Teknologisk genoptræning

This report concerns the usage of sensor technology, where we focus on an already existing tech-nology named ICURA trainer. This technology is being used in several municipalities around Denmark, including Roskilde, to help patients with hip and/or knee injuries, undergo a more ef-fective rehabilitation period. This is done using these ICURA trainer sensors, which collect and analyze how well a patient performs their rehabilitation exercises.
Read the rest in the report.

AI som mental støtte

The healthcare system not only in Denmark but also in the world is lacking the needed psychologists to properly treat and diagnose people who are suffering from the effects of a given mental illness, under these is a major one namely depression. Depression is an issue that a lot of people struggle with, but there is not enough attention on depression to give a proper diagnose for the people suffering from the illness. This is a huge issue, since this illness is incredibly serious, and dangerous and many people can go years without the proper treatments.

Artful Dancer #WSF21

Artful dancer er et produkt der skal give en anderledes interaktion med computeren, end de fleste er van til. Vi har udarbejdet en prototype på et program der forbinder det kropslige, kreative og det tekniske. Med en positionstracker og et integreret tegneprogram, har vi forbundet dine hænders bevægelser, med et kunstfyldt udtryk. Dette, skal sammen med integreret musik, give en sanselig og meditativoplevelse.

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Make Moodle Great

A paper examining the possible redesign of Moodle.

Planetary Invasion (Space Invaders)

The project was fun and challenging to make, it was most certainly challenging by the end of the deadline, but we pulled through. Below is the source code and executeble files for you to try out.

Alex isn't working on any live projects right now.