Basisprojekt 3

Hvordan kan man oversætte Børnetelefonen til en applikation, som kan hjælpe børn og unge med, at finde folk med de samme problemer, som de kan snakke med?

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Basisprojekt 3
Basisprojekt 3

Hvordan kan man oversætte Børnetelefonen til en applikation, som kan hjælpe børn og unge med, at finde folk med de samme problemer, som de kan snakke med?

Facebook-algoritmens indflydelse på sa

This project examines how the social media, Facebook, affects the behavioral traits of an individual Facebook-user through the use of the technological tool; algorithms. The background for the project stems from the documentaries, The Cambridge Analytica Scandal and The Social Dilemma. Based on the theory involved, we have managed to investigate how Facebook’s relevance algorithms affect and sometimes change the behavior of individuals………

Noob til Master Projekt

Dette er projektet som er blevet i pj5, det er basale er at slangen skal spise de røde objekter for at vokse så lang som mulig.

Social ulighed i sundhed

This study investigates the social inequality in mens healthcare. The baseline of this project is based on the report; ​Social ulighed i mænds sundhed og sygdom​, published by the Danish Health Authority. This report analyses whether or not men’s self diagnosis of health does have an effect on their relationship with the general practitioner. It seems that men have a tendency to not go to the doctor before their health takes a turn for the worse. Although study shows that many men do want to visit the doctor, sometimes they cannot find the time……..

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