Atomkrafts indflydelse på samfundet

This project aims to study and discuss discourses appearing in debates regarding nuclear power in Denmark today. The examination and identification of historical and existing discourses will be based on the perspective of social constructivism and discursive practices, with the purpose to get a specific perspective on the subject. By doing this, the project has included its own empirical data and furthermore used external empirical knowledge, to accommodate the study of the above. Besides the focus on discours, the project also aims to study the technological part of nuclear power. The project

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Atomkrafts indflydelse på samfundet
Atomkrafts indflydelse på samfundet

This project aims to study and discuss discourses appearing in debates regarding nuclear power in Denmark today. The examination and identification of historical and existing discourses will be based on the perspective of social constructivism and discursive practices, with the purpose to get a specific perspective on the subject. By doing this, the project has included its own empirical data and furthermore used external empirical knowledge, to accommodate the study of the above. Besides the focus on discours, the project also aims to study the technological part of nuclear power. The project

De hjemløses verden

This project examines how Odense municipality can use GPS-tracking as a tool for citizen involvement regarding urban planning. It investigates social and technological aspects of how the homeless can be empowered by being included in the process of urban planning. Furthermore, the technologies and systems of GPS-tracking, data management and data visualization will be analyzed.

Dating and Doubts – Podcastworkshop

Vi har lavet en historiefortællende podcast med fokus på undergenren: fiktionspodcast. Historien handler om en kvinde, som skal på date med en fyr. For at sætte podcasten i kontrast til emnet køn, vil vi gerne give lytteren mulighed for en lidt mere abstrakt fortolkning af kønsroller og dreng/pige-forholdet på en date.
Vi anbefaler at benytte hovedtelefoner, når man lytter til podcasten. God lyttelyst!

Come together

In this project, we have concluded that our solution regarding our research question; “How can modern technology help young adults with reaching out and finding people with the same hobbies in their community?”, was defined by the creation of an application. In regards to the app, we used different types of methods to help us investigate how to produce an application that will satisfy our targeted audiences such as Interviews, Hevners 3 cycles model, coloured cognitive mapping, storyboard, iterative method, prototypes, and logo method.

Postcards from Mars

Vores svar på en jobannonce, som botaniker assisteret med A.I. på Mars i 2040.

Kopier links på sidste side i det vedhæftede dokument for vores videoer.

Catharina, Irem, Thomas & Caroline