Bachelor (2023)

Currently, Astma-Allergi Danmark, as an organization, is responsible for manually collecting pollen
data across Denmark. However, there is potential for improvement through the application of AI
and machine learning. Due to a lack of collaboration with Astma-Allergi Denmark, this project
aims to investigate the collection methods of pollen and develop an attempt to create an image
recognition AI that can automate the organization’s manual processes. Given the limited
knowledge and cooperation regarding their internal systems, the projekt relies on building
networks with external partners to es


En rapport der omhandler den skepsis omkring COVID-19 vaccinen, som er skabt i løbet af de sidste par år.

AI Screening af psykiske lidelser

The purpose of this study is to research, discuss and understand stress as a mental health illness.

Fri adgang til mit webcam – god ide?

Et lille program til arduino, der lader alle med en arduino åbne og lukke en slider på mit webcam. Det kræver dog, at de er forbundet til samme server som jeg er. Jeg har lavet en lille video der demonstrere den i brug, meget hurtigt og simpelt.

Utilstrækkelig seksualundervisning

Vores færdige rapport omkring manglen på seksualundervisning

Jet Fighter – The almost working game

2-player game where the goal is to shoot eachother. There are some problem with the restart function. Also the movement could be smoothened by using booleans returning true or false, with the key presses.