Depression hos unge

This report is about how to help children and youth in the age of 12-18 to reduce or combat mild and moderate depression through a digital platform. This is topical as depression is a serious and increasing mental disorder, resulting in long waiting times for psychologists, as well as making it more expensive for the state and depression sufferers.
To answer the problem formulation, various methods and empirical evidence have been used in the form of interviews, theory and existing digital platforms within depression. Two experts on the subject of depression have been interviewed, as

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Depression hos unge
Depression hos unge

This report is about how to help children and youth in the age of 12-18 to reduce or combat mild and moderate depression through a digital platform. This is topical as depression is a serious and increasing mental disorder, resulting in long waiting times for psychologists, as well as making it more expensive for the state and depression sufferers.
To answer the problem formulation, various methods and empirical evidence have been used in the form of interviews, theory and existing digital platforms within depression. Two experts on the subject of depression have been interviewed, as

Facebook-algoritmens indflydelse på sa

This project examines how the social media, Facebook, affects the behavioral traits of an individual Facebook-user through the use of the technological tool; algorithms. The background for the project stems from the documentaries, The Cambridge Analytica Scandal and The Social Dilemma. Based on the theory involved, we have managed to investigate how Facebook’s relevance algorithms affect and sometimes change the behavior of individuals………


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