Virtuelt prøverum

This examination contains a statement of the problem about the volume of returns in online fashion, including the environmental impact it provides. The examination is based on the corporation The actual problem occurs, when the size guides and other factors makes it hard for the consumers to find the correct sizes. This makes it more likely that consumers buy multiple pieces of the same outfit in various sizes.

Digitale fodspor og effekten af cookie

The focus of this study is how cookies and their algorithms, influence the youth, in specific Genera-tion Z, through the social media called TikTok. We seek to inform about the influence of social media in relation to Generation Z, and attempt to better our understanding of the issues that may arise, as social media apps like TikTok entangle themselves in the lives of a young generation.

Escaping asteroids

Mit færdige spil, hvor man er i rummet og skal undgå at blive ramt af asteroiderne så længe som muligt.

At leve med døden

The focus of this study is an illumination of the troubles we go through as a society, in talking to the bereaved. We seek to reevaluate this process and attempt to give life to a discussion about it. As part of the study, we made a short documentary, wherein we interview people who have been touched by the loss of a loved one and get their perspectives on how to improve the situation.

Sound as Creative Process – E20

After a first week of exploratory exercises and training in sound recording and editing techniques, with a focus on process and collective work, and second week of group work, the students’ final projects have now been published.
See below for links to their own live projects:

Bar’ Livet

Vi har valgt at skabe en stereotypisk timelapse af livet, hvor lyden er placeret, så den opleves fra vores hovedpersons hørelse. Her vil man blive taget igennem lyde der skal vække genkendelse til livets faser. Vi vil undervejs i hele udviklingsprocessen ligge vægt på, at skabe de lyde der bedst kendetegner disse faser, men give lytteren frihed til selv at skabe sin egen forestilling af livet ud fra hvilke personlige associationer man får fra lydene.

Tobias isn't working on any live projects right now.