Workshop Design af energiplan

Vi har igennem de to uger arbejdet med energiplaner og hvordan man kan blive CO2 neutral. Vi har lært noget om hvordan de forskellige ting hænger sammen når det kommer til affaldshåndtering, energisystemer og udledning. Så vi har fået et godt indblik af hvordan det hele fungerer overordnet.

Hjælpemiddel til lydsensitivitet

Some individuals with underlying conditions such as autism tend to have issues with overstimulation in noisy environments and/or hypersensitivity towards specific or loud sounds – also called hyperacusis. In this paper we will investigate the possibilities and difficulties of alleviating issues with hyperacusis, while focusing on designing a discreet wearable device that can aid people in this target group.

The girl

Dette er vores workshop produkt “the girl”. The girl er vores bud på at skabe en gyselig oplevelse kun ved hjælp af lyde vi selv har optaget og manipuleret.

Sound as Creative Process – E20

After a first week of exploratory exercises and training in sound recording and editing techniques, with a focus on process and collective work, and second week of group work, the students’ final projects have now been published.
See below for links to their own live projects:

Asbjørn isn't working on any live projects right now.