VR – Teknologien og dets indflydelse

Vores mål er at skabe en oplevelse som et kampagne redskab, til at modarbejde
uopmærksomhed i trafikken. Dette gør vi ved at skabe en større forståelse for hvor
hurtigt det kan gå galt. Ved at udsætte folk for en oplevelse, som de fleste helst vil
undgå i det virkelige liv, i Virtual Reality.

Mjølnerparkens teoretiske fremtid

This project is based on the idea of increasing the amount of social interaction between the residents in Mjølnerparken by remodeling the common outdoor area.

This is done by a thorough analysis of what works in the already established public area in Mjølnerparken and what can be added so that the residents will use the area more often.

Red Light, Green Light

What if children’s games were lethal?

Mathias isn't working on any live projects right now.