looking for an easy project journey

lorem ipsum sularum

A collection of wireframes on the new internship module for the new Thirdroom.org platform that launches in August 2022.

Mjølnerparkens teoretiske fremtid

This project is based on the idea of increasing the amount of social interaction between the residents in Mjølnerparken by remodeling the common outdoor area.

This is done by a thorough analysis of what works in the already established public area in Mjølnerparken and what can be added so that the residents will use the area more often.

AR Kunst


Fremtidens landbrug – Vertical farming

This project examines the concept of vertical farming and its future possibilities in Danish agriculture. It investigates political, social and historical aspects of agriculture and is based on a case study on one of the leading vertical farm companies in Europe, Nordic Harvest. These aspects will be examined and analyzed with use of Dickson Despommier’s (2010) theories on vertical farming and will be put into perspective by looking at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, the project contains an in depth analysis of the most important technological features

Kunstig livmoder

Dette er den endelige report.

Anbefalingsalgoritmer i hverdagen

In the project we attempt to dig into the recommendation side of Spotify, how the algorithms work, and how they shape our way of listening to and discovering new music. We chose to work primarily with the Spotify playlist “Discover Weekly”, as it generates a new playlist full of songs the user most likely have not heard at all.
The highlights:
– General insight of a consumer’s experiences with the Spotify Recommendation Algorithms.
– Awareness to how these algorithms affect the consumers choice of music.
– How the algorithms and discover weekly has affected us during the project period.


This report seeks to evaluate on lessons learned so far running the digital platform Thirdroom since 2017, with its prime starting point in the Humtek house under RUC, IMT. The information gathered is used to generate an implementation strategy for Thirdroom to be executed on IKH in the nearby future. Through the use of ‘Semi constructed Interview Method’ data has been gathered from different individuals belonging to different interest groups, connected to the usages of Thirdroom.

De hjemløses verden

This project examines how Odense municipality can use GPS-tracking as a tool for citizen involvement regarding urban planning. It investigates social and technological aspects of how the homeless can be empowered by being included in the process of urban planning. Furthermore, the technologies and systems of GPS-tracking, data management and data visualization will be analyzed.

Showtime på Thirdroom

En opsamling/evaluering af Workshop Showtime F2021, som viser graden af aktiv deltagelse og interaktion på Thirdroom.

Grøn afskærmning på Nørreport Station

Dette projekt omhandler grøn afskærmning på Nørreport Station.

Tracker med Pulsmåler

The intention for this report is to document our study of a GPS-tracker combined with a heart
rate sensor, for the people diagnosed with dementia and to give relatives less concern and more stability in their daily routine.
In this report, there are some sub-topics we need to understand, to make a good prototype.

Guide: Den gode mundtlige præsentation

Den gode mundtlige præsentation

How-to Thirdroom

You can find help videos and an on boarding flow for Thirdroom here. Please dont hesitate to contact us at thirdroom@ruc.dk if you have any questions!

Smartwatch Tracking

Selftracking with smartwatches to live a healthy life

Funktionelle og Æstetiske byrum

This project is based on a specific urban space, called Ragnhildgade-grunden. In this project we used a theoretical approach in relation to our first design solution to the urban space. Furthermore, we have used empirical data and interviews with local individuals to analyze and re-create our second design solution. A combination of the theoretical approach and data from our interviews will help us develop our final design solution. Our studies have shown that aesthetic properties and light technology has an impact on the individual perception of an aesthetic urban space.

Tools for Visual Presentations

lorem ipsum – et godt abstact som intro til jeres projekt!

Redesign af HumTeks forhal

Kan man skabe et inspirende rum der kan bringe de studerendes viden i spil, samt være et rum for projekt arbejde og hygge?

SDG Challenge Board

comming soon

Labs og studios på RUC

Dette projekt prøver at samle og give et overblik over diverse labs og studios der findes på RUC. Kender du til et der ikke er her, så adder det gerne i “Comments”.
Dette værk er licenseret under en Creative Commons Kreditering 4.0 International-licens.

De nye 1+ 2. semester vejledninger

Denne tidslinje viser de foremlle guides til 2 semesters afleveringer på Thirdroom

TR som CSCW-system på RUC



This project explains more about what Thirdroom is and how it came to be, if your are interest in the development and its history!

Et demokrati-understøttende DR?

Gennem projektrapporten er der blevet skabt et billede af, hvordan public
service-medier kan forstås i demokratisk sammenhæng ud fra et politisk-filosofisk,
begrebsligt og nutidigt mediepolitisk synspunkt.

Thirdroom & kollaboration

The purpose of this paper is to examine how Thirdroom, as an ICT, enhances knowledge sharing and inter- and transdisciplinary work in Problem-oriented project work at Roskilde University.

Podcastmediet og dets producere

This study identifies the technological differences between radio, and the fairly new medium podcast and how the technological development of the auditive media has made it possible for anyone to be a podcast-producer.

København i nyt lys

This paper seeks to investigate how the use of light in public spaces affect how people perceive and use that space. The basis of the investigation is a square called Liva Weels Plads, in Copenhagen’s neighbourhood of Vesterbro.