Sociale Medier og Unges Mistrivsel

The focus of this case study is to explore and possibly conclude on whether the influence of social media has a direct effect and cause on children’s well-being specifically Danish children in secondary school. This case study is centered in the Science, Technology and Society field supported by theories from Design and Construction. With use of qualitative interviews of a graduating class and various reports on Danish students’ well-being as well as theories from sociologist Erving Goffman. This paper explores the possibility that social media might have an impact on the students’ well-being.

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Sociale Medier og Unges Mistrivsel
Sociale Medier og Unges Mistrivsel

The focus of this case study is to explore and possibly conclude on whether the influence of social media has a direct effect and cause on children’s well-being specifically Danish children in secondary school. This case study is centered in the Science, Technology and Society field supported by theories from Design and Construction. With use of qualitative interviews of a graduating class and various reports on Danish students’ well-being as well as theories from sociologist Erving Goffman. This paper explores the possibility that social media might have an impact on the students’ well-being.

Facebooks Relevansalgoritme

Et indblik i Facebooks relevansalgoritme og dens magt.

Styr andres lys med Google Home

Vores projekt i Arduinoworkshoppen 2021, der handler om beskeder man kan sende til sine venner gennem lys via smart home assistants. Vi bruger forskellige ord som “triggers” til at sende et signal til hinanden, som så vil ændre hinandens lysfarve, og dermed vise hvad vi har gang i.

Make Moodle Great

A paper examining the possible redesign of Moodle.

Brætspildesign workshop

Vi har de sidste 2 uger designet og produceret vores eget brætspil ved navn “2020 Sygt Spil”.
Spillet kan spilles af 3 til 4 spillere og tager 30-45 min at gennemføre. Spillet foregår i en fiktiv verden der er hærget af en virus. Denne verdensorden er dybt ufunktionel da ingen lande samarbejder med hinanden og derfor spiller man mod hinanden. Det gælder helt simpelt om at udvikle en vaccine før de andre spillere.