Aktiv Nudging i Byrummet

In this paper we seek to nudge the users of Folkeparkens public restrooms to reflect on their own engagement and responsibility towards the maintenance of the restrooms. This also applies to the Municipality of Roskilde and their role in the matter. This will be done by identifying the causes behind continuous unhygienic public restrooms and investigations into how critical design and nudging can be used to get people to realize the issue and their own role in this.

Solceller på lavbundsjord

The purpose of this project is to contribute to Denmark’s 2030 timeline in the reduction of the country’s carbon emission. This project researches the viability of implementing solar energy for certain geographical locations in Denmark. Land that is not suited for agricultural uses, due to high concentration of carbon dioxide – namely peatlands – may be suitable for solar farms.

Workshop Design af energiplan

Vi har igennem de to uger arbejdet med energiplaner og hvordan man kan blive CO2 neutral. Vi har lært noget om hvordan de forskellige ting hænger sammen når det kommer til affaldshåndtering, energisystemer og udledning. Så vi har fået et godt indblik af hvordan det hele fungerer overordnet.

The RUC event app!

In this assignment, we have been looking into information availability of university events for Roskilde University students. The main focus has been to optimize the way information from student organizations is relayed to others, and to help to improve the overview of this information. We also investigated the importance of social relations in universities and how it affects the study environment and student welfare.

Around Us

A game made with the processing application.
The objective is to collect all the data pads without colliding against the wall.

Movement controls: W – A – S – D

Try out the game by downloading the zip file here (RUC Login required): https://moodle.ruc.dk/pluginfile.php/489155/mod_glossary/attachment/1889/AroundUs.zip

After downloading the game, unpack the folder and run the file “AroundUs2_1.exe”.

You can also try “AroundUs2_0.exe” which is the older version of the game.

See my video presentation of the game below. Note that my video presentation of the game is of version 2.0

Max isn't working on any live projects right now.