Delebiler i Roskilde Kommune

This report seeks to investigate the phenomenon of car-sharing within the City of Roskilde and its newest district Musicon. Our study is theoretically grounded in Irina Papazu and Brit Ross Winthereik’s Actor-Network-Theory, Robert Rosenberger and Peter-Paul Verbeek’s postphenomenological Theory of Science and Anne Jensen’s (et al.) theory of Communicative Planning. The theories are supplemented with a qualitative interview and a quantitative survey. The empirical data collections are further used as a base for analyses of how the residents of Musicon wants to welcome car-sharing services in t

Drukneulykker i havne

In this report we have investigated and analyzed drowning accidents, specifically in harbours. The empirical knowledge that was used for this report is accounted for in the form of collection and categorization of larger datasets from Rådet for Større Bade- og Vandsikkerhed. An Expert Interview with Erik Bech, chairman of the council, will also be accounted for in this report. With these components we have described the harbor as a complex technological system and analyzed it through an Actor-Network-Theory Analysis and Complex Systems Analysis. This succeeded in gaining a greater understandin

This paper investigates the causes and consequences of cigarette butts in nature and smokers’ behavior of littering the butts. The subject is partly chosen because of our personal interest in environmental protection. The paper will account for our chosen approach towards the issue and the following development of a product solution that might help solve the issue. Qualitative interviews with professionals that study this field will be accounted for and analyzed, as well as quantitative surveys with the public. The analyses will be carried out based on relevant theory of the field, which in pr

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