VR til fjernundervisning

The purpose of this project is to study and examine the use of Virtual Reality at Danish Higher Educational Institutions, for their online classes and courses. The report seeks to clarify what type of technology Virtual Reality is, and how a future implementation can be achieved through distance learning. To meet these ends, the theory of distance learning, as posited by American philosopher Hubert Dreyfus, is analyzed in relation to existing knowledge and insights of the initial Danish Covid-19 lockdown, in the spring of 2020.

Chat rooms for ensomme

In the following paper we wish to examine how online chatrooms such as AldrigAlene.dk can help young people with problems like loneliness. It is a common problem that especially young people experience loneliness, and can feel that it is a difficult topic to talk about.
In a time where the internet and technology is a big part of our society, it is also a tool where we now can find help with a lot of mental and physical problems. We will research what chatroom technology can offer young people with loneliness.

Anti Racistisk Kunst Projekt

Kunst projekt der arbejder med blandingen mellem empati og interaktion igennem teknologi.

Vær opmærksom på at læse disclaimer før der blev set nogle film

South Park – Captain D Game

Velkommen til mit “From noob to Master Programmer” projekt. Jeg har udarbejdet et spil, der handler om at få fjernet så mange asteroider, som man nu kan, fra South Park indenfor 15 sekunder. For hver asteroide du rammer, får du et point. Kan du få alle asteroider fjernet inden for de 15 sekunder?

Link til en videopræsentation af mit spil:

Link til mit spil (spil ikke på safari, lyd fungere ikke så):

Link til p5.js, min kode:

By Vindue


Postcards from Mars

Vores svar på en jobannonce, som botaniker assisteret med A.I. på Mars i 2040.

Kopier links på sidste side i det vedhæftede dokument for vores videoer.

Catharina, Irem, Thomas & Caroline

Irem isn't working on any live projects right now.