Skærmforbrugs påvirkning på børn

This project assignment focuses on 2- to 5-year-old children’s screen use. It states how they use the screen and some of the consequences connected with a high screen use. Furthermore, it focuses on the great impact from society and what social situations have on the different purposes and the implementation of screens.

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Skærmforbrugs påvirkning på børn
Skærmforbrugs påvirkning på børn

This project assignment focuses on 2- to 5-year-old children’s screen use. It states how they use the screen and some of the consequences connected with a high screen use. Furthermore, it focuses on the great impact from society and what social situations have on the different purposes and the implementation of screens.

Ansigtsgenkendelse i Kina og London

This project seeks to examine the technology of facial recognition, to get an understanding of the consequences it brings. The research question is defined as follows:

“How does the technology behind face recognition work, and which positive and negative consequences can the technology have for the citizens of China and London?”.

Marskoloni 22. århundrede #WSF21

Kuppel D, sol 66, (Earth Time: 12/03/2100)

Vi tog den drastiske beslutning at sende mennesker til Mars for at bosætte sig. Målet var ikke at sende millioner af mennesker til Mars, men rettere at garantere menneskehedens overlevelse.

Kuppel D blev bygget i siden af et krater, derved kunne vi sikre os mest mulig beskyttelse fra stråling. I begyndelsen af koloniseringen valgte vi at drage inspiration fra jordens terrasse rismarker, vi kunne hermed udnytte de lodrette kratervægge og gøre plads til landbrug samt beboelse.

Grøn afskærmning på Nørreport Station

Dette projekt omhandler grøn afskærmning på Nørreport Station.

Støj og luftforurening på Tomsgårdsvej

Reducering af støj og forurening på Tomsgårdsvej.

Kathrine isn't working on any live projects right now.