



VR Eksponeringsterapi for Social Angst

Social anxiety has for a long time been a problem for many people because of its ability to stun people and make them scared of normal human to human interaction, but now we may have a new way to help people with this problem in the form of VR technology.
The purpose of this report is to explore how VR technology can help people with social anxiety problems and what can be done to implement and innovate VR technology as a means of exposure therapy.

AI Workshop : Graphic design

Vi har under denne workshop lavet et program, hvor en bruger kan lave en tegning, hvorefter programmet omdanner det til et maleri med Pablo Picasso stilart.

Koden: https://editor.p5js.org/Kristoffer333/sketches/o6vJkts1Z


Utilstrækkelig seksualundervisning

Vores færdige rapport omkring manglen på seksualundervisning