Optimering af intranet

This paper aims to examine how Information Technology can ease the workload experienced by the IT staff working at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) Campus Helpdesk, and what must be taken into consideration when developing and designing such technologies. It shows, through various surveys, that the students at Copenhagen Business School encounters a lot of problems when trying to seek out different kinds of student related information online. This results in an increased workload for the Campus Helpdesk staff, since they’re the only other option for getting the answers the students seek. A

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Optimering af intranet
Optimering af intranet

This paper aims to examine how Information Technology can ease the workload experienced by the IT staff working at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) Campus Helpdesk, and what must be taken into consideration when developing and designing such technologies. It shows, through various surveys, that the students at Copenhagen Business School encounters a lot of problems when trying to seek out different kinds of student related information online. This results in an increased workload for the Campus Helpdesk staff, since they’re the only other option for getting the answers the students seek. A


This project is based on the investigation of the technology Young Blood.

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