Fingerplanens indflydelse af København

This project intends to examine the effects the ‘fingerplan’ have had, and will have, on the possibilities of transport along the lane-like structure that make up the five ‘fingers’.

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Fingerplanens indflydelse af København
Fingerplanens indflydelse af København

This project intends to examine the effects the ‘fingerplan’ have had, and will have, on the possibilities of transport along the lane-like structure that make up the five ‘fingers’.

Social Computer Interaction

This project examines how social interaction can be streghtened amongst young Copenhageners through interactive installations.

Digital Produktion 2. Semester

Her er et lille indblik i mit arbejde fra Workshoppen digital produktion. Vi har kigget primært i fusion 360 som har været super sjovt. Derudover er vi også blevet introduceret i 3D print, CNC og laserskæring.
Her finder i også en video med lidt af mine erfaringer.

Hacking i modeindustrien

This project examines how to contribute to sustainable changes in the fashion industry through empowerment. Inspired by problem oriented sustainability science, the design focuses on creating a design solution that includes participation as a method for sustainable changes. Finally this project concludes that creating a workshop manual that encourages participation and taking ownership can create empowerment and hopefully the solution spirals to mobilise sustainable communities of empowered consumers.

Battle Of The Oceans

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Marco isn't working on any live projects right now.