


The purpose of this project is to study the aspect of self-monitoring with a focus on how people use self-monitoring technologies such as Strava to track quantifiable data about themself. To investigate this, the project introduces a theoretical aspect of practice theory and Pierre Bourdieu, which will be applied through qualitative methods. Furthermore, to get an understanding for how the technology behind Strava is structured and developed, a technological analysis of Strava would be presented through the project. Moreover, the project aims to discover opportunities and restrictions correspo


Videoen til launch ligger under milepælen “Showtime præsentation” – god fornøjelse”

Glade og engageret studerende

Launch indeholder testdata fra vores respondenter. Det er vigtigt at sige, at vi ikke kan generalisere ud fra den data vi har fået, men det giver en udemærket indikation.

Tracker med Pulsmåler

The intention for this report is to document our study of a GPS-tracker combined with a heart
rate sensor, for the people diagnosed with dementia and to give relatives less concern and more stability in their daily routine.
In this report, there are some sub-topics we need to understand, to make a good prototype.

Danske Bank – Hvidvaskning

I have participated in the workshop “noob to master” which is about programming in processing.

After a week of theory, we had to code a game that contained what we had learned.

very fun workshop with some clever teachers.

Here is a short videopresentation of the game.

Oliver Degn isn't working on any live projects right now.