Skærmforbrugs påvirkning på børn

This project assignment focuses on 2- to 5-year-old children’s screen use. It states how they use the screen and some of the consequences connected with a high screen use. Furthermore, it focuses on the great impact from society and what social situations have on the different purposes and the implementation of screens.

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Skærmforbrugs påvirkning på børn
Skærmforbrugs påvirkning på børn

This project assignment focuses on 2- to 5-year-old children’s screen use. It states how they use the screen and some of the consequences connected with a high screen use. Furthermore, it focuses on the great impact from society and what social situations have on the different purposes and the implementation of screens.

GPS overvågning

This Project assignment is about the Global Positioning System (GPS), how it works and its impact on society in relation to smart mobility.
We used the 6-step model by Thomas Budde Christensen, Erling Jelsøe and Niels Jørgensen, to understand how the GPS work and operates.
Throughout the project, four different cases will be examined, which gives an overview on the great impact GPS has on society in relation to smart mobility.


Videoen til launch ligger under milepælen “Showtime præsentation” – god fornøjelse”

Glade og engageret studerende

Launch indeholder testdata fra vores respondenter. Det er vigtigt at sige, at vi ikke kan generalisere ud fra den data vi har fået, men det giver en udemærket indikation.

Optimering af byrum

Mødested for studerende i Jernbanebyen.

Støj og luftforurening på Tomsgårdsvej

Reducering af støj og forurening på Tomsgårdsvej.

Eline Lindegaard isn't working on any live projects right now.