Transparenthed fra regeringen

In this report we focus on how the roll out of electric vehicles in the Danish society displays transparency from the governments side. We do not seek to conclude whether there is a lack of transparency from the governments side, but only to focus on how transparency in general is displayed. This focus also seeks to keep us neutral in our perception towards the government and their work. To do this, we involve a case study, focusing on the technologies involved as well as the political situation, and an analysis of the communication between the Danish Government and the EU.

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Transparenthed fra regeringen
Transparenthed fra regeringen

In this report we focus on how the roll out of electric vehicles in the Danish society displays transparency from the governments side. We do not seek to conclude whether there is a lack of transparency from the governments side, but only to focus on how transparency in general is displayed. This focus also seeks to keep us neutral in our perception towards the government and their work. To do this, we involve a case study, focusing on the technologies involved as well as the political situation, and an analysis of the communication between the Danish Government and the EU.

Data- & online aktivisme

This project focuses on online radicalization with a special look into YouTube and its recommendation algorithm, and how it can affect the radicalization process.

Workshop 8: Tidsbegrænset læselampe

En læselampe med tids-restriktion

Popularisering af museer

This project will focus on how to increase the popularity of cultural-history museum for a younger demographic, by use of analysing and evaluating the problem and possible solutions.

Digital produktion – Udvidende bogreol

Arbejde fra workshopugen i efterår semesteret 2020

Emma isn't working on any live projects right now.