Mediernes dækning af klimakrisen

In this report we will examine digital journalism and its potential to create incentive towards climate action on an individual level, in which the target group represents the general danish citizen. We will hereby put an emphasis on the different ways which digital journalism as a technology can mediate its recipients, which is carried out through the scientific theory postphenomenology.

Teknologisk overvågning

In this report, we seek to examine technological surveillance in workplaces and environments and thereby the consequential influence on the employees. This examination is carried out through a thorough investigation of a particular case concerning as a workplace by the assessing of three technologies, and the influence and consequences of their implementation, in comparison to their supposed purposes.

Redesign af Søren Kierkegaards plads

Videopræsentation af workshopprojekt.

Gennem denne workhop, har vi arbejdet med byrumsdesign af Søren Kierkegaards Plads og har på baggrund af vores indsamlede data, kommet med et løsningsforslag til en optimering af den nuværende plads. Se vores video og gå på opdagelse i vores proces her i Thirdroom.

By Vindue


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