This project investigates the issues regarding the extensive use of plastic in retail today, as well as developing solutions that can eliminate or reduce the current use of plastic in retail. We started our process by finding information about plastic, its use and environmental impacts. We then made a questionnaire and distributed it on Facebook. Parallel to the research, we worked on developing our solutions.

At leve med døden

The focus of this study is an illumination of the troubles we go through as a society, in talking to the bereaved. We seek to reevaluate this process and attempt to give life to a discussion about it. As part of the study, we made a short documentary, wherein we interview people who have been touched by the loss of a loved one and get their perspectives on how to improve the situation.

Bæredygtig tøjproduktion

Projektet omhandler hvordan vi gennem en kampagnevideo kan informere unge om CO2 udledning i tøjindustrien og opfordre til at købe færre stykker tøj så CO2 udledningen bliver reduceret.

Optimering af How To RUC

The focus of this report concerns the new Moodle course called How to RUC, which was devel-oped under the restrictions of COVID-19. The course was made as an alternative for new students, to receive the necessary information before starting at Roskilde University. We used methods like workshops, and an analysis of the current How to RUC design, to get an understanding of our problem. After multiple design iterations and tests, built using web design, general user experience and cognitive psychology theory, we have come up with a design with both similarities and contrast to the original design

Transparency in game accessibilty

Det handler om tilgængelighed og mennesker med handicap.

Utilstrækkelig seksualundervisning

Vores færdige rapport omkring manglen på seksualundervisning

Fysisk aktivitet på arbejdspladser

This assignment seeks to examine the general health and physical activity amongst the Danish population. The paper starts off with an introduction which depicts the different complex of problems regarding overweight and general health and lifestyle diseases in Denmark. It specifically describes how obesity is not only an issue for the individual, but also impacts the economy and the society in general.

Make Moodle Great

A paper examining the possible redesign of Moodle.

Popularisering af museer

This project will focus on how to increase the popularity of cultural-history museum for a younger demographic, by use of analysing and evaluating the problem and possible solutions.

Come together

In this project, we have concluded that our solution regarding our research question; “How can modern technology help young adults with reaching out and finding people with the same hobbies in their community?”, was defined by the creation of an application. In regards to the app, we used different types of methods to help us investigate how to produce an application that will satisfy our targeted audiences such as Interviews, Hevners 3 cycles model, coloured cognitive mapping, storyboard, iterative method, prototypes, and logo method.

Refill af emballage

Basisprojekt 1

Psykisk sunhed

This project assignment is about mental health issues that occur among danish school students from grade 7 to 9, and what we can do to prevent them from handling their issues alone. Our problem definition is how we can create a better school environment for teenagers by creating an app that helps them talk about their mental health issues.

By planlægning på Mars

The focus of this paper is to study how a colony on Mars could be organised inside a lava tunnel. The paper will identify and try to solve the problems and challenges of constructing a colony in the hostile environment on Mars. The construction of a colony on Mars will help secure human survival as a species and help further our exploration into space.
We have through various methods and theories such as SDSM (Soft design science methodology), Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander and Trin-Modellen worked out a solution to our problem.


An interactive, Social workout app, developed in the android development environment. Java and Google’s Firebase platform for backend, database management. Zensomotion ® is here. Zense the motion.
The motion of the ocean, not the size of the boat. Yo, i am hoping that i stay afloat. Keep working hard and you’ll be the goat. baaaaah.
Link to the github repository, where our current version of the app, lies under the
DatabaseClass branch:

Oplevelsen af den kreative by

This paper examines the urban planning preceding the establishment of a new creative district, with the ambition of contributing knowledge about the relation between urban planning and the real life experience of the everyday user and resident. Focused on Musicon, a sprouting new district of Roskilde, Denmark, as its particular case, it explores the preceding urban planning and visions behind the district and examines its significance as to how the district is being experienced by its users and residents.

VR implementation i militæret

This report examines what lies before the implementation of virtual reality exposure therapy in
the Danish military academy, FAK. The virtual reality experience is thought to be implemented
as an educational tool for preparing the academy’s cadets for their parachute exam. We seek
to understand the concepts of how exposure therapy in theory can be used through virtually
reality, to make the cadets tolerate their fear of heights, in which we look upon their symptoms
while being exposed through VR.

“Modellering af Hotel Alexandras…

This paper examines how specific modelling techniques can help optimizing an internal information system, and what specific design improvements can be incorporated into Hotel Alexandra’s future system development.

AI Pathfinding – Basisprojekt 1

In this project, a generational algorithm has been created. The purpose of the project was to gain insight in AI, supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning, but the final product was created incorrectly leaving us with an generational algorithm. Here we see 100 dots trying to find their way from the bottom to the green triangle, with the shortest path as the goal. The current shortest path is shown as a green line.

For more information read report.

Guide: Den gode mundtlige præsentation

Den gode mundtlige præsentation

Podcast: Stop smitten, lyt til podcast

Den færdige podcast kan findes på soundcloud!
– Enjoy 🙂

Computer conversation WS


Self-watering plant

We’ve solved the problem with our solution: automatizing the process of watering a plant when necessary.
Of course there are oceans of neuances of botany and plant-life that’d dictate that different plants have different requirements of moisture.
If given more time, we would’ve probably developed further onto our product, having it sense the amount of light, air quality and more.

The girl

Dette er vores workshop produkt “the girl”. The girl er vores bud på at skabe en gyselig oplevelse kun ved hjælp af lyde vi selv har optaget og manipuleret.

Workshop – Fuzzy to Final

I vores workshop, Fuzzy to Final/brun stol, har vi arbejdet på at finde løsninger til campus med fokus på Corona. Vi har været rundt på campus, for at få inspiration til at enten at videreudvikle eller designe noget nyt, som er corona venligt.
Vi har arbejdet med at designe en Corona-venlig bænk. Som skal være med til at holde 1 meters afstand mellem personer.

Optimering af opholdsområder

Vi har i de sidste to ugers tid gået fra en ide genereringsfase, og igennem projektarbejdet nået frem til en endelig løsningsmodel.

Vi har gennem gruppearbejdet, fået øjnene op for hvordan det at arbejde i en gruppe kan bidrage til et projekt. Både i forhold til håndteringen af de forskellige ideer der bliver fremlagt alt efter hvilke øjne det er der observerer.

Gennem en fælles formidling og deraf også en fælles forståelse, er vi nået frem til et produkt vi alle kan stå inden for. Ydermere kan samtlige gruppemedlemmer formidle dets formål og de tanker der ligger til grunde.

Året der glippede: Roskilde Festival

En podcast omhandlende det år, vi snildt kan udskrive fra vor alles liv – 2020. Covid-19 har smadret vores forår, sommer og dermed Roskilde Festival.
Thea, Cecilie og Lasse tænker tilbage på en tid, hvor man tog på festivaller, spillede ølbowling, bollede i telte og dengang en piratfest var en temafest.

Forskellige typer af drone styring

Efter vi færdiggjorde vores projekt, har vi lavet en video. Vores video fortæller hvilke former for controllere er bedst i visse situationer, derudover har vi også lavet en poster der kort forklarer, hvad vi har arbejdet med.

Showtime Video

Postcards from Mars

Vores svar på en jobannonce, som botaniker assisteret med A.I. på Mars i 2040.

Kopier links på sidste side i det vedhæftede dokument for vores videoer.

Catharina, Irem, Thomas & Caroline

Lys indikator til dørpartier

Vores projekt er endt med en prototype af en lampe der skal installeres ved dørpartier til større rum på campus. Lampen indikerer ved hjælp af sensorer om der er det maksimale antal tilladt i rummet eller om flere må gå ind.

Brætspildesign workshop

Vi har de sidste 2 uger designet og produceret vores eget brætspil ved navn “2020 Sygt Spil”.
Spillet kan spilles af 3 til 4 spillere og tager 30-45 min at gennemføre. Spillet foregår i en fiktiv verden der er hærget af en virus. Denne verdensorden er dybt ufunktionel da ingen lande samarbejder med hinanden og derfor spiller man mod hinanden. Det gælder helt simpelt om at udvikle en vaccine før de andre spillere.

Podcast: Saras Lockdown

vores podcast

Støj og luftforurening på Tomsgårdsvej

Reducering af støj og forurening på Tomsgårdsvej.

Sound as Creative Process – E20

After a first week of exploratory exercises and training in sound recording and editing techniques, with a focus on process and collective work, and second week of group work, the students’ final projects have now been published.
See below for links to their own live projects:

Workshop – Designantropologiske metode

Vi har i vores workshop fået en masse teknikker og værktøjer til interviews og brugerinddragede undersøgelser. Disse har vist sig at være meget interessante for vores projekt og vi valgte derfor at arbejde med udgangspunkt i vores semesterprojekt som er “At leve med døden”.
Vi fandt hurtigt ud af, at vi skulle snævre vores målgruppe meget ind, og i den forbindelse valgte vi at lave et spørgeskema som vi opnåede over 200 besvarelser på. Ud fra det valgte vi at arbejde videre med målgruppen “Den efterladtes pårørende”, da vi ud fra undersøgelsen kunne se at der var et stort behov for samtale.

Bar’ Livet

Vi har valgt at skabe en stereotypisk timelapse af livet, hvor lyden er placeret, så den opleves fra vores hovedpersons hørelse. Her vil man blive taget igennem lyde der skal vække genkendelse til livets faser. Vi vil undervejs i hele udviklingsprocessen ligge vægt på, at skabe de lyde der bedst kendetegner disse faser, men give lytteren frihed til selv at skabe sin egen forestilling af livet ud fra hvilke personlige associationer man får fra lydene.


Mange af os har mistet evnen til at lytte til vores krop. Når vi bliver bedt om at “mærke efter” et sted i vores krop – fx under en bodyscan til en yogatime – kan det føles abstrakt og fremmed. Hvordan kan vi gøre det mindre fremmed og mere konkret at “mærke efter”? Kan vi genskabe forbindelsen til vores krop gennem lyd?

Boardgame workshop – Rafter Crafter

This is a board game that we designed in two weeks. Welcome to Rafter Crafter.

Pollen Nation

Brætspil om bier



Arduino color sorting

Her har vi så det færdige produkt, hvilket består af to servoer, en LDR sensor, hvilket er en sensor som lyser lysstyrke, og en neoPixel ring, som lyser forskellige farver på vores M&M. Produktet blev anderledes end hvad vi havde forventet, da vores 3D-printede dele ikke blev brugt alligevel. Men selve koden er færdig, og vores produkt kan skyde de forskellige farver M&M ned i deres respektive beholdere.

Busy Man’s Plant

Vi har med success løst problemet om døende planter i husholdninger med travle mennesker. Vi har ved hjælp af Arduino og diverse komponenter kunnet konstruere en plante, som både vander sig selv, men samtidigt giver sig selv lys i de mørke timer på døgnet.

WS – Produktdesign – Megatorium

Vi har i dette projekt fremstillet et Megatorium, som kan anvendes i COVID-19-perioden af op til tre gange så mange studerende sammenlignet med eksisterende auditorie. Formålet er at minimere fjernundervisning, og fremme den fysisk tilstedeværende undervisning samtidig med at mindske smittefaren på campus. Megatoriumet kan inddeles i tre sale vha. en skillevæg. Der er plads til 90 studerende pr. del-auditorie, som tilsammen udgør ét stort auditorie, som vi kalder; Megatorium.

How-to Thirdroom

You can find help videos and an on boarding flow for Thirdroom here. Please dont hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions!

Space NV

Præsentation til showtime

health tracking

This report examines associations between physical movement and tracking technology to describe how habit-forming technology can impact Danes age 16-64 towards increased health habits.

Støjreduktion i byen

This study examines the implementation possibilities of noise reduction technologies in Copenhagen. We are focusing on the urban space Kongens Nytorv by researching how noise is affecting the use of the square. Kongens Nytorv is a big open space with heavy traffic surrounding it that produces heavy noise. By using different observations methods and social theories we will make a purpose for implementation of noise reduction technologies to strengthen the usage of the square as a place of residence for users. This will be done through the development of several different design proposals, whose

Vindmøller og borgermodstand

This project has looked at how visual or physical inconveniences, economical ownership models and citizen involvement, may all affect citizens opinions about becoming neighbours to big onshore wind turbines and how these reservations might all be met through citizen involvement. At last, we were then able to conclude that all of these citizens reservations can be improved through citizen involvement.

Kakaobaseret skovlandbrug i Bolivia

This paper examines cocoa agroforestry as a sustainable alternative to conventional agriculture and a method to reduce deforestation in the Bolivian Amazon. To understand the sustainability of cocoa agroforestry in practise, a case study is made based on two cases of cocoa agroforestry. Both cases fulfill a high degree of environmental protection, social benefits and, in the long term, economic benefits as well. However, a major barrier for the system to compete with conventional agroforestry on a large scale is short-term economic and knowledge support from outside organisations.

Bideo – E-lærings IT-forundersøgelse

This report details the IT design process, that we conducted in partnership with the danish media company, Mediehuset. The concept of the product, Bideo, is an e-learning platform, that is to be used in Danish high schools. On the site, you will be able to write and publish articles. We have used “Concept of an Educational Design”, theories about affordances, web design and e-learning to develop our final design. Our process is inspired by the MUST model. We developed 3 prototypes and a design model for the development of e-learning “zones” and IT-Systems in that realm (DEEZNUTS).

Urban Agrikultur i København

Dette projekt omhandler teknologien urban tagbaseret agrikultur, der forsynes af regnvandsindsamling fra tagoverflader, og hvordan denne kan implementeres i København. Projektet kortlægger eksisterende viden, erfaring og praksis inden for regnvandsopsamling og urban agrikultur. Projektets målsætning er at skabe en samlet vidensbase specifikt tilpasset København og formidle denne gennem en designmanual med Københavns Kommune som afsender.

Selvkørende biler

Through this project, artificial intelligence and the communication system Vehicle to Everything will be explained regarding the technology. Furthermore, the project analyses and shows, through the use of qualitative content analysis, how the United States Department of Transportation and the European commission envision the future for automated mobility in the US and in Europe. The project will further conclude how the US jeopardize safety regulations in order to enhance innovation, while the EU provoke careful planning and safety regulations, which slows the innovation process.


In the following report we will describe the technological and ethical aspects of the genetic engineering tool known as the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. This new and groundbreaking method comes with a lot of concerns which we will address and discuss. We will also be looking at the current EU legislation and discuss whether they are properly justified. We then finally wish to clarify the ethical questions surrounding the technology and wish to answer the question: “Is the use of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology in embryo be ethical?”.

Den Gode Død

This project was formed because of our interest in the relationship of the Danish people to death
or the lack thereof. We wanted to find out which possibilities the different technologies and rituals
presents to the people who die and those closest to them. This is not just about the funeral itself,
but also focuses on the way people choose to remember those they lost afterwards.
We quickly found out that there are certain rules and rituals when it comes to the funeral itself, but
when it comes to the needs of the people left behind, and in some cases the person who died, then
there are not a

Hydroponics i Byen

This report is centered around hydroponic systems and their place in society. Using the ‘Trin Model’ we analyse the benefits and detriments of water gardening in cities and common households. We will analyse whether they are cost effective, their easiness in use and their benefits to the environment, in which we lay the foundations of our own design. What we concluded, was that hydroponics is indeed beneficent on space, economy, but difficult to implement. In our own design we failed to produce a finished plant, but in the technique itself, we can conclude that it is possible to refine and imp


I dette projekt undersøger vi hvordan en pacemaker virker, og hvorvidt pacemakeren har en betydning for patienternes livskvalitet.

VR faldskærmsudspring

This project revolves around how to structure as well as document the development process for a virtual reality application for Oculus Quest, and how it can be conceptualized and created to serve the purpose as an aid to treat fear of height. The project is structured mainly using a Kanban board and the application is developed using the Unity Game Engine and Visual Studio with written code in the C# programming language which is native to Unity. (…)


Projektet agter at undersøge de eventuelle utilsigtede konsekvenser af ELT

SDG Challenge board

This paper seeks to explore the possibility of collaborative learning. Based on a collaborative
knowledge-sharing platform inspired and supported by Thirdroom, the purpose is
to facilitate student-company relationships. As well as, through ANT analysis, investigate
innovative network connections between its primary actors and its network. As this platform has
the UN’s Sustainable development goals in mind, it seeks to understand why innovation
technologies and problem-solving strategies involve such a high level of complexity and such necessary methods to solve issues heterogeneously

Thorium fuel and LFTR reactors

A project on the viability of thorium as a nuclear resource

Algoritmer, Instagram og Mennesker

This project deals with the effects that Instagrams algorithms have on human behaviour in social settings, and on some users mental health. The project is based on theories about algorithms, social behaviour and health. Furthermore, it includes a study published by The Danish Health Authority in 2018. Since female users between the age of 16 and 24 have shown to be the most common users of Instagram, and the group with the highest percentage of mental health issues, they are this project’s main focus. The project includes four interviews with young women between 16 and 24 years of age.

CRISPR – Risikabelt eller acceptabelt?

The purpose of this study is to examine how the gene technology CRISPR-Cas9 can be useful in cancer treatment while looking into the ethical arguments surrounding the implementation this type of technology. Applying an argumentation analysis method, this study used ethical theory as a foundation to investigate various researchers’ viewpoint towards gene manipulation and transhumanism…..

Selvforsynende Storby

This project examines the technology hydroponic and how it is implemented and used in the context of the society. Hydroponic is a modern farming-technology which is not a common use in today’s conventional farming structures. The technology is based on a water-irrigation-system. This system is connected to a nutrient- and mineral-based dispenser. The goal of hydroponics is to keep the crop hydrated and nutrient-rich. The crop is situated in a non-soil-based growth medium.


The paper concludes that the use of facial recognition as a surveillance tool is highly problematic, since it allows everyone to be a subject of suspicion. Furthermore, big tech-companies like Facebook and Apple are in a position to possess a huge amount of biometric data, whereby the user loses the ownership of their own personal data. As users we are willingly or without question giving these companies this data by using their technologies every day and by accepting opaque terms of condition.


En rapport om en digital APV

Autonome busser

This paper examines the development of the autonomous bus, in the daily public transport in Denmark it also addresses the consequences this technology could have on the Danish people’s choices of transportation.


This paper seeks to streamline the process of ordering and automate the creation of drinks. While a machine for creating drinks was proposed was not completed.
The paper starts out exploring the project management methodology. Here the project made use of user stories, Kanban and a use case diagram. User stories were used to find the scope of the project. Kanban was used for time management and use case diagram was used to further develop the use for the app.
Only an app for android and server is made. The server is made in the language Swift using Vapor as a framework. The server would be use

The Ocean Cleanup

Vi har afsluttet vores projekt, hvis formål er at reducere plastikforureningen i havene. Vi har taget de gode råd til os, som vi har fået fra opponentgruppen, samt vejlederne og arbejdet videre med dem.

Fremtidens boliger på vand

Climate change are having a big impact on increasing the water level all around the world and can reach a point where it will drive a lot of people out of their homes, all around the world. This change can happen at any moment, so we think it is time to explore other options concerning living conditions. But where shall we live when the sea has taken over, if not our entire country, then large parts of our country?

CNN til diagnosticering af hudkræft

This project aims to examine the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence for diagnosing malignant melanoma, as well as a discussion of why it is not yet implemented in healthcare. The structure of our analysis is largely dictated by the TRIN-model. We start off by presenting studies that compare the percentage of correct diagnoses made by experienced dermatologists and a convolutional neural network. By doing this, we find that the CNN performs better than the large majority of dermatologists, and 4% better than the average dermatologist.

New Drone Order

The main focus of the project is Technology, Systems and Artefacts. Apart from TSA, the report will also include Subjectivity, Technology and Society, also known as STS. The project’s goal is to research whether the drone delivery service we have in mind is plausible or not, in which ways it is challenged, and what kind of technological system would be able to smoothen out the difficulties. We attempt to find a solution to drones having to deliver packages to apartments, with inspiration from a short film called SKYWATCH.

Velfærdsteknologi – droner

Drones has been used in warfare for a long time, it is a way to aim precisely, to hit the target intended and to minimize the death of their soldiers. War is what people most likely would say if you inquire about drones, but companies like Holo and research centers SDU Dronecenter are in the process of integrating drones as a common practise in Danish healthcare, that would make it easier for the staff if they could send their tests and/or their medicine with a drone to another hospital or nursery homes.

Tryghedsskabende velfærdsteknologi

Undersøgelse af konsekvenser som følge af GPS-tracking af demente ud fra et pårørende perspektiv samt de samfundsmæssige påvirkninger af IoT-udviklingen.

Autonome køretøjer

Large parts of society and our jobs are on their way to be automated, so why don’t we fully automate vehicles? We have already seen the metro under Copenhagen become fully automated. In the US, there are already autonomous vehicles driving on roads with non-autonomous vehicles.
What will happen when autonomous technology takes over people’s jobs? This effect has already been felt in the automobile industry, were assembly is now shared between robots and people.

Hydroponik i konventionell landbrug

En semesteroppave omkring hydronpiske fabrikker i Danmark og Japan.

Præhospitalets sygetransport

This project examines how the communication concerning the patient transportation can be improved, by designing an IT-system that accommodates the existing infrastructure of processes. This is due to give the user more insight and information about their upcoming trip, with the patient transport. The examination of the patient transportation and potential improvement with a common IT-system is done by conducting an IT-feasibility study and using the MUST-method. Finally, the project addresses the plans for the second version of the prototype.


With the rise of technology advancement, humans have been able to raise their living standards compared to other species. While this may be true, isn’t it possible that the very same technology ends up worsen the standards it aims to improve? By utilizing interviews to understand how each individual interacts with the technology known as a pacemaker. A pacemaker aims to secure the safety of humans who is at risk of heart failure, but does it really add a sense of security?

Byer på vand

Projekt omhandlende energisystem til byer på vand

Den grønne død

The report explores alternative burial methods for a greener direction. The technologies mentioned from beginning to end will display the possibility of a decrease in the carbon dioxide pollution and the establishment of a sustainable environment. The report will enlighten the views of different groups in the community of Denmark. We will discuss the ethics of the use of the technology on corpses by interviewing individuals and analyzing select texts. We will also study the possibility of diffusion of the burial methods in the society of Denmark.

Smartwatch Tracking

Selftracking with smartwatches to live a healthy life

Disinformation in media

A report that describes the work during the project,

3D printning af våben

3D printing is going to play a huge role in the world’s industries whether we like it
or not, however with the limitless possibilities of what you can 3D print, there will be
misuse of the technology. Most of us have already heard about the Liberator, and
how it was the first 3D printed weapon that could fire a bullet, but how far have we
come since then? The purpose of this study is to inquire more knowledge about the
misuse of 3D printers, in the forms of firearms.

IT-sikkerhed i små virksomheder

The purpose of this project is to pinpoint where small-sized businesses in Denmark can improve their IT-security procedures. In order to do so, we have partnered up with a small-size music venue to investigate its IT-security practices, and determine the severity of their vulnerabilities, if any. Small- sized businesses usually have a low level of IT-security, due to it being a highly resource demanding process to initiate and maintain.

Digitalize Boardgame

This report seeks to discover what it means to incorporate Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Inheritance and data structures, such as Model View Controller (MVC), into a coding project. The project will describe the process of creating a digital version of the Danish board game Matador, with the above mentioned methods used. The programming language used is Java and JavaFX for creating the Graphical User Interface. To showcase our developed system the rapport will contain different diagrams to visualize our game systems behavior and structure by using Unified Modeling Language (UML).

Facial Recognition

In the mid-1950s the first stage of technology to innovate machines, computers and systems was the phenomenal wisdom about artificial intelligence. Machines and systems are becoming more and more intelligent, they can identify us humans, and they have the probability to read your emotions. Digging deeper into the machine world, we raise questions of how these machines are programmed and systemized which gives this project an insight of scientific and ethical aspects of facial recognition technology. The goal of this project is to understand the complexity of facial recognition.

KI i transport: Selvkørende biler

This paper is a study of autonomous cars focusing on the artificial intelligence used in the development of the vehicles. Our research also includes the effects the technology will have on the Danish society, in particular the infrastructure and social behaviour.

Solceller i Danmark

The following paper strives to explain the circumstances relating to the use of solar panels in Danish households. We draw conclusions based on empirical evidence, analysis and theory from the “TRINmodel” and Actor-Network Analysis. Our goal is to create an understanding of what might limit or increase the purchase and installation of solar panels, with the hope that this knowledge might be used to further the use of solar panels.


Rapport omkring hvordan en ICD-pacemaker virker, analyseret ved hjælp af TRIN-modellen. Ydermere en analyse omkring hvordan hjemmemonitoreringen påvirker patienten og dennes forhold til sundhedsvæsenet.

Ansigtsgenkendelsesteknologi og CCTV

The purpose of this project is to explain the technology facial recognition (FRT) and CCTV in a technological system. Furthermore, to examine if the citizens in the Danish society changes their behaviour because of the increased amount of surveillance in public spaces.

GNSS & mikromobilitet

This project addresses the impact GNSS-technology has on the development of the new company-driven micromobility in Copenhagen. The project first analyzes GNSS-Technology, then take the diffusion of the technology into consideration by holding Everett Rogers’ “Diffusion and Innovations” up against one official evaluation report, a survey on mobility habits in Copenhagen and the embedded social practices suggested in John Urry’s theory about the new mobility paradigm.

En samtale med Claire …

This project seeks to examine the natural language capabilities in the Chatbot, Harmony, which is an artificial companion. Through an autoethnographic study, this journal will express scientific and personal expectations to Harmony and how they are expressed through a personal conversation. Firstly, Chatbot Architecture is described as the design principles and will not go into the actual mechanics of building a chatbot. This is merely to try and describe the possible tools needed to build a conversational chatbot, that can communicate through natural language and construct a social front. mm

Autonome Køretøjer

We are currently living in the middle of a truly massive paradigm shift, in the way that we interpret the modern car. In this paper, we will examine the opportunities that the implementation of autonomous vehicles will have on our daily lives. We will dive into the technology, its capabilities and the benefits that the technology present. Our focus will lie on the infrastructural changes necessary for a successful launch of these vehicles. The infrastructural changes will cover, new road designs for our city centers, a change of the modern highway and a connected traffic network. Furthermore,

Dansk Kabel TV’s intranet

This report covers a preliminary study for a new and updated intranet platform for Dansk Kabel TV, through phases and principles from the MUST-method.

Kystsikring af Køge Bugt

This paper examines the consequences of combined coastal- and pluvial floods and how to
plan against flooding, in a case study of the current coastal protection plan in Køge municipal
called; Lokalplan 1050-Køge Dige. The project is examined through a hypothetical-deductive
approach, drawing on theory about technology analysis, urban flooding and combined floods.
Through the use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods in a mixed-methods
approach, the study has collected data that is used throughout the paper.

Design af interaktiv lysinstallation

This project focuses on the possibility and process of creating an interactive light installation in Folehavekvarteret, an area of Copenhagen where there is already a focus on creating better lighting.
The project focuses on the technological aspects of creating an interactive installation, as well as the process of creating the design itself. The focal point has been creating an installation that not only creates a meeting point for the residents but gives them a feeling of security and safety as well. We have incorporated the TRIN-model…

Datasikkerhed i ansigsgenkendelse

Vi undersøger ansigtsgenkendelse som teknologi. Heriblandt kigger vi på lovgivningen og udfordringerne. Vi udfører vores eget eksperiment.


In modern times, we’re all aware of the rapid climate changes and drastic changes in nature, resulting in modern society having to adapt. Some of these changes, are floods which can destroy large areas and comes with great expenses. In this paper, we’ve chosen to analyse and investigate the area of Jyllinge Nordmark in Roskilde Fjord, by looking at the coast-protection project which is still in process. The paper will include sections to describe the chosen technology and argue why they’ve chosen to work with this form of technology.

The Unknown Data

This project focuses on relevance algorithms, and how Social Media platforms potentially use the technology. We focus our research on the platform Facebook for this project. The report is in Danish, and will touch upon the subject, on how Facebook arguably collect data from their userbase, and from other third-party programs, applications and such, with the purpose of providing personalized content and advertisement. The report also investigates how relevance algorithms might work. To research how Facebook potentially do that, we execute and analyze an experiment, and try to reach a …

Den digitale organisation

In our modern technological world, there is a large need for digital solutions. Using different design methods, techniques, and theories, we are creating a unified, socio-technical platform for sport clubs, providing optimized workflows and structure for the organization and end-user. We wanted our prototype design to build upon socio-technical methods and create a user-friendly solution, digitizing manual labor and alleviating organizational challenges.

Byplanlægning i det offentlige rum

The area under the motorway bridge, Bispeengbuen, has been a problematic part of Copen-hagen since it was constructed in 1969. Due to occasional copious amounts of rainwater, the area often experiences flooding which makes it difficult to utilize for recreational and social purposes. This project will explore the possibility of designing a recreational space, incorporation water management as part of the solution. The design will include two ‘water walls’ and a water stream to emphasize the use of the rainwater in a recreational setting

Diagnosis Screening

The project, Diagnosis Screening, is a study about how to discover sicknesses and diagnoses before their outbreak through the blood screening technology. It’s about how to prevent the sicknesses and diagnoses, and how to improve the technology behind blood screening through papers from skilled researchers and professionals. The main focus point will be on the technology known as Cobas 6800, which will be analyzed with the research methods Roadmapping and the TRIN-Model from the lectures in the dimension TSA.


Konflikter i naturområdet Drivsåtskoven.

Brugerdrevet analyse af Thirdroom

This paper is developed in collaboration with the non-profit organization Thirdroom.
Their collaborative platform, and use cases associated with it, will be the context of this
project. This project focuses on the process of cultivating Thirdroom in project work, and
how to get the platform to make sense for the users. We wish to investigate the cultivation
problem Thirdroom faces, by focusing on a specific workflow performed by students when

working on their project while searching for inspiration. Furthermore, the project is struc-
tured on the basis of the MUST-method, with its associated

Aktiv dødshjælp

The general theme of this report is technological systems and artefacts. Besides method related to technological systems and artefacts, the report will also include method and theories from the humanistic faculty. The purpose of the report is to explore euthanasia in general, as well as the discussion of implementation and legalization of euthanasia in Denmark. The report uses the Netherlands and Schweiz as cases, for how euthanasia is practiced legally. To explore different views of euthanasia, we have conducted interviews and analyzed how each argument works.

Etik og transhumanisme

En diskussion af etik og CRISPR-Cas9

Algoritmisk kategorisering

This project aimed to examine the potential ramifications of implementing the Gladsaxe-model as a
form of algorithmic categorization of the citizens in Gladsaxe municipality. This was done by
analyzing the technical aspects of classification algorithms and their role in a larger data analysis
structure, drawing structural inspiration from the TRIN-model. Afterwords we looked into the
current criterias for categorizing a child as vulnerable. We then examined the legal and ethical
complications involved in an implementation of such a system, as well as the technical barriers that
would manifest

Recirkulering af bleer med ABENA

In this report, we study the possibilities for implementing a socio-technical system for
recycling nutrients in used baby and toddler diapers from nurseries in Roskilde
Municipality. To investigate the issue, we apply the ABCD-methodology presented in a
Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD). The methodology allows us to
create a vision for Roskilde Municipality that has come to serve as a central actor in our

NemID Hacking

phishing på højt plan

Maginergi – Fremtidens Energisystem

I denne Workshop arbejdede vi med Energisystemet i Københavns Kommune, og legede med tanken om et netværk der bestod uden nogen fossile brændstoffer. Arbejdet med denne case, har givet et stort indblik i hvor udfordrende og spændende, det kan være at håndtere Københavns forbrug. Såfremt at give et realistisk syn på hvordan fremtiden kan se ud, med den stigende fokus på den grønne omstilling og øgede klimatilpasning.

Mars Prison

Længe leve Tina

Mars koloni


Dok2 Workshop Fuzzy

We’ve build a beerpong table that can detect when a cup is hit.


Vi har laserskåret toppladen og midterbenet i HDF. Midterpladen er skåret i akryl. Bundpladen og benene er CNC skåret. Fødderne er 3D printet. Selve “globusen” er vakuum formet.

Creative Sound – workshop

Den færdige QR-kode

Pas på nerverne

Degnestavnen Legeplads er et samlingspunkt i Nordvest for skoler, daginstitutioner, familier, foreninger og andre lokale i området.

Opgaven tager udgangspunkt i at lave et redesign af Degnestavnen legeplads, hvor løsningsforslaget vil inddrage legepladsens historie, identitet og ‘pas på nerverne’ princip.

Løsningsforslag: Legepladsens nuværende elementer bibeholdes. Den asfalterede del af legepladsen vil blive farvelagt med ‘nervebaner’, som referer til legepladsens tidligere leder og guru Niels Bay. Nervebanerne skal være med til at inspirere til leg i de nuværende legezoner.


Vi har lavet en fjernstyret bil

Thirdroom – Arbejdspraksisser

This project investigates the students work practices regarding the platform Thirdroom at Roskilde University. In a study, developed by the group of this project, it is clear that the vast majority of the students are using other platforms than Thirdroom, although Thirdroom is mandatory for a specific segment of the students at “Den Humanistisk-Teknologiske Bacheloruddannelse”. The research question answered in this project is: how can the students work practices connected to Thirdroom be improved?

CPH Village Makerspace

I vores etablering af et Makerspace i CPH Village på Refshaleøen, med henblik på at aktivere den iboende bæredygtige beboergruppe, kolliderede vi med udfordringerne i at skabe fællesskab om bæredygtighed i det moderne samfund. Ingen dukkede op til vores workshop, og vi vente derfor undersøgelsen rundt på os selv som forskere, og behovet for at fæstne et praksisfællesskab i et bottom-up fællesskab med fokus på sociale relationer og nytænkning af det ubæredygtige samfund.

CSCW i Thirdroom

In this paper, we will answer the following question: How is CSCW utilized in Thirdroom and how can it be improved based on theoretical analysis? To answer this
question, we researched what Thirdroom is and what it is used for. We looked at
theory regarding classifications of CSCW-systems and collaborations, and used the
empirical data from these to analyse Thirdroom based on our case groups. We found
that Thirdroom lacked characteristics of coordination and synchronicity. To mitigate
this, a set of new features were proposed.

Veras Vintage i kampen mod overforbrug

This semester project comes from a common interest in consumerism and overconsumption in the clothing industry. Overconsumption today has negative environmental consequences and as a result populations and companies are working towards sustainability. In this report we examine the innovative and sustainable company Veras Vintage. One mission for the company is to encourage people to buy more thrifted clothes rather than fast fashion trends. The assignment describes method and empirical data, theory, analysis and design. Actor-network-theory and design theories are used to analyze and develop

Veo og Fodboldkultur

Denne projektrapport er en undersøgelse af hvordan ny teknologi, Veo, påvirker de sociale forhold i amatørfodbold. Til dette bruges TRIN og Aktør-Netværks Teori.
På billedet i denne milestone, ses et Veo udstyr som det ser ud, når det er sat op til brug.

Quantifed self

This paper seeks to study different aspects of self-tracking and some of the technologies behind it. A selection of technologies in wearable self-tracking units are explained, including how they work compared to traditional ways of monitoring, for example heart rate. The connection between humans and wearable self-tracking technologies is analysed using actor network-theory and Bruno Latour’s concept of purification and hybridization. In addition,
how an user most effectively uses these technologies is analysed and discussed based of personal experiments with self-tracking.These experiments…

Supercomputeren i hånden

The purpose of this project is to investigate the connection between different generations’ interaction with their smartphones, and whether they feel this interaction has an impact on their concentration and memory. This was done by using interviews, based on postphenomenology, and the experimental design.

Big data og subjektivitet

Dette projekt handler om subjektet og teknologien i hverdagen, samt hvordan datamining påvirker subjektet gennem personlig reklameføring

Computerspils afhængighed

This project assignment deals with the issue of gaming disorder. WHO gave its first proposal on a definition of gaming disorder in 2016, and in 2018 gaming disorder was officially defined in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). This has spawned a lot of debate among scholars. The project attempts to answer how gaming disorder emerges and is developed in males, within the age group 20-30 year old, with a specific focus on the computer game called World of Warcraft.


The report attempts to find a way for users of RUC to easily know whether or not a room is in use. The problem is not unique to the campus of RUC, but the goal of the report is to find a local solution to a local problem we encounter as students. In the report we try to determine the extent of the problem and explore different technologies that would work as solutions. The report concludes that the use of a motion sensor paired with an LED panel would provide the best solution.

Beskyttelse af persondata

The average person spends more of their daily lives on the internet, this means big technology corporations, such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook, these corporations collect more data about their users than over before. However, this problem isn’t seen by the average internet user. Therefore, we give them an opportunity through a prototype of a web-application. This prototype includes a portion of design theories, these theories purpose is to make the user experience more friendly. This web-application have a simple description of central terms.

Sprogbruget i gamerverdenen

With a social constructivist approach, this third semester project, is focusing on the studies of language usage in the world of gaming. It has been studied, how language usage unfolds on online gaming platforms, focusing on Discord, as well as how this affects the other users of the platform. This has led to an insight into the difference between virtual- and analog communication. Various studies have been carried out, including a focus group interview, which is the central empiri in this project. The empiri has been analyzed using Anthony Giddens and his concepts of the separation of time an

Mental Sundhed – Oplysningsportal

In this report mental health and how to remedy the problem is examined. The group stumbled upon numbers from Psykiatrifonden showing how young women aged 16-24 had a 23.8 percentage of poor mental health. Therefore, the group chose to start a design process to solve this problem. A website was created to gather information. However, it was determined that the website alone would not succeed to help women with poor mental health and therefore a campaign was added to raise awareness of the website.

Lysinstallation på togstation

This report aims to improve the conditions at the danish train station, Hedehusene Station. We hope to do so in terms of illumination, with a focus on a light installation design with aesthetic properties. We go about this with our curriculum at Roskilde University in mind. Furthermore we make use of various methods while simultaneously accounting for them. Methods such as Interviews, Coloured Cognitive Mapping, Storyboard and Soft Design Science Methodology. In doing so we juggle the phases of the iterative design process, going back and forth whilst iterating versions of our proposed design.


This assignment attends the matters of loneliness, social media’s influence on loneliness and the way of making new friendships for young individuals between the age of 16-29 years old. The main purpose of this group project is to create a new way for people to make friends, whom all share the same hobbies and interests as one might have. The solution we’ve come up with, is our own application. On our application everything relies on the things you have in common instead of the society’s likes and swipes as other social networks rely on.
Since we were unable to create a functional app, we’ve

Internet Governance – Techplomacy

For the last twenty years giant tech companies like Facebook and Google have been unilaterally claiming that they in their free will can reap the users private data as their raw material. From users private data they have collected predicted signals, and combined it into behavioral data, which is being sold to third party companies. The strategy of surveillance capitalism has enrolled the tech companies to be so powerful on an economic and predicted data aspect that we need to take action to retain and democratise the control over our personal data and the determinism of the future technology.


Dette semester projekt omhandler sundhedsteknologien telemedicin, der er en teknologi hvis formål er at levere sundhedsydelser over afstand.

Booking System

This report addresses the complications and provides the solution for the current booking system on Roskilde University. The issue is relevant because of the poor design and complicated steps towards reservering a room. This issue affects new as well as old students because of the learning curve and lack of motivation towards reserving a room. Finding out how to book a system on Roskilde is not only difficult but requires help from another student or teacher. The report reveals a solution which is a total rework of the current booking system with a focus on ease of use and modern design.

Sociale medier og mental sundhed

The theme of this paper has its roots in social media and mental health. Many people are using social media in their daily life. By doing so they might not question or noticing how it affects one’s mental health and wellbeing. As a group of students, we are concerned about the unawareness and potential consequences there is regarding social media providing a basis for a bad mental state.
The intention of this paper is to examine how a social media platform such as Instagram affects young people’s self-worth and identity and to create a critical design demonstrating this.

Denvirkeligeverden 3.0

The world we live in now is digitized and the distance between people gets smaller and smaller. Now our access to each other has become easier than ever. Late modernity means that we have developed more technologies and that means that we are able to do more things without moving. Our identity is influenced by the aforementioned, as we are now independent of the traditional ways of life. The name of our project is “self-representation on Instagram”, and the goal of this project is to understand the development and formation of identity of young girls in late modern society. Our focus will be h

Grønt Byområde I Hjertet af København

Aase study, which attempts to create a baseline for the possible renovation of the area on Vesterbrogade, located in between Bernstorffsvej and H.C. Andersens Boulevard. The project is inspired by a vision, developed by Tivoli and Gehl People, whilst the study rests on a foundation of empirical knowledge of the area based on analysis of the area in addition to the involvement of local actors. The project is driven on the basis of a city planning perspective, rooted in Jan Gehl’s Twelve Quality Criteria for Public Space, used to further highlight and define needs and shortcomings for the area.

Protese & Identitet

Amputees, Prosthetics & Identity

Mental sundhed

This project investigates young women’s relationship to social media, were our target group is the 16 to 24 year old women. Our main focus is to find out how the social media is used by our target group, as well as what impact it can have on their mental health. We will use empirical methods as well as theoretical knowledge to get an overall view of the problem, and we will use it to create an understanding between our target group and us. We found out that the young women were aware of the impact of social media in their everyday life, through our quantitative study and our qualitative studie


In this project we are looking into the issue of long queues at the bar in night clubs in an attempt to design a solution. We will start by investigating the problem, through a combination of interviews, surveys, observations and theory about the psychological functions of waiting lines.

Agile og Virksomhedskultur

Agil-udvikling som kultur


The result of a growing society of consumers is a growing amount of waste. Recent years an
increase of awareness of the condition of the climate and environment and where this is
heading, has caused more countries to reflect upon their own sustainability. An important
factor in the strategy to reform the current pattern of linear resource use, is to increase
reusage and recycling of waste. This paper focus is on the division of biowaste. While the
municipality of Copenhagen has rolled out a biowaste gathering and reusage plan. This paper
researches the role of the citizen and the bio-bin that

Projekt 3. semester

Projektet tager udgangspunkt i en kobling mellem digital og dannelse. Dette ses gennem dannelsesbegrebets udvikling, ved implementeringen af IT i samfundet. Projektet undersøger mere præcist, hvordan der kan ses på dannelsen gennem en teknologiteoretisk analyse, samt en grundforståelse for dannelse som pædagogisk begreb. Dette med henblik på at nærme sig en forståelse af samfundets teknologiske udvikling, samt at sætte fokus på dens komplikationer, som udtrykkes i dannelsen. Projektet ser mere specifikt på digitale fodspor, der ses som en del af den digitale dannelse.

Fobi simulationer

How can the group through a VR-simulation of heights give the public a better understanding of how it feels to live with a phobia?
We have specified our project’s main topic to be about mental sickness, which we later narrowed down to phobias. Our main task is to create and evaluate a realistic phobia simulation through Virtual Reality of the many harsh and horrible symptoms, that the patients undergo when facing their specific phobia triggers. We have chosen to study the symptoms and causes of acrophobia which is an extreme or irrational fear of heights.

belysning på isolerede stisystemer

This project focus on the term ‘utryghed’ and will investigate whether the urban space design has an effect on ‘utryghed’. This investigation will take place in Albertslund, which is a suburb to Copenhagen, and will be doing all of research on a bike path near the city’s station.
The paper will present a theory based on criteria for the urban space design by Jan Gehl and consider whether our chosen trail meets the criteria. Furthermore, we will present a theory based on social constructivism and discourse and afterwards investigate whether discourse has an effect on ‘utryghed’. To h

Optimering af intranet

This paper aims to examine how Information Technology can ease the workload experienced by the IT staff working at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) Campus Helpdesk, and what must be taken into consideration when developing and designing such technologies. It shows, through various surveys, that the students at Copenhagen Business School encounters a lot of problems when trying to seek out different kinds of student related information online. This results in an increased workload for the Campus Helpdesk staff, since they’re the only other option for getting the answers the students seek. A

Droner Til Undsætning

Drones delivering AED’s

Brugerenes it-sikkherhed

This report examines the Danishsystem called NemIDand how it has affected the Danish people. We had at the start a problem, which was finding out why NemID has being targeted and why its users havegone through several hacking attacks, also how it has affected the users of NemID. We used different methods, such as analyzing the NemID tool itself and we also used a theory called diffusion of innovation, which focuses on spreading new technology. We used our analysis as help for us to understand, what NemID is, how its build and how its spread. Theories suchas ANT (Actor-network -theory), have


This paper investigates the best possible learning strategy to inform children in primary school about climate change throughout a possible design solution. This design solution works sideways ecophobia among children and seeks to prevent further development. This project is based on the dimensions Design and Construction, and Subjectivity, Technology and Society. To investigate further, this paper will examine theories behind learning and teaching and how to generate a design for children. Getting to know what children from primary school knows about climate change, this project…

eLærings påvirkning i indskolingen

In the modern world we tend to modernize every possible aspect of society, but to keep up with demand for further modernization, we seem to overlook and analyze what happens in the fields affected.
This paper examined what happens in an elementary school when they use the enforced digital systems and digital teaching aids. The paper has its focus on the teachers and their struggle but studies the pupils’ point of view, in order to establish a grasping phenomenological understanding of the affected field.
We conclude from field observations, interviews and a single survey – that there exists a

IT-sikkerhed i danske SMV’er

Projektet handler om hvordan it-sikkerheden i danske SMV’er kan undersøges, analysere og måske forbedres.

In-Situ Habitat Design on Mars

In this report we study the isolation in habitats on Mars from society on Earth. We try to
understand the construct of micro-societ and identify physical and
psychological implications for astronauts. Through this knowledge, previous simulation and
analogue research, empirical research, and analysis we try to learn how these habitats
must be designed in order to facilitate the crew’s work and well-being in the Martian
environment. Simultaneously we try to understand how in-situ construction with
MICP can create interesting alternatives to designing Mars habitats.

Gaming eller Gambling

This paper analyzes lootboxes in context to the human behavior, surrounding its use
amongst the youth, that occurs through the use of video games monetization
systems, hence why this paper researches what makes these lootboxes attractive to
the youth. This will be carried out through the understanding of how behaviorism and
subsequently how reward systems in video game design works, by analyzing these
concepts through the use of actor-network theory. (…)

At se luft

This paper examines how data visualizations of air quality with color is perceived. To unfold the subject at hand, we find inspiration in Jennifer Gabrys’ ‘citizen sensing’ projects and we explore how DIY ‘sensing’ technologies are built. By investigating how a person reacts to data visualization in real time we delve into the post-phenomenological relationship between technology, humans and their ‘lived world’. The research is anchored in a case study focusing on the perceived air quality by cyclists in Copenhagen. The subjects of the study engage with a particulate matter monitor for a week

Digital hjælpemiddel til type 2 diabet

This paper explains T2DM and social inequality within the illness. Furthermore it shows the use of SDSM. Interviews were made in order to make an analysis. Based on that analysis we created a design. Thereafter we discuss our designs ability to embrace social inequality within the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Velværeoptimerende Smart Lighting

Et designprojekt, der fokuserer på forbedring af velvære gennem bedre lysforhold

Grøn Ros

Roskilde Festival har mange problemer med unge der henkaster affald på campingpladsen. Vores projekt søger efter, at finde en løsning til at gøre unge mellem 15-30 år, opmærksom på affaldssortering på festivalen. Vi har bygget et design, hvor folk på festivalen kan komme og sortere deres affald. Designet er baseret på lysteknologien arduinoboard, kvalitative interviews, æstetik teori, Design og konstruktion teori, adfærdsdesign og et paradigmatisk eksempel. Derudover diskuteres der i opgaven, om der skal prioriteres æstetik i samfundet, og klimaforandringerne i henhold til affaldssortering.

Mars Habitat

This paper examines the challenges in designing a Mars habitat in a lava tube for the first manned mission. Throughout the paper, you will receive an insight into NASA’s Artemis mission, which will enlighten some requirements in designing a Mars habitat. Further, we will analyze and discuss our mission and creation of said habitat from an ethics philosophy perspective.

Silent Disco 2.0

An attempt to improve Silent Disco by adding the missing element of the bass drum

Borgerinddragelse i Bavnehøj

This project deals with the physical elements in urban open spaces, public involvement, and the relations within the metropolis. The project shall investigate how an already existing urban open space can be transformed and re-designed. Through empirical methods and urban open space theories from Jan Gehl and Georg Simmel we have worked with our case, which is Bavnehøj Allé. The idea behind the project is to collect information and understand what creates urban open spaces.

Klimaklubben – klimaadfærd app’en

This paper addresses the immediate need for a tool to help facilitate sustainable ecological action among young Copenhageners. It examines the underlying barriers which obstruct climate friendly behaviour while concluding that the success of such a tool relies heavily on certain social factors. It ventures on to describe the iterative design process that follows the initial analysis. The paper relies heavily on the works of Anthony Giddens as well as an interview with a climate expert and several interviews with representatives from the target group.


Our project aims to answer the question: “How can you build a technical design which secures the understanding of the processing regarding personal data to the average citizen as well securing a better understanding of the consequences by sharing personal data”. By utilizing surveys and collecting empirical data this study has found a need to increase the awareness of the average citizen regarding personal data being shared throughout the Internet. Finally, the studies illustrate how complicated it can be to understand what the average citizen is accepting while roaming around the Internet.

Predictive Policing with PredPol

The following paper examines which challenges Denmark should be concerned about, following the potential integration of the predictive policing system PredPol, based on experiences from England and the United States.

Mobilitetspraksisser: Enghave Plads

This report examines how Enghave Plads Station affects the mobility praxises on the square. The report identifies the design principles of M1, M2, Cityringen and Enghave Plads. Based on this, the report analyses the movement of the users on the square and how the arrangement of benches, bushes and trees might have a sociopetal or sociofugal effect on these patterns of movement.

Gaming og Sundhedsvaner Blandt Unge

This report examines the relationship between children and gaming. Our focus is on how
gaming and the gaming industry affects children between 14 and 16 years of age. Studies
shows that, obesity among children is associated with increased screentime. We have used
different theories, such as SDOH and SCOT.
The analysis and research conducted throughout this report, helped shape our final design, which is a video.
Furthermore, we designed a model (GAUS) which describes the factors that affect the young
people’s behaviour, in relation to gaming and health habits.

Interaktiv Lydlegeplads

This semester project deals with the involuntary exposure to an increasing amount of high frequency electromagnetic radiation – mainly as a result of modern telecommunication technologies. In this case the thesis goes that whatever we cannot experience, we aren’t as inclined to give much importance to. The approach of this project has therefore been to introduce an instrument that demonstrates a felt awareness through translating the otherwise invisible signals into hearable sound.


Stress has throughout history helped us survive l by triggering our fight or flight response, during situations we deem threatening, as we evolved overtime so has perception of threats, our fight or flight no longer triggers exclusively, when we are in a life or death situation. It triggers when we feel pressured, be it by society or academics. The purpose of this study is to inquire more knowledge about the effects and causes of stress on the body and mind and how a design could be developed to relieve some of the symptoms stressed out students’ experiences. The study utilizes the core belief


This paper tries to examine the relationship between humans and their prosthesis, and the how the technology have an effect on the human psyche. We have tried to illuminate the issues that prosthesis users experience through a phenomenological approach to semi structured interviewing, focus group interviewing and analysis. Through the dramaturgical sociology theory made by Erving Goffman and the social identity theory by Henri Tajfel, we try to explain possible changes in the personal and social identity of the prosthesis users. We can conclude that we have only obtained a partial answer.


Dette er vores semesterprojekt på 1. semester.

PTSD Selvhjælp i VR


Netflix’ CO2-udledning

This paper examines the streaming service Netflix and its emission of carbon dioxide. It examines the causes behind Netflix’ emission of carbon dioxide, and to what extent it happens, by looking at the inner workings of how data is transmitted from a data center to a personal device. The purpose of this project is to design a campaign, which can inform young people of the negative effects of streaming on Netflix in the hope that the knowledge will make them change their streaming habits. The iterative design process is used as well as different kinds of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Leg til børn

This paper examines how our artifact called “læringsstativet,” can strengthen children’s educational levels in danish kindergartens, as well as their social skills, and thereby making the job of preparing children for preschool easier for danish kindergarten teachers. It is also examined which design choices can make “læringsstativet” the most efficient regarding the aforementioned factors. The design process consisting of inspiration, ideation, Implementation is explained. By using colored cognitive mapping we identified the causes and consequences of the problem, that there are not enough nu


This report examines what effects an implantable cardioverter defibrillator can have on patients suffering from heart problems/diseases. Both positive and negative.
It also addresses some of the negative emotions and effects that can be caused by the use of an ICD-unit.
To be shocked by an ICD-unit can be a traumatizing experience. For the patient and anyone who might witness when a patient is getting shocked. Some patients might get to a point where the shock from the ICD-unit isn’t the best solution for that particular patient. But how does someone decide when that time is?

Funktionelle og Æstetiske byrum

This project is based on a specific urban space, called Ragnhildgade-grunden. In this project we used a theoretical approach in relation to our first design solution to the urban space. Furthermore, we have used empirical data and interviews with local individuals to analyze and re-create our second design solution. A combination of the theoretical approach and data from our interviews will help us develop our final design solution. Our studies have shown that aesthetic properties and light technology has an impact on the individual perception of an aesthetic urban space.


Rapporten er privat. Hvis man er interreseret i at læse opgave, bedes i kontakte os.


The focus of this project is about simplifying appointments in the healthcare sector by enlightening the possibilities by analysing the existing applications and their strengths and weeknesses.

Red Resten

The purpose of this report is to examine how to decrease food waste in single – and family households by using an app as a tool to change their behaviour.

Our prototype was made as a story board in Photoshop. The initial design was brought to the interviews to get feedback for further development.

To have the best foundation to further develop the app, we looked at previous research papers that focus on this specific subject. We used the findings of those papers to establish what had previously worked and failed and made new design proposals based on that and our findings in our interviews

Interaktiv app guide for turister

This project is based on our interest in traveling, our own experiences and the need we see for developing an app that can help people experience Copenhagen, without being blinded by the commercial attractions that Denmark tries to sell.
We have discovered that people encounter a set of problems when they plan a trip, and when they have to navigate around in a new country and a new city.
Through research and comparison of existing apps, we have found the best and most important features and combined them into one app that allows the person to personalize the trip most optimal for them.

Psykiske sygdomme simuleres i rum

The purpose of this study is to investigate how one can create a design, using Virtual Reality, that seeks to simulate mental illness, and thereby create an own-body experience.  However, this research, is focused on creating a simulation of social anxiety only. By analysis of self-conducted interviews with specialists and people who suffer from social anxiety we have further built our understanding of social anxiety. This has helped us in creating an optimal simulation scenario.

Grøn Passage

In June 2019, Tivoli held a press conference, in which they presented their intention to convert the section of Vesterbrogade that stretches from Bernstorffsgade to H.C. Andersens Blvd. to a public park. The busy street in the heart of Copenhagen is to be completely transformed, closing the street to all traffic and incorporating trees, benches and better lighting.
Our goal throughout the project is to create a potential design in which we account for rainwater, natures impact on health, noise and air pollution.

Vandafledning ved skybrud i storbyen

This project examines multifunctional usage of Litauens Plads at Vesterbro, Copenhagen concerning cloudburst mitigation and urban renewal.
By doing fieldwork in the form of observations and interviews we have compiled relevant empirical information about the usage and opinions about the square. Litauens Plads is a square mostly used for transit rather than residence and therefore suffers from the lack of activity. Furthermore this project investigates and discusses how the square can be mitigating floods more effectively in the future events of cloudbursts.

Urban light installation

This paper describes an iterative methodology for creating and evaluating a design, which solves a specific problem. Looking at theories addressing atmospheres and affordances, the paper seeks to create an interactive light installation and to recreate an environments atmospheric sensation, while being self-explanatory in the act of interaction.

Udbredelse af genbrugsmursten

The problem of unnecessary downcycling of building materials leads us to the premise for this project, which is why it is not a more widespread practice to reuse old building materials in new buildings. We have chosen bricks as our focus material because the technology for preparing bricks for reuse is already developed, and thus the primary barrier for widespread use is social rather than technical. We focus on relations regarding the use of reused bricks between the developer PensionDanmark and contractor Gamle Mursten.

Skybrudssikring af Odins Plads

This paper describes the problems that Copenhagen faces due to flood. It is presented how the city, currently, intends to reduce both the damage as well as costs related to flooding. Furthermore, it intends to describe the different parameters that is needed to take into consideration when cloudburst-proofing an area in big cities.

Genanvendelse af plastik

n this paper we examine the transition of the Danish plastic recycling praxis towards a more sustainable praxis. Our theoretical frame is partially based on use of the theory of sociotechnical systems and the terms standardization of methods and boundary objects. Through our analysis and the conclusion of the paper we conclude that the transition mentioned above is highly dependent on communication between actors within the industry. Furthermore, we argue that the framework presented by Geels in the theory of sociotechnical systems may not completely fit the reality we met during out work.

Køl ned

Et designforslag til Roskilde Festival hvor du kan komme og køle en øl ned for en cykeltur. Kom og vær’ med, og bliv klogere på bæredygtighed sammen med dine venner!

Personlig CO2-tracker app

The climate is changing drastically, and scientists all over the world are agreeing that humans are at fault. To combat this it’s necessary to cut down on CO2 emissions all over the world, and a good place to start is with the everyman. By using nudging and theories from Anthony Giddens about Precautionary Principles, we have designed an app that will enlighten the user about their personal CO2 footprint, and thereby help them lower their negative impact on the climate.

Ufiltrerede internetfora

This paper examines the possibility of radicalization online, exemplified in two different cases of forums online. The study illuminates different causes for radicalisation, this including the term Lone Wolf Terrorism.

Nyheds- og Informationsplatform

This paper examines news and social media habits of Danish people, ages sixteen to twentyeight. Furthermore, how they interact with their chosen news platform(s), such as social
media or official news sites. Exploiting both qualitative & quantitative research methods, the
project has collected data which is applied throughout the project. The project have analysed,
using these methods, the behavior and patterns of the tested respondents. The paper also
describes a practical solution in the form of a mobile application and how to make it appealing.

Instagram og mental sundhed

The purpose of this study is to investigate how Instagram as a social media affects young girls and their mental health. Firstly, this will be done by exploring how mental health is defined and what Instagram can provide the young girls with. Furthermore a questionnaire with young girls will be withdrawn to lighten up how the young girls act on Instagram and why they do certain things. To be able to conclude how their acts affect their mental health theorists such as Thomas Ziehe, Vincent Hendricks, Erving Goffman and Joshua Meyrowitz will be the fulcrum to an analysis…

Virksomhedsopstart for studerende

Read Abstract from rapport

Digitalisering i rejsebranchen

The focus of this project lies in the digitalization of the travel industry, and which problems has risen as a consequence of the change from human interactions with booking agents, to technology-based interactions via online platforms. From this focus the research question below was developed:
Which problems has appeared in the individuals process of travel booking because of digitalization and how can these problems be catered through new technologies and platforms? (…)

Smart Cities

This paper seeks to examine, how the Copenhagen electric scooter can be used to reveal commercialized data collection and how this data affects the city. The field of the electric scooters in Copenhagen will be examined, using methods as participation analysis and document analysis. The Municipality of the city of Copenhagen has been interviewed with the purpose of exploring, how commercialized data is accessed by this stakeholder. The theories of subversive rationalization by Andrew Feenberg and surveillance capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff, will be defined and used as context for this papers…

Oplevelses design af klimaforandringer

How do we spread the word about climate change and hopefully make a difference in the future? In a project based on climate change and the awareness surrounding it, not only in certain parts of the world but globally. We made a product to help younger ones opening their eyes to the climate problems of the world. The assignment will cover areas like FN’s Paris agreement and some of the more known climate problems that are affecting humans, like drought, cold, pollution, melting
ice and rising water levels. From the problems of the world to the future of the next generation. –


This paper examines food waste in regard to private households as well as in production and retail. The paper will address problems which are directly and indirectly related to food waste, being the general waste that leads to overproduction, seeing as how the production must meet the demand in retail from customers – hence establishing a contrived demand which in turn leads to the continuation of overproduction. The paper will be mainly focused on prevention of food waste in the private households.

Datastyret politisk kommunikation

This paper examines propaganda and the work of Cambridge Analytica during the Trump presidential campaign in 2016.


In this student project, we will research the possibility to change the current ordering system in the Danish nightclubs. To enlighten the subject, we will use different theories and methods from the courses Design and Construction, and Subjectivity, Technology and Society. These will be used to compile relevant data and build a prototype. We will analyze the findings within the theories and methods that we use. From that, we will use the Design-model to evaluate the feedback from our respondents, in order to make the best possible solution for our users. In the end, we will discuss the result

Facebook data

This paper examines how individuals feel about the collection of user data.

This project seeks to look at the ways the two danish political parties, Stram Kurs and Alternativet, uses Facebook as a way to communicate politically, and the way the users interact with these parties’ posts


Dette projekt tager udgangspunkt i skybrudssikringen af Degnestavnens Legeplads i Københavns Nordvest-kvarter, med fokus på byrumsdesign.

NAO-robot som Folkeskoleteknologi

Robots have, for a long time, been used as tools and technology in the daily life of many people, but where most people only think of them as usable in the industrial sector, robots have recently started to become implemented in the human sector. This group finds the idea of robots becoming used in the school sector very interesting, and will in this report strive to define one such educational robot and figure out how and where it is being used in elementary schools in Denmark. Through former research and interview with a former school teacher who has worked with one such educational robot…

Informationsplatform – RUC Hub

In our assignment have we been occupied with information availability. Our primary focus has been to optimize the information available for students, in form of events and organizations etc. We have created a platform, which helps students at Roskilde University to optimize their overview and improve the social relations on Roskilde University as well, through our idea. Our main motivation for this idea was our own experience at the beginning of this semester.

Tools for Visual Presentations

lorem ipsum – et godt abstact som intro til jeres projekt!

The Womb

An audio journey of survival from within a womb of a mother escaping and searching for refuge.

Designprocess – Fuzzy to Final

Vi har under denne Workshop arbejdet meget med designproces og hvordan vi kommer frem til designideen. Vi lavede mange forskellige øvelser – eksempelvis startede vi alle, hver især, med at skrive vores egen ide ned på et blankt papir. Derefter sendte vi den videre til sidemanden, som der skulle fortsætte på ideen. Til sidst var det svært og blev meget mærkelige ideer, men her opstod grundlaget for vores ide faktisk.
Det var rigtig fedt at mærke, hvordan dét som virker mest langt ude, kan munde ud i et reelt problem og endda have en løsning.

Derfor har vi udviklet HIVE HOME.

Black holes

We decided to produce a short film, related to the person writing our Postcard from Mars. Link to the film below, written postcard attached.

Bænken der aldrig er våd

Den færdige prototype

Brætspil: Det Skæve Valg

Dette er et politisk ukorrekt bræt spil.

Vi vil re-designe det store auditorium, herunder i en mere brugervenlig og æstetisk retning til de studerende.Vores færdige produkt er en model af det store auditorium i kryssfiner, 3D skitser samt en planche der illustrere arbejdsprocessen, som skal vises til showtime.


Her kan du se vores proces i workshop perioden. Hvor vi har prøvet og udvikle en drugtester


not done yet

Redesign af HumTeks forhal

Kan man skabe et inspirende rum der kan bringe de studerendes viden i spil, samt være et rum for projekt arbejde og hygge?

Pilotprojekt 1 (Klima)

Almost everybody wants to see a greener world, a place where we don’t contaminate our surroundings to a degree that is destroying our world. In many cases, though, it’s difficult to find cheap and effective solutions without having an internal department looking for solutions. We wanted to look for options to optimize climate solutions for companies and public institutions, in an easy and accessible way.

SDG Challenge Board

comming soon

Biosten som kystsikring

This report examines the possibilities of using biocementation as an alternative method for coastal
protection. Biocementation is a sustainable solution for binding loose aggregate without the use of
cement. The use of biocementation in sand results in a product which we refer to as “biostone”.
This process uses the enzyme-producing bacteria Sporosarcina pasteurii with a urea-modified
nutrition broth and calcium, which combined creates a natural looking stone similar to naturally
produced sandstone.

Virtual Reality på hospitaler

This project seeks to examine, how Virtual Reality can function as active distraction in painful medical treatments at hospitals. Child patients are often subjected to painful medical treatments, such as vaccinations or intravenous-drop placements. Research has shown that pain can lead to consequences if not handled properly.

Overgangen fra benzinbiler til elbiler

Elbilens teknologi har været længe undervejs og med dens aktualitet, som værende et alternativ til de konventionelle biler. Dermed er en optimering af elbilens teknologi, mere specifikt batteriet, uundgåeligt for at fremme udbredelsen til forbrugerne.

Carbon footprinting in supermarkets

The food industry is responsible for 22 % of carbon emissions in Denmark. The increase of climate emissions are causing tremendous and long-lasting problems for our planet. The changes that occur in the natural environment due to climate gas emissions may be irreversible, and the consequences of the problem are about to be a great concern for the humans that live today, as well as for the ones in the future. The consequences of the climate change concern agriculture and food supply on a greater scale, and are hitting the consumers directly.

VR- og kreativitet

This project examines children in contact with Virtual Reality and how the techology affects creativity.
By using the creative tool Tilt Brush, the focus lies on the childrens’ interactions where the children have used the different tools and methods available to them in Tilt Brush.

It can be concluded that the children have an interest in the technologies and can expad on their already existing knowledge from other technology platforms such as smartphones and tablet.


This project focus on the current climate changes. The main problem in this report is to investigate whether or not biogas is sustainable in long terms. The paper will go through a critical analysis of biogas as a sustainable technology and present pros and cons. Furthermore we used qualitative methods as interview with Sine Beuse Fauerby from a union called “Danmarks Naturfredningsforening” and a field trip to Solrød Biogasanlæg. In addition, we have made a visual presentation to make our conclusion easy and understandable.


The following report contains the Epital’s perspective on how elderly COPD patients, home monitor their chronic disease, through telemedicine as well as the technological components used.

Driverless cars

Report on the tech behind driverless cars and the ethical problems involved.

Crucial Aspects of Electric Vehicles

This paper examines the issue of different psychological and technological barriers in terms of Range Anxiety, when buying an electric vehicle in Denmark. Human inflicted climate change is causing global rising temperatures and politics are moving slowly to fix this problem. This paper uses a combination of expert knowledge in collaboration with the Danish Electric Vehicle Community, theory on consumer psychological barriers and a systematic analysis of the technological characteristics of the Tesla Model 3 in order to making a design, which can help a faster transition to the electric vehicle

VR og eksamensangst


Ældreteknologi og VR

Hvad sker der når man sætter en ældre ud i rummet med Apollo-11 i VR? Følg med her 😉

Digital valg for handicappede

People with disabilities, face many challenges when they have to vote at the elections. The only solution offered to said people, is giving them the opportunity to vote from their car or change their voting location. However, there are still other problems that have not been addressed. Identifying these problems, and finding solutions, will pave the way to a more equal voting system. As a group, we’ve sought out to do exactly that.

elbilers begrænsninger og muligheder

As the world is becoming more and more aware of the environmental problems we are causing to the climate. Electric vehicles are a widely accepted potential solution or at least a big contributor to a less environmentally damaging society. We want to find out why the electric vehicle isn’t more widespread in danish society. This paper examines the difficulties in diffusing this solution to the general public both from a technical point of view and form a social science perspective and it tries to bring a solution to the table that employs every part of society, from the individual to corporatio

VR som motivationsfremmer

In this paper, we examine whether Virtual Reality can contribute to a change in motivation regarding to the natural sciences within an educational context, based on a VR-experiment using the smartphone application Up’n’Atom, conductedwith a seventh-grade class at Borup Skole.Our analysis of motivation is based on an understanding that motivation is a highly subjective term and thus makes it practically impossible to quantify in any way.


The following paper will discuss the use of a Relational Database Management System and how it can help the process of finding a compatible roommate become more lean and easier based on equal interests, criteria and background information. Based off of existing research regarding the various difficulties that young people experience when trying to find a place to move in, and in addition to qualitative interviews made with two Danish house-hunting college students, a consensus that the existing digital platforms for house-hunting are not completely satisfactory, and that there is a potential i

We seek to examine what autonomy is and which criterias must be met, in order to truly denote a system of being autonomous. The military drone-model MQ-9 Reaper, will be the focal point of this examination. By distinguishing between automatic, behaviour-based robotics and autonomous systems we seek to clarify the boundaries between the concepts in order to classify MQ-9 Reaper. Lastly the paper seeks to shed light on the possibility of autonomy in future aerial vehicles.


Problemformulering: Hvordan kan Grasshopper bruges i en Maker-produktion, og hvordan har Maker-bevægelsen indvirkning på demokratiseringen af design?

Den Onde Algoritme

This paper examines the perceived and observed ignorance, regarding the lack of skepticism when interacting with cookies and algorithms. Our research is based on a combination of theory and methodology, we have used interviews and surveys, as well as usability to create an interactive campaign as a solution to hopefully, bring back some of the skepticism that we need to avoid creating a horrifyingly complete algorithmic identity. We focus on Google and personalized marketing to illustrate and inform about algorithmic identity…

This report covers the distribution of genetic technology in today’s society. Through an analysis of the technology using the TRIN-model, we have discovered the advantages and disadvantages of genetic technology in society. Our empirical data consists of two interviews concerning two women who have knowledge about their genetic predisposition as a result of genetic testing. Through the analysis of our empirical data we have identified some of the human consequences regarding the use of genetic technology.

Roommate matchmaking

I dette projekt bliver en hjemmeside designet, der skal hjælpe SU-modtagende studerende til at finde en optimal roommate.


Her er vores svar på vores endelige projekt. Vi har forsøgt at svare på vores problemformulering der lyder: På hvilken måde kan man opfylde brugernes og makeupartisternes behov i udviklingen af en platform, der forbinder dem?

Derudover har vi tilføjet vores bilag til vores rapport, samt den visuelle præsentation, som en ekstra billedfil.

Til slut har vi et link til vores hjemmeside (Unimakeups hjemmeside: ).


This project is based on the investigation of the technology Young Blood.

Implementeringen af CBS Canvas

The finished project


This paper examines the difficulties that can occur when translating a dissemination platform from one medium to another. During the course of this project, we have conducted a case study of the website Thirdroom as shown through the medium of a ProWise Touchscreen, to examine the potential of dissemination through this method. Furthermore, this paper analyses some of the social barriers that occur when adopting an alternative method to impart a message of the academic variant, as a supplement to the usual paper. It is discussed whether a mainstream application of Thirdroom in project work is

Affald på de danske strande

In international water, there are garbage-islands 15 times the size of Denmark. The reason is the garbage gets disposed in the ocean. If no action is taken, the weight of microplastic in oceans will be equivalent to the weight of all the fishes in the ocean. The main focus of this paper is the current situation of garbage in the shores of the Danish beaches. This problem represents a threat not only to the ecosystem but to the human population as well. We will thoroughly conduct an analysis of the issue, in order to determine the magnitude of the problem.

Forholdet til regnvand

Forholdet mellem subjektet (mennesket) og objektet (omgivelserne) ift. regn og skybrud.


This essay is set to investigate the possibility of how technological solutions, such as a mobile application can influence it’s users to act in a more sustainable matter, in the scope of food making. This essay will focus on a specific application, called Plant Jammer. This is an application which focus’ on sustainable food habits, more specifically eating plant-based and on reducing food waste. Throughout this essay there will be discussed and analysed foundations of behavioral theories based on the premises of adjusting an individual person’s behavior. The essay will do this through paramet

Argumentation i Danske Klimaudspil

Through analysis of the use of topoi and different angles in argumentation, we arrived at an overview of three Danish climate proposals – from the current government, Socialdemokratiet and Enhedslisten. We applied and compared this to a focus-group of Danish voters, in which we found similarities and diversions in argumentation.
Most notably, we found it fairly clear that there is several communication-problems between the voters and politicians, heavily found in divisions of topoi and mistrust from the voters.

Teknologien bag selvkørende biler

This paper seeks to study how the different technological artefacts in a self driving car function. In addition, it also investigates how one can learn about the Artificial Intelligence used in these cars, by constructing a virtual 3D simulation using the engine Unity. Some of the more relevant technological artefacts are explained, as well as their link and connection to one another, to get a sense of the coherence between the different sensors and the AI in a self driving car. The process of learning by constructing a simulation is examined by using John Dewey’s theory about …

Multiplayer Games and Learning

Dette projekt undersøger forholdet mellem samarbejde i League of Legends og spillernes samarbejdsevner. Vi gør brug af etnografiske metoder i form af Interview og Fokusgruppeinterview, samt TRIN-modellen som rammeværk for analyse af teknologien.
Vores resultater viser, at der er en tendens til øget samarbejdsevne blandt League of Legends spillere.

Velfærdsteknologier i ældreplejen

Vores projekt omhandler velfærdsteknologier i ældreplejen med fokus på GPS-teknologien.

Lagring af vedvarende energikilder

Global climate changes have over the last couple of decades become a genuine threat to our planet. Therefore, the European Union amongst other global & intercontinental committees, set a plan for Europe to reduce their CO₂ emissions. The overall CO₂ emissions have to be reduced by 40% by 2030. Furthermore, Denmark has committed itself to completely be carbon-emission neutral by 2050.

Virksomheders brud på GDPR

This study examines the Danish Data Protection Agency (DDPA)’s oversight with the danish taxi company Taxa 4×35. The study illuminates the underlying causes for the taxi agency’s police report by DDPA in March 2019.

Virtual Reality som supplerende læring

This paper focuses on Virtual Reality, and the technology’s functionality as a tool that would be used to aid education in specifically the scientific subjects at Roskilde Universitet.


The purpose of this project is to examine the technological and worldly understanding programming based studies brings to children in elementary school. Technology influences society more and more as it always has, however these days the influence of computer based technology is growing increasingly. It has an influence on our everyday life and the way we choose to live our lives.

Formålet med projektet er at dykke ned i ansigtsgenkendelse teknologi, for at få en større forståelse for teknologien og dens funktioner. Herefter sættes teknologien i et samfundsperspektiv, samt ses der på, hvordan teknologien kan udnyttes. Projektet tager udgangspunkt i, hvordan teknologien fungerer, hvad den kan og rummer af muligheder, samt hvilke politiske dilemmaer den medfører.

Omsorg gennem Virtual Reality

In this project rapport, the group will strive to define and analyse Virtual Reality as a technology, and find the uses for the technology in regards to care for elders with dementia. This is done by deploying knowledge about Virtual Reality, gathered through books and theses, in a model for defining technology through several specific steps. This knowledge will be used in expert interviews to figure out how the technology is used in regards to dementia, and will be focused by the use of a case study to generalise the use of Virtual Reality in this context.

Agil Udvikling

Agil er et moderne svar på, hvordan man udvikler komplekse løsninger. Denne opgave tager udgangspunkt i det mest udbredte agile Framework, Scrum, inden for IT-branchen. Der vil igennem Logical Framework Approach, TRIN-modellen og interviews forsøges at identificere de mest væsentlige problemer i det selvorganiserende team. Logical Framework Approach benyttes til at udarbejde løsninger, inden for Scrum som teknologisk system, på baggrund af TRIN-modellen.

Optimering af Sundhedsteknologi

For many years type 1 diabetics have been using insulin pumps, called closed-loop systems, as an effective tool for insulin injections. This project seeks to understand a new form of treatment technology, automated insulin delivery systems.



This report examines the different challenges that come forth in the pursuit of implementing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for business use and logistics. The report addresses the role of drone regulations in relation to the expansion of drone technology in Denmark as well as the ethical aspect of the implementation of autonomous drones. It is widely recognized that drones have the potential to improve a number of existing practices, such as measuring land very accurately and for infrastructure surveying.

Kvinder og programmering

Denne rapport vil tage udgangspunkt i problematikken, at kvinder er underrepræsenterede inden for IT-uddannelser. De to systemer, Hour of Code og Processing, undersøges på baggrund af den indsamlede teori, empiri og litteraturstudiet.

Labs og studios på RUC

Dette projekt prøver at samle og give et overblik over diverse labs og studios der findes på RUC. Kender du til et der ikke er her, så adder det gerne i “Comments”.
Dette værk er licenseret under en Creative Commons Kreditering 4.0 International-licens.

Kollaborations bogen

Bogen giver for første gang en samlet fremstilling over redskaber, praksisser og eksempler på kollaborativ problemløsning, ideudvikling og læring.

Bogen kan forudstilles nu og udkommer den 24 maj 2019:

De nye 1+ 2. semester vejledninger

Denne tidslinje viser de foremlle guides til 2 semesters afleveringer på Thirdroom

Biodiverse Highways in Copenhagen

Example showing how ‘Green highways’ og ‘Eco Paths’ could be constructed in the near future with present day technology

Icebreaker – the tinder chat game

A game that simulates chats between players

Estimation of location by RSSI

The results indicate potential for the use of RSSI, in publicly available products, to estimate indoor locations. For an extensive test case, it would be appropriate to take into account various condition such as spacial propagation etc.

Indoor climate quality-large audi RUC

This is the finale product and visualization of the arduino sensor and the visualization of the indoor climate at large auditorium.

– the actual coding shows how smoke spreads throughout the large auditorium at RUC.

Fuzzy To Final – “Pap-shot-bakken”

Vi har i workshopperioden forsøgt at designe en en holder til shots, der er let at producere. Derfor er vores materialevalg faldet på pap. Endvidere har vi forsøgt at mindske størrelsen på holderen, så den bliver let at håndtere og bruge.

Prison Break the Conspiracy Board Game

Nogle er snitches, nogle er inmates. Inmates vil gerne optjene så mange frihedspoint som muligt, hvorimod snitches vil stjæle frihedspointene fra inmates og forpurre deres flugt plan. Brug kløgt for at finde ud hvem de andre er. Hyg jer!

Æstetisk diversitet i Sydhavnen

Hvordan kan man bruge farver som æstetisk redskab til at styrke tilhørsforhold i Sydhavnen?

Fuzzy to Final – workshop: Starlight

Starlight has seen the dawn – The video of the final disign is attached below.
The idea that a lamp can be both a serious dinner table lamp with a stylish look, and a festive partytrick is manifested in this functional prototype.

Postcards from Mars

Projektet fremvises d. 7/3 til Showtime i Glaspyramiden. Fotos og beskrivelse følger!

Workshop – Guerrilla Data

Ultrasound sensor til måling af kantinen på RUC.

Wastesorting on Roskilde University

Through our project, we explored waste sorting in Denmark, Roskilde Municipality, and Roskilde University. Government and municipal initiatives promote waste sorting, but regulations differ for households and businesses like the university. Implementing waste sorting at the university may incur costs and require behavioral changes. Despite current challenges, our waste sorting station and behavioral design solution could benefit the environment and generate economic returns. Although implementation at the university requires effort, it is realistic and financially viable.

Antibænken – Hostile Architecture

This paper examines the role of Hostile Architecture in the public spaces of Copenhagen. Hostile Architecture is a form of architecture, which aims to exclude certain behavior from public spaces, while regulating the behavior taking place.

BIBA course synopsis (AirBNB case)

This is a synopsis for the BIBA couse, the summarize by practical assignments and the use of theory the content of the course.

Optimering af Jarmers Plads

This assignment focuses on the efficiency improvement of the urban spaces of Copenhagen.

Fremtidens Landmænd

As a reaction to current agriculture’s impact on the climate crisis, we examined future farmers through fieldwork and cultural analysis of Kalø Økologiske Landbrugsskole, to discover the potential for change in an alternative view of Nature


The common areas on the dormitory Korallen in Trekroner is the main subject of this paper, with the main problem being grave dissatisfaction with these common areas. The residents think that the common areas are dull, dirty and poorly lighted and they have tried to improve them on their own, but without much success. This paper will focus on the poor lighting, to try and improve the common areas, by redesigning the lighting system. This improvement will bring forth a physical design based on research done, about the residents, the dorm and relation between people and light. (…)

TR som CSCW-system på RUC


Støj i rummet, ISS

In this project we investigate the making of a product, which can make life easier and more productive, specifically but not exclusively, for astronauts onboard the International Space Station ISS. A major hassles on the ISS is the high noise levels, that the astronauts face on a daily basis. This leads to a stressful work environment for the astronauts, and with this can many complications follow.


Mars Expedition Initiative, we bring Earth to Mars.


This project explains more about what Thirdroom is and how it came to be, if your are interest in the development and its history!


This paper aims to answer the question: How do you design and develop a safe point of sale system with a containing database, API and client?

Thirdroom & kollaboration

The purpose of this paper is to examine how Thirdroom, as an ICT, enhances knowledge sharing and inter- and transdisciplinary work in Problem-oriented project work at Roskilde University.

Open Media Science

In this article we present three challenges to the emerging Open Science (OS) movement: the challenge of communication, collaboration and cultivation of scientific research.

Graffiti & Retten Til Byen

The streets is a public space where graffiti writers struggle against the law to make a statement or be engaged in street (art) activity. But a new phenomenon is on the rise in the city that might tame the creativity and free expression


This paper aims to specify what puts a Virtual Reality (VR)-user in the psychological state of “Presence”.


The project is trying to expand beyond the use of a postphenomenological approach and implicit theories such as immersion and black box theories, by applying knowledge of the technological aspects of the “Experience Cylinder”

Visualisering af det uhåndgribelige

This report aims to present a solution-oriented design proposal, in the shape of a device that is aimed to make the single electricity consumer more aware of their power usage, and the system behind.

København i nyt lys

This paper seeks to investigate how the use of light in public spaces affect how people perceive and use that space. The basis of the investigation is a square called Liva Weels Plads, in Copenhagen’s neighbourhood of Vesterbro.

Replayability i computerspil

This paper aims to specify what makes a videogame replayable. Using theory of flow, supported by Nick Yee’s Motivations of online Gaming and the theory of immersion, we have assessed the elements that contribute to a game’s replay value.

Strategiplan Fyn

Based on an exploratory approach this project evaluates the potential of ‘Energiplan Fyn’ to support a strategic transformation to a fossil free energisystem on Funen.