Potentiale med selvkørende biler

The purpose of this project is to analyse and discuss the potential safety related to challenges that can occur with automotive vehicles. We categorize these safety threats into physical and digital security. As the fully automated vehicle is still under development, due to these safety challenges we also partly discuss the possible solutions for overcoming these obstacles. We have conducted two interviews to gain further knowledge of automotive vehicles and how they gain full safety with their technology. Through our empirical collection, we were able to get an overview of society’s current s

AI som ven

The purpose of this project is to find the most optimal way to prevent suicide attempts amongst young adults by introducing a technological solution, such as the implementation of chatbots.

Astronautens døgnrytme

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Popularisering af museer

This project will focus on how to increase the popularity of cultural-history museum for a younger demographic, by use of analysing and evaluating the problem and possible solutions.

Forskellige typer af drone styring

Efter vi færdiggjorde vores projekt, har vi lavet en video. Vores video fortæller hvilke former for controllere er bedst i visse situationer, derudover har vi også lavet en poster der kort forklarer, hvad vi har arbejdet med.

Showtime Video