This project is created with the purpose of understanding the game engine ‘unity’ and the process of creating a game. As a produt a game, SLASH, has been created. This game follows the genre styles of rogue-like. In this game, a randomly generated dungeon will allow the player to treverse and find two keys to pass through the end-gate. This player needs to avoid enemies, spikes and other posible obstacles on his way. The enemies hunt the player with the help of an implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm, allowing the enemies to pathfind around obstacles.

For more information read report.

Afhjælpning af unges stress og angst

In this paper, we will try to understand the association between younger students’ stress and
social media. Stress and mental health problems are growing problems among the youth, and
it is presumed that social media are the cause for it. We have been focusing on looking into
the relation between the young students of Instagram and how it influences their mental
health, described as social pressures such as Fear of Missing Out, the collective
understandings of the “perfect image”, and much more…

Cookies i medier

Tracking cookies (and pixel-tracking) are both methods that help collecting data around and about internet users. Cookies collect information and data on different formats, while pixels essentially do the same, but, apparently, with more variety in data collected on the user (and then sent to the pixel-creators server).
Advantages of tracking cookies and pixels (tracking, in general terms) could be that marketing can be targeted and be more relevant to the targeted subject. Disadvantages could be the ethical implications that the implementation of the tracking would provoke.

P5.js: Breakout

I dette projekt programmerer jeg et lille spil i p5.js.
I løbet af projektet beskriver jeg min proces, som inkluderer konceptualisering, midtvejs-vejledning, og re-iteration af prototypen for at afhjælpe fejl i den initielle prototype.
Metodisk set bestod det først i at programmere den overordnede state-machine, og derefter gameplayet, for at forsikre et “minimum viable product”, hvorefter jeg programmerede de forskellige “screens” (såsom “START”, “WIN” & “LOSE”).
Dette resulterede i dette lille spil som jeg har navngivet “Breakout”, jeg syntes det har været en meget lærerig erfaring.

Make Moodle Great

A paper examining the possible redesign of Moodle.

Self-watering plant

We’ve solved the problem with our solution: automatizing the process of watering a plant when necessary.
Of course there are oceans of neuances of botany and plant-life that’d dictate that different plants have different requirements of moisture.
If given more time, we would’ve probably developed further onto our product, having it sense the amount of light, air quality and more.

Oskar isn't working on any live projects right now.