Bachelor (2023)

Currently, Astma-Allergi Danmark, as an organization, is responsible for manually collecting pollen
data across Denmark. However, there is potential for improvement through the application of AI
and machine learning. Due to a lack of collaboration with Astma-Allergi Denmark, this project
aims to investigate the collection methods of pollen and develop an attempt to create an image
recognition AI that can automate the organization’s manual processes. Given the limited
knowledge and cooperation regarding their internal systems, the projekt relies on building
networks with external partners to es


En rapport der omhandler den skepsis omkring COVID-19 vaccinen, som er skabt i løbet af de sidste par år.

De hjemløses verden

This project examines how Odense municipality can use GPS-tracking as a tool for citizen involvement regarding urban planning. It investigates social and technological aspects of how the homeless can be empowered by being included in the process of urban planning. Furthermore, the technologies and systems of GPS-tracking, data management and data visualization will be analyzed.


For at illustrere, hvilken betydning VR teknologien kan have for astronauter i fremtiden, har projektet produceret en video, som følger Kevin, en astronaut på vej til Mars.

I filmen viser vi, hvordan VR bodysuiten fungerer. Vi antager, at VR rummet ikke kan være alt for pladskrævende og tungt i første omgang. Derfor bliver rummet småt og der implementeres i stedet en treadmill, så der er mulighed for mere bevægelse. På den måde kan astronauter også bruge VR som en form for motion.

Vi håber i nyder filmen!

Come together

In this project, we have concluded that our solution regarding our research question; “How can modern technology help young adults with reaching out and finding people with the same hobbies in their community?”, was defined by the creation of an application. In regards to the app, we used different types of methods to help us investigate how to produce an application that will satisfy our targeted audiences such as Interviews, Hevners 3 cycles model, coloured cognitive mapping, storyboard, iterative method, prototypes, and logo method.

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