Gambling i Gaming-industrien

In the modern era technology has many aspects that define our relationship with the
world outside of our subjective senses. It, therefore, becomes crucial in an academic
sense to investigate such a relationship between a certain technology and the subject
which through their practice of interaction with the tech, comes to a new
understanding of the world, and through said interaction, therefore, acts differently
than otherwise.

VR i sundhedssektoren

VR’s applications have broadly been viewed as deeply connected and thus isolated within the gaming sector.

However, the technology’s ability to play with people’s perceptions using presence through incorporation of PI and PSI, means
that now applications within the health sector have shown more promise.

Considering people suffering from social anxiety disorder, this report seeks to uncover how therapists in conjunction with their patients are using VR in treatment.

Ferie Alternativ #WSF21

Her har vi en video præsentation af vores proces.

HumTeks egen discord

How can we accommodate the lack of engagement and mental well being at RUC.

During our workshop, we created a design sprint. Here we took the 5 workdays of the week into different sections; Monday we looked for the underlying causalities and symptoms, Tuesday we looked to create different solutions, Wednesday we picked out the most favored solution, Thursday we created a prototype and Friday we tested the prototype out on our target audience. The effectiveness of the design sprint mean that we could identify the lack of social ties and that a discords server could help. Testing was positive.

Dataindsamling & det digitale samtykke

‘Big Data’ is widely used to describe the collection of data which companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook & Google do.
In this paper, we will analyse and cover the topic ‘data collection’ and how the Project Group can inform our target audience about what kind of data they allow companies to collect when they ‘accept’ their cookies, and which tools can be used to increase their privacy and the freedom to act while browsing the internet.

Self-watering plant

We’ve solved the problem with our solution: automatizing the process of watering a plant when necessary.
Of course there are oceans of neuances of botany and plant-life that’d dictate that different plants have different requirements of moisture.
If given more time, we would’ve probably developed further onto our product, having it sense the amount of light, air quality and more.

Rasmus isn't working on any live projects right now.