Algoritmer og film

Have you ever watched a movie and thought to yourself “this movie is truly made for me”? Well, what if we said that maybe it is? Data and algorithms can be a strong combination when you use them together with the right knowledge and for the right purpose. Since the founding of the world wide web in 1989 digitalization of the world have been ever growing. In this project we examine how data is used to predict future movies and how agents at CAA use the data in their work. Through case study we learn that CAA consists of smaller departments like CAAdata. You could say that CAAdata is the secret

VR Eksponeringsterapi for Social Angst

Social anxiety has for a long time been a problem for many people because of its ability to stun people and make them scared of normal human to human interaction, but now we may have a new way to help people with this problem in the form of VR technology.
The purpose of this report is to explore how VR technology can help people with social anxiety problems and what can be done to implement and innovate VR technology as a means of exposure therapy.

Defender of the Milky Way

“Defender of the Milky Way” on Thirdroom near you. Det her er mit videospil som jeg har programmeret under wokshoppen Noob to Master Programmer. Her på Thirdroom kan du se min præsentationsvideo og spille spillet selv hvis du vover. Go Defenders!

Forbedret udførelse af SSF 2020

Emnerne køn, krop og seksualitet samt sundhed og trivsel er tæt tilknyttet til vores identitet som menneske. Vi kan ikke separere os fra disse emner, da de på et eller andet tidspunkt i vores liv kommer til at berøre os. Derudover forventer samfundet en vis grad af kompetence fra det enkelte individ vedrørende disse områder, og på samme måde har de fleste oplevet en form for pres angående uvidenhed indenfor mindst et af disse emner.

Self-watering plant

We’ve solved the problem with our solution: automatizing the process of watering a plant when necessary.
Of course there are oceans of neuances of botany and plant-life that’d dictate that different plants have different requirements of moisture.
If given more time, we would’ve probably developed further onto our product, having it sense the amount of light, air quality and more.