Virtuelt prøverum

This examination contains a statement of the problem about the volume of returns in online fashion, including the environmental impact it provides. The examination is based on the corporation The actual problem occurs, when the size guides and other factors makes it hard for the consumers to find the correct sizes. This makes it more likely that consumers buy multiple pieces of the same outfit in various sizes.

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Virtuelt prøverum
Virtuelt prøverum

This examination contains a statement of the problem about the volume of returns in online fashion, including the environmental impact it provides. The examination is based on the corporation The actual problem occurs, when the size guides and other factors makes it hard for the consumers to find the correct sizes. This makes it more likely that consumers buy multiple pieces of the same outfit in various sizes.

Implementering af solceller

Et projekt omkring diffusion af solceller

implementering af solceller

Udbredelse af solceller samt hvordan et roadmap kan give mening.

Nyancat rises like a Phoenix

Oh manner vi gjorde det! eller nej faktisk ikke helt… Desværre er der lidt mangler i spillet men er da blevet en del klogere og kan nu bikse rundt med det i fritiden.

By planlægning på Mars

The focus of this paper is to study how a colony on Mars could be organised inside a lava tunnel. The paper will identify and try to solve the problems and challenges of constructing a colony in the hostile environment on Mars. The construction of a colony on Mars will help secure human survival as a species and help further our exploration into space.
We have through various methods and theories such as SDSM (Soft design science methodology), Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander and Trin-Modellen worked out a solution to our problem.

Belysning på Nørrebro St

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