Atomkraft i Danmark

Atomkraftens økonomi

Ansigtsgenkendelse i Kina og London

This project seeks to examine the technology of facial recognition, to get an understanding of the consequences it brings. The research question is defined as follows:

“How does the technology behind face recognition work, and which positive and negative consequences can the technology have for the citizens of China and London?”.

METEORREGN – Noob to Master WSF21

Meteorregn er et computerspil programmeret i workshoppen: Noob to Master. I spillet gælder det om at undgå at blive ramt af meteorerne. Spillet bliver sværere og sværere jo længere du kommer

Grøn afskærmning på Nørreport Station

Dette projekt omhandler grøn afskærmning på Nørreport Station.

Daniel Als isn't working on any live projects right now.