VR til fjernundervisning

The purpose of this project is to study and examine the use of Virtual Reality at Danish Higher Educational Institutions, for their online classes and courses. The report seeks to clarify what type of technology Virtual Reality is, and how a future implementation can be achieved through distance learning. To meet these ends, the theory of distance learning, as posited by American philosopher Hubert Dreyfus, is analyzed in relation to existing knowledge and insights of the initial Danish Covid-19 lockdown, in the spring of 2020.

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VR til fjernundervisning
VR til fjernundervisning

The purpose of this project is to study and examine the use of Virtual Reality at Danish Higher Educational Institutions, for their online classes and courses. The report seeks to clarify what type of technology Virtual Reality is, and how a future implementation can be achieved through distance learning. To meet these ends, the theory of distance learning, as posited by American philosopher Hubert Dreyfus, is analyzed in relation to existing knowledge and insights of the initial Danish Covid-19 lockdown, in the spring of 2020.

Basisprojekt 3

Hvordan kan man oversætte Børnetelefonen til en applikation, som kan hjælpe børn og unge med, at finde folk med de samme problemer, som de kan snakke med?

De indre mekanismer af onboarding

This project revolves around the onboarding-process on the website Thirdroom. Thirdroom is facing a problem due to its lack of resources, to maintain sufficient amounts of mentors for mentor driven onboarding. In the future Thirdroom is meant to be a collaborative tool, for the entirety of Roskilde University. To solve this problem, this project seeks to establish an IT-facilitated solution. In solving this problem, we applied theory about gamification, first impressions, nudging and more. The end result is an onboarding-process which we hope inspires the future of Thirdroom.

Tryghed i nattelivet

Her er vores ende lige projekt, hvor vi har haft fokus på hvordan mennesker interagerer lys og hvordan det kan være med til at påvirke trygheden i parker.

Show time

Jeg blev træt af at man mange gange taber sine terninger, når dem bruger dem og det ender så med, at de bliver skadet, så jeg lavede en terning slå plade, så man kan undgå dette.