Hvorfor mangler vi organer?

This bachelor project seeks to understand organ donation and its technological aspects through time in Denmark. This will be done through a document analysis and by using The TRIN-model. We also seek to understand a specific age group 15- to 19-years-old and their attitude towards organ donation. We approach this by interviewing young 15- to 19-year-olds in Denmark and compare their answers to our preconception inspired by a study from The Danish Center of Organ Donation.

Journalisters diskursskabende magt

This study examines four articles from different news sites about a criminal case involving a defendant, whom the media has dubbed “The TikTok Man”. The analysis is based on a foundation of language theory and discourse theory, which helps to illuminate the reigning discourses on sexualised violence, as well as the character of the defendant. The study concludes that the reigning albeit contradictory discourses on the character of “The TikTok Man” are that he’s a monster, that he’s a successful, wealthy man and that he’s a pitiful man, who deserves our compassion.

Rage room og vredeshåndtering

I denne opgave ønsker vi at undersøge menneskers måde at føle vrede på. Der kan være flere grunde til, at man bliver vred eller frustreret over noget, og det kan yderligere være forskelligt fra person til person, hvordan man bliver vred eller frustreret. Vi ønsker at undersøge, hvordan forskellige køn håndtere deres vrede, og om der er forskel på, hvordan de håndterer vreden. Dette gør vi ved hjælp af blandt andet interviews og en kvantitativ spørgeskemaundersøgelse. Herudover inddrager vi teori omkring vrede og vredeshåndtering til at få et overblik over, hvordan vrede defineres i nutidens sa

Rage rooms og vredeshåndtering

I denne opgave ønsker vi at undersøge menneskers måde at føle vrede på. Der kan være flere grunde til, at man bliver vred eller frustreret over noget, og det kan yderligere være forskelligt fra person til person, hvordan man bliver vred eller frustreret. Vi ønsker at undersøge, hvordan forskellige køn håndtere deres vrede, og om der er forskel på, hvordan de håndterer vreden. Dette gør vi ved hjælp af blandt andet interviews og en kvantitativ spørgeskemaundersøgelse. Herudover inddrager vi teori omkring vrede og vredeshåndtering til at få et overblik over, hvordan vrede defineres i nutidens sa

Aktiv Nudging i Byrummet

In this paper we seek to nudge the users of Folkeparkens public restrooms to reflect on their own engagement and responsibility towards the maintenance of the restrooms. This also applies to the Municipality of Roskilde and their role in the matter. This will be done by identifying the causes behind continuous unhygienic public restrooms and investigations into how critical design and nudging can be used to get people to realize the issue and their own role in this.

Kryptovaluta: En komparativ analyse af

Bitcoin has lately gained massive attention in the media due to huge price fluctuations. However, most people don’t actually know how the inner technological systems of Bitcoin work. This paper seeks to understand the inner workings of the technology and how it might be implemented as a currency in Denmark.

Lydportræt af Skriget

Lydportræt af Skriget.

Videopræsentation: https://youtu.be/fGfjQ3AzPuw

Hjælpemiddel til lydsensitivitet

Some individuals with underlying conditions such as autism tend to have issues with overstimulation in noisy environments and/or hypersensitivity towards specific or loud sounds – also called hyperacusis. In this paper we will investigate the possibilities and difficulties of alleviating issues with hyperacusis, while focusing on designing a discreet wearable device that can aid people in this target group.

Podcast: Saras Lockdown

vores podcast

Nanna isn't working on any live projects right now.