VR Escape Room

A VR game development project, with a focus on creating an Escape Room/Puzzle Game experience. In this project, we have focused on understanding what is needed in order to design and develop a VR Game. This is coming from three students with no experience in either of the fields that is a part of this project, mainly Unity, C# Coding and game development itself.

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VR Escape Room
VR Escape Room

A VR game development project, with a focus on creating an Escape Room/Puzzle Game experience. In this project, we have focused on understanding what is needed in order to design and develop a VR Game. This is coming from three students with no experience in either of the fields that is a part of this project, mainly Unity, C# Coding and game development itself.

Lydklima til festivaler

Project about Sound Climate on Roskilde Festival

Anti Racistisk Kunst Projekt

Kunst projekt der arbejder med blandingen mellem empati og interaktion igennem teknologi.

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#WSF21 – “Space Shooter”

Min lille præsentation af det hele

By Vindue




Rasmus isn't working on any live projects right now.