Notifikationer fra sociale medier

The purpose of this study is to gather information about the impact of smartphone notifications
from social media on the individual, specifically the impact on social relations. We therefore
came up with the research question “How do notifications from social media affect social relationships,
and what are the consequences?” The main theme for the project concerns the academic
fields of Subjectivity, Technology and Society (STS), and Technology Systems and
Artifacts (TSA).

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Notifikationer fra sociale medier
Notifikationer fra sociale medier

The purpose of this study is to gather information about the impact of smartphone notifications
from social media on the individual, specifically the impact on social relations. We therefore
came up with the research question “How do notifications from social media affect social relationships,
and what are the consequences?” The main theme for the project concerns the academic
fields of Subjectivity, Technology and Society (STS), and Technology Systems and
Artifacts (TSA).

Ingenuity-helikopter på Mars

Projekt om anvendelse af UAV´er på Mars

Tulle – The Opensource Smart-Assistant

Project Tulle is an opensource Smart-Assistant, that can tell you a joke on-demand, and what the weather is like. You can also tell it ‘Good Morning’, ‘Good afternoon’ and ‘Goodnight’.

Here’s our code-presentation link:

Here’s our code for you to edit and play with:

Here’s a link for our video-production:

Optimering af byrum

Mødested for studerende i Jernbanebyen.


Vi blev bidt af ideen om en rumelevator. Så vi kastede os ud i at lave en model af en rumelevator, og dette er resultatet. Vi har filmet modellen, indsamlet en masse viden, skrevet et postkort fra Mars og samlet det hele i en video.