Moderne hekse

This project explores the phenomenon magical resistance in a case study of the Facebook group “Bind Trump”. Magical resistance as a movement grew after Trump was elected, initiated by the Bind Trump-ritual. Through interviews of members and theory on social media the multistable functions of the group is analyzed. The purpose of the movement is to generate political change through collective magical rituals. Magic is defined as an activity done with intention. Magic doesn’t generate change in itself, and it is vital in magical resistance to manifest intentionality by participating politically

Social Computer Interaction

This project examines how social interaction can be streghtened amongst young Copenhageners through interactive installations.

Artful Dancer #WSF21

Artful dancer er et produkt der skal give en anderledes interaktion med computeren, end de fleste er van til. Vi har udarbejdet en prototype på et program der forbinder det kropslige, kreative og det tekniske. Med en positionstracker og et integreret tegneprogram, har vi forbundet dine hænders bevægelser, med et kunstfyldt udtryk. Dette, skal sammen med integreret musik, give en sanselig og meditativoplevelse.

Prøv det selv af her:
– Stå oprejst for at få den bedste oplevelse

Se koden her:

Hacking i modeindustrien

This project examines how to contribute to sustainable changes in the fashion industry through empowerment. Inspired by problem oriented sustainability science, the design focuses on creating a design solution that includes participation as a method for sustainable changes. Finally this project concludes that creating a workshop manual that encourages participation and taking ownership can create empowerment and hopefully the solution spirals to mobilise sustainable communities of empowered consumers.

Sound as Creative Process – E20

After a first week of exploratory exercises and training in sound recording and editing techniques, with a focus on process and collective work, and second week of group work, the students’ final projects have now been published.
See below for links to their own live projects:


Mange af os har mistet evnen til at lytte til vores krop. Når vi bliver bedt om at “mærke efter” et sted i vores krop – fx under en bodyscan til en yogatime – kan det føles abstrakt og fremmed. Hvordan kan vi gøre det mindre fremmed og mere konkret at “mærke efter”? Kan vi genskabe forbindelsen til vores krop gennem lyd?

Laura isn't working on any live projects right now.