Esportsklubber og ‘toxic’ adfærd

The aim of this project is to understand how Esport clubs in Denmark set conditions for the members and how they can affect the players behavior in relation to toxic behavior when they play CS:GO. Through theories about online behavior and practice theory we have been given a better understanding on how toxic behavior can exist in cyberspace and in practices. With the use of two expert interviews, an observation of a training session, and a Coloured Cognitive Map (CCM) we wish to visualize our problem and discuss how a possible design solution could minimize or annihilate toxic behavior.

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Esportsklubber og ‘toxic’ adfærd
Esportsklubber og ‘toxic’ adfærd

The aim of this project is to understand how Esport clubs in Denmark set conditions for the members and how they can affect the players behavior in relation to toxic behavior when they play CS:GO. Through theories about online behavior and practice theory we have been given a better understanding on how toxic behavior can exist in cyberspace and in practices. With the use of two expert interviews, an observation of a training session, and a Coloured Cognitive Map (CCM) we wish to visualize our problem and discuss how a possible design solution could minimize or annihilate toxic behavior.

Implementering af solceller

Et projekt omkring diffusion af solceller

Workshop Design af energiplan

Vi har igennem de to uger arbejdet med energiplaner og hvordan man kan blive CO2 neutral. Vi har lært noget om hvordan de forskellige ting hænger sammen når det kommer til affaldshåndtering, energisystemer og udledning. Så vi har fået et godt indblik af hvordan det hele fungerer overordnet.

The RUC event app!

In this assignment, we have been looking into information availability of university events for Roskilde University students. The main focus has been to optimize the way information from student organizations is relayed to others, and to help to improve the overview of this information. We also investigated the importance of social relations in universities and how it affects the study environment and student welfare.

Boardgame workshop – Rafter Crafter

This is a board game that we designed in two weeks. Welcome to Rafter Crafter.