Hacking i modeindustrien

This project examines how to contribute to sustainable changes in the fashion industry through empowerment. Inspired by problem oriented sustainability science, the design focuses on creating a design solution that includes participation as a method for sustainable changes. Finally this project concludes that creating a workshop manual that encourages participation and taking ownership can create empowerment and hopefully the solution spirals to mobilise sustainable communities of empowered consumers.

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Hacking i modeindustrien
Moderne hekse

This project explores the phenomenon magical resistance in a case study of the Facebook group “Bind Trump”. Magical resistance as a movement grew after Trump was elected, initiated by the Bind Trump-ritual. Through interviews of members and theory on social media the multistable functions of the group is analyzed. The purpose of the movement is to generate political change through collective magical rituals. Magic is defined as an activity done with intention. Magic doesn’t generate change in itself, and it is vital in magical resistance to manifest intentionality by participating politically

Social Computer Interaction

This project examines how social interaction can be streghtened amongst young Copenhageners through interactive installations.

Workshop: Arduino ninja

>>> Ensomhed på twitter <<<

Jeg har lavet et projekt der sætter fokus på ensomhed og fællesskab.

I min video forklarer jeg i korte træk hvordan det teknisk fungerer (med data der hentes ned fra Twitter).
Men konceptet er et visuelt output der simplificere den data der kommer ind og er tilgængelig for alle og til fri fortolkning.

Det er en prototype af en installation der kunne være spændende at have i byrummet og se hvordan folk reagerer og interagerer!

Jeg håber det vil inspirere dig til at tale om ensomhed med dine medstuderende.

(Billedet: boFÆLLESSKABET hvor jeg er vokset op)

Hacking i modeindustrien

This project examines how to contribute to sustainable changes in the fashion industry through empowerment. Inspired by problem oriented sustainability science, the design focuses on creating a design solution that includes participation as a method for sustainable changes. Finally this project concludes that creating a workshop manual that encourages participation and taking ownership can create empowerment and hopefully the solution spirals to mobilise sustainable communities of empowered consumers.

Victoria isn't working on any live projects right now.