
This report attempts to solve the issue of the vulnerability in Port Safety´s product, LifeLadder. It does so, by designing an artefact which adds flexibility to a specific part of the modular system of LifeLadder, that part being the spacer. The report documents the process of analysing the problem, designing the solution, and testing the solution. The analysis is done using the theory of TRIN. With an adequate understanding of the problem, the design process can begin. This project is done based on the methods of iterative design and rapid prototyping.

Tjernobyls Flora

25 år efter atomkatastrofen på Tjernobyl, er der opstået et helt særligt landskab omkring det tidligere atomkraftværk i Ukraine. Den radioaktive stråling har givet træerne varige mén, fuglene dér har udviklet mindre hjerne. Samtidig er der sendt nye ’Xeno-botter’, udviklet med celler fra bl.a. frøer, ind i området. I krydsningen mellem disse ganske forskellige væsener og vækster opstår nye levende væsener, som på ganske forskellig vis interagerer med landskabet, hinanden og de mennesker som tør besøge området. Heriblandt Flora.

This paper investigates the causes and consequences of cigarette butts in nature and smokers’ behavior of littering the butts. The subject is partly chosen because of our personal interest in environmental protection. The paper will account for our chosen approach towards the issue and the following development of a product solution that might help solve the issue. Qualitative interviews with professionals that study this field will be accounted for and analyzed, as well as quantitative surveys with the public. The analyses will be carried out based on relevant theory of the field, which in pr

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