Coops bæredygtige tiltag

This project first examines Coop Denmark’s app function Dit klimaaftryk (Your climate foot-print) and Coop Sweden’s app function Hålbarhetsdeklaration (Sustainability declaration) and their commitment towards climate change. Furthermore, the project focuses on consumer be-havior throughout a shopping situation. The project then examines the in-app functions with a technical approach using the TRIN-analysis.

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Coops bæredygtige tiltag
Coops bæredygtige tiltag

This project first examines Coop Denmark’s app function Dit klimaaftryk (Your climate foot-print) and Coop Sweden’s app function Hålbarhetsdeklaration (Sustainability declaration) and their commitment towards climate change. Furthermore, the project focuses on consumer be-havior throughout a shopping situation. The project then examines the in-app functions with a technical approach using the TRIN-analysis.

Kryptovaluta: moderne mønter

Bitcoin has many desirable attributes as a decentralized currency. We will in this paper attempt to discern whether it would be feasible to adopt the cryptocurrency instead of the fiat currency DKK. To accomplish this we have used the TRIN-model to outline the in- and external technological systems and processes, as well as advantages and disadvantages of both the current fiat valuta DKK and Bitcoin.

Alien Defence

I made a fully functioning game in just two weeks, there were still areas that could use some refinement and polish but overall a small and finished game

Transparency in game accessibilty

Det handler om tilgængelighed og mennesker med handicap.