Brosten og tilgængelighed

The following project aims to study the relationship manual wheelchair users have with cobblestones in public spaces through a postphenomenological approach.

Moderne hekse

This project explores the phenomenon magical resistance in a case study of the Facebook group “Bind Trump”. Magical resistance as a movement grew after Trump was elected, initiated by the Bind Trump-ritual. Through interviews of members and theory on social media the multistable functions of the group is analyzed. The purpose of the movement is to generate political change through collective magical rituals. Magic is defined as an activity done with intention. Magic doesn’t generate change in itself, and it is vital in magical resistance to manifest intentionality by participating politically

Social Computer Interaction

This project examines how social interaction can be streghtened amongst young Copenhageners through interactive installations.

Lydportræt af Skriget

Lydportræt af Skriget.


By planlægning på Mars

The focus of this paper is to study how a colony on Mars could be organised inside a lava tunnel. The paper will identify and try to solve the problems and challenges of constructing a colony in the hostile environment on Mars. The construction of a colony on Mars will help secure human survival as a species and help further our exploration into space.
We have through various methods and theories such as SDSM (Soft design science methodology), Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander and Trin-Modellen worked out a solution to our problem.

Optimering af opholdsområder

Vi har i de sidste to ugers tid gået fra en ide genereringsfase, og igennem projektarbejdet nået frem til en endelig løsningsmodel.

Vi har gennem gruppearbejdet, fået øjnene op for hvordan det at arbejde i en gruppe kan bidrage til et projekt. Både i forhold til håndteringen af de forskellige ideer der bliver fremlagt alt efter hvilke øjne det er der observerer.

Gennem en fælles formidling og deraf også en fælles forståelse, er vi nået frem til et produkt vi alle kan stå inden for. Ydermere kan samtlige gruppemedlemmer formidle dets formål og de tanker der ligger til grunde.

Laura isn't working on any live projects right now.