Coops bæredygtige tiltag

This project first examines Coop Denmark’s app function Dit klimaaftryk (Your climate foot-print) and Coop Sweden’s app function Hålbarhetsdeklaration (Sustainability declaration) and their commitment towards climate change. Furthermore, the project focuses on consumer be-havior throughout a shopping situation. The project then examines the in-app functions with a technical approach using the TRIN-analysis.

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Coops bæredygtige tiltag
Coops bæredygtige tiltag

This project first examines Coop Denmark’s app function Dit klimaaftryk (Your climate foot-print) and Coop Sweden’s app function Hålbarhetsdeklaration (Sustainability declaration) and their commitment towards climate change. Furthermore, the project focuses on consumer be-havior throughout a shopping situation. The project then examines the in-app functions with a technical approach using the TRIN-analysis.

Kryptovaluta: En komparativ analyse af

Bitcoin has lately gained massive attention in the media due to huge price fluctuations. However, most people don’t actually know how the inner technological systems of Bitcoin work. This paper seeks to understand the inner workings of the technology and how it might be implemented as a currency in Denmark.

Survival Spil WSF21

This is an overview of the workshop “From Noob to Master Programmer” that took place in 2021.


This project examines how to optimize the reading and registration of blood sugar levels for diabetics with the use of a TCS3200 colour sensor together with an Arduino Uno board, and how to implement a new and improved glucose measuring artefact in the Danish healthcare sector.