antidepressiv medicin

This paper will explain and discuss subjects regarding depression, and its consequences. Depression is among the most common mental disorders, and it is estimated that depression affects roughly around 150 to 300 thousand people in Denmark every year.

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antidepressiv medicin
antidepressiv medicin

This paper will explain and discuss subjects regarding depression, and its consequences. Depression is among the most common mental disorders, and it is estimated that depression affects roughly around 150 to 300 thousand people in Denmark every year.

Cookies i medier

Tracking cookies (and pixel-tracking) are both methods that help collecting data around and about internet users. Cookies collect information and data on different formats, while pixels essentially do the same, but, apparently, with more variety in data collected on the user (and then sent to the pixel-creators server).
Advantages of tracking cookies and pixels (tracking, in general terms) could be that marketing can be targeted and be more relevant to the targeted subject. Disadvantages could be the ethical implications that the implementation of the tracking would provoke.

Lydportræt af Skriget

Lydportræt af Skriget.


Utryghed i Ørstedsparken

Her er vores endelig resultat af vores arbejde om at skabe mere tryghed i Ørstedsparken, efter mørkets frembrud. Vi har arbejdet med en designløsning af et lysdesign, som ligner et træ. Dette design mener vi er det bedste og mest realistiske bud på et artefakt til at oplyse mørke steder i Ørstedsparken.

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