Anti Racistisk Kunst Projekt

Kunst projekt der arbejder med blandingen mellem empati og interaktion igennem teknologi.

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Anti Racistisk Kunst Projekt
Anti Racistisk Kunst Projekt

Kunst projekt der arbejder med blandingen mellem empati og interaktion igennem teknologi.

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Byrumsfornyelse af havnefronten på Christiansbro.

By planlægning på Mars

The focus of this paper is to study how a colony on Mars could be organised inside a lava tunnel. The paper will identify and try to solve the problems and challenges of constructing a colony in the hostile environment on Mars. The construction of a colony on Mars will help secure human survival as a species and help further our exploration into space.
We have through various methods and theories such as SDSM (Soft design science methodology), Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander and Trin-Modellen worked out a solution to our problem.



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