
This project seeks to examine how the municipality of Copenhagen has created and implemented sensory carts in disability care homes to help employees regulate arousal levels of the residents. A sensory cart is a piece of furniture on wheels equipped with different instruments to stimulate the senses of disabled citizens. Although the use of sensory carts in care homes have been successful there were some changes made in the implementation process. The aim of this paper is to examine what work and adaptations need to be done in order to ensure an effective and positive implementation process.

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This project seeks to examine how the municipality of Copenhagen has created and implemented sensory carts in disability care homes to help employees regulate arousal levels of the residents. A sensory cart is a piece of furniture on wheels equipped with different instruments to stimulate the senses of disabled citizens. Although the use of sensory carts in care homes have been successful there were some changes made in the implementation process. The aim of this paper is to examine what work and adaptations need to be done in order to ensure an effective and positive implementation process.

Hjemløses teknologiske udfordringer

En undersøgelse af hjemløse i københavns udfordringer med teknologi.

WORKSHOP 3D modellering #WSF21

Jeg har nogle ting, f.eks. min mobil, og fjernbetjeningen til mit lys, som mangler et sted at være, når jeg sidder ved mit skrivebord. Det skal være et sted, som ikke forstyrre rummets flow, og samtidig giver hurtig adgang til emnerne. Derudover mangler jeg et strømstik tæt ved min siddeplads, der ikke er besværlig at benytte. Produktet skal derfor også holde et strømtik oppe under bordpladen, således det er nemt tilgængeligt.

Utilstrækkelig seksualundervisning

Vores færdige rapport omkring manglen på seksualundervisning

Workshop – Fuzzy to Final

I vores workshop, Fuzzy to Final/brun stol, har vi arbejdet på at finde løsninger til campus med fokus på Corona. Vi har været rundt på campus, for at få inspiration til at enten at videreudvikle eller designe noget nyt, som er corona venligt.
Vi har arbejdet med at designe en Corona-venlig bænk. Som skal være med til at holde 1 meters afstand mellem personer.

Nickolai isn't working on any live projects right now.