
The purpose of this study is to generate new ideas and hypotheses, as well as test new perspectives in the field that could contribute to further research in the area. To achieve and investigate this, we have chosen to include the postphenomenological theory of science, actor-network theory, ‘TRIN-modellen’ analysis framework, and the health and society term empowerment. Concepts from these theories will be included in the analysis, which we have built around three levels, where each section of the analysis seeks to answer the study’s three research questions.


The purpose of this research project is to examine the significance of attachment in relation to self-regulation in an individual’s life. Our research question is defined as follows:
What significance does the child’s attachment to its parents have for the child’s ability to self-regulate in childhood and adulthood?
Our aim is to nuance our understanding of the concept of attachment and what significance this has for the ability to self-regulate. We analyzed Walter Mischel’s Marshmallow experiment on self-control with a hermeneutic approach as our scientific theoretical position.

Digital Selvskade

This project seeks to examine how acknowledgement and the performance-oriented society leads young women to join the online PRIV-network.


This project seeks to examine how the municipality of Copenhagen has created and implemented sensory carts in disability care homes to help employees regulate arousal levels of the residents. A sensory cart is a piece of furniture on wheels equipped with different instruments to stimulate the senses of disabled citizens. Although the use of sensory carts in care homes have been successful there were some changes made in the implementation process. The aim of this paper is to examine what work and adaptations need to be done in order to ensure an effective and positive implementation process.

Ansigtsgenkendelse i Kina og London

This project seeks to examine the technology of facial recognition, to get an understanding of the consequences it brings. The research question is defined as follows:

“How does the technology behind face recognition work, and which positive and negative consequences can the technology have for the citizens of China and London?”.


Jeg vil i dette essay besvare problemformuleringen og dette vil jeg gøre med udgangspunkt i tre tekster fra pensum, heri indbefattet “Technology Matter – Questions to Live With” af David Nye, Langdon Winners “Har Artefakter en Politisk Karakter” og til sidst teksten “Nudge”, som er skrevet af Thaler & Sunstein.

Marskoloni 22. århundrede #WSF21

Kuppel D, sol 66, (Earth Time: 12/03/2100)

Vi tog den drastiske beslutning at sende mennesker til Mars for at bosætte sig. Målet var ikke at sende millioner af mennesker til Mars, men rettere at garantere menneskehedens overlevelse.

Kuppel D blev bygget i siden af et krater, derved kunne vi sikre os mest mulig beskyttelse fra stråling. I begyndelsen af koloniseringen valgte vi at drage inspiration fra jordens terrasse rismarker, vi kunne hermed udnytte de lodrette kratervægge og gøre plads til landbrug samt beboelse.

Fysisk aktivitet på arbejdspladser

This assignment seeks to examine the general health and physical activity amongst the Danish population. The paper starts off with an introduction which depicts the different complex of problems regarding overweight and general health and lifestyle diseases in Denmark. It specifically describes how obesity is not only an issue for the individual, but also impacts the economy and the society in general.



Freja Sangvirat isn't working on any live projects right now.