Culture, Structure, and Disaster: DSB

This project examines the efficacy of DSB’s technostructure as it relates to culture and structure in the face of challenges related to changing DSB’s core fleet of intercity trains from diesel to electric (IC5). Megaprojects such as this one carry severe implications for budget, time, and utility, as can be seen from the past two decades of research in this field, spearheaded by Bent Flyvbjerg and his associates. With a theoretical foundation in Schein’s model of culture and Mintzberg’s model of organizational structure, a qualitative analysis of interviews, available reports, and literature

Drukneulykker i havne

In this report we have investigated and analyzed drowning accidents, specifically in harbours. The empirical knowledge that was used for this report is accounted for in the form of collection and categorization of larger datasets from Rådet for Større Bade- og Vandsikkerhed. An Expert Interview with Erik Bech, chairman of the council, will also be accounted for in this report. With these components we have described the harbor as a complex technological system and analyzed it through an Actor-Network-Theory Analysis and Complex Systems Analysis. This succeeded in gaining a greater understandin



Mjølnerparkens teoretiske fremtid

This project is based on the idea of increasing the amount of social interaction between the residents in Mjølnerparken by remodeling the common outdoor area.

This is done by a thorough analysis of what works in the already established public area in Mjølnerparken and what can be added so that the residents will use the area more often.

Red Light, Green Light

What if children’s games were lethal?

Mikkel isn't working on any live projects right now.