
This report uncovers the possibility of designing a digital platform for trading food between individuals, with a focus on a good user experience. It will examine the problem area by looking into the relevant legislation, customers trust, platformization, and existing solutions within the area. The collected empirical data will then be analyzed, as well as a competitors analysis of the existing solutions within the area. Based on these analyzes, some specifications will be determined, as well as what emotions are desired to be provoked.

Doughnut-modellen i København

This paper will examine how the municipalities of Copenhagen and Amsterdam accommodates
climate change through their respective climate plans. This paper will also investigate Kate Raworts
doughnut-model and its implementation in Amsterdam. In addition, this paper will investigate
how the concept of development has changed since the middle of the 20th century up till today.
Furthermore, there will be conducted a comparative analysis, comparing the two cities climate
plans. Here the strengths and weaknesses of the two cities approaches to climate change will be laid

Datasikkerhed i ansigsgenkendelse

Vi undersøger ansigtsgenkendelse som teknologi. Heriblandt kigger vi på lovgivningen og udfordringerne. Vi udfører vores eget eksperiment.

Digital hjælpemiddel til type 2 diabet

This paper explains T2DM and social inequality within the illness. Furthermore it shows the use of SDSM. Interviews were made in order to make an analysis. Based on that analysis we created a design. Thereafter we discuss our designs ability to embrace social inequality within the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Brætspil: Det Skæve Valg

Dette er et politisk ukorrekt bræt spil.

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