Sociale Medier og Unges Mistrivsel

The focus of this case study is to explore and possibly conclude on whether the influence of social media has a direct effect and cause on children’s well-being specifically Danish children in secondary school. This case study is centered in the Science, Technology and Society field supported by theories from Design and Construction. With use of qualitative interviews of a graduating class and various reports on Danish students’ well-being as well as theories from sociologist Erving Goffman. This paper explores the possibility that social media might have an impact on the students’ well-being.

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Sociale Medier og Unges Mistrivsel
Sociale Medier og Unges Mistrivsel

The focus of this case study is to explore and possibly conclude on whether the influence of social media has a direct effect and cause on children’s well-being specifically Danish children in secondary school. This case study is centered in the Science, Technology and Society field supported by theories from Design and Construction. With use of qualitative interviews of a graduating class and various reports on Danish students’ well-being as well as theories from sociologist Erving Goffman. This paper explores the possibility that social media might have an impact on the students’ well-being.

Facebooks Relevansalgoritme

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Marskoloni 22. århundrede #WSF21

Kuppel D, sol 66, (Earth Time: 12/03/2100)

Vi tog den drastiske beslutning at sende mennesker til Mars for at bosætte sig. Målet var ikke at sende millioner af mennesker til Mars, men rettere at garantere menneskehedens overlevelse.

Kuppel D blev bygget i siden af et krater, derved kunne vi sikre os mest mulig beskyttelse fra stråling. I begyndelsen af koloniseringen valgte vi at drage inspiration fra jordens terrasse rismarker, vi kunne hermed udnytte de lodrette kratervægge og gøre plads til landbrug samt beboelse.

Tryghed i H. C. Ørstedsparken

Endelige rapportaflevering

Workshop – Fuzzy to Final

I vores workshop, Fuzzy to Final/brun stol, har vi arbejdet på at finde løsninger til campus med fokus på Corona. Vi har været rundt på campus, for at få inspiration til at enten at videreudvikle eller designe noget nyt, som er corona venligt.
Vi har arbejdet med at designe en Corona-venlig bænk. Som skal være med til at holde 1 meters afstand mellem personer.

Victor isn't working on any live projects right now.