Kan kød erstattes af luft?

This paper examines the possibilities of using air and electricity to create protein through a fermentation process, which is referred to as “air protein”. . This paper analyses the internal mechanisms and processes of the fermentation process. The paper then compares air protein to our current meat production by analysing various climate footprints of air protein against beef production. Multiple barriers to changing peoples’ current meat consumption are also identified.

Redskab til psykisk sårbare


Fødevareemballage i cirkulær økonomi

This paper examines the possibilities of redesigning the current plastic packaging of meat products to include them in a circular economy. To understand how plastic food packaging is placed in a circular economy, the paper examines the various aspects, such as how food packaging is currently designed and todays’ available recycle and sorting technologies. The paper provides an in-depth analysis focusing on the technical difficulties of changing plastic packaging of food in three of the phases in the circular economy cycle: Design, Sorting and Recycling.

VR til behandling af socialfobi

Vi undersøger i dette projekt om virtual reality kan bruges i behandlingen af socialfobi. I dag er den mest effektive behandlingsform kognitiv adfærdsterapi, hvor eksponering er nøglen til effektiviteten. Vi undersøger hvordan eksponering virker i virtual reality, og om dette er et bedre alternativ end den nuværende behandlingsform.

Genanvendelse af tøj

Vores eksamens aflevering basis projekt 1- genbrug af tekstil.

app til social angst

Our project report focuses on the use of technology and how it can be used to create tools that can effectively help persons with mental health struggles, which we later decided to be specifically targeted at social anxiety. Through the research we have done and the literature that has been accumulated we came to the conclusion that the most productive way for us to accomplish the goal we wanted was through the development of an application.

Æstetik og design

I denne opgave har vi valgt at kigge nærmere på Mjølnerparken og hvordan man ved hjælp af æstetiske egenskaber kan lave et design, som højner den æstetiske erfaring. Da Bovita allerede er i gang med en helhedsplan i området, har vi valgt at kigge nærmere på de steder, som vi mener bliver overset. Vi er kommet frem til, at vi ønsker at lave en lysinstallation, som ved hjælp af farvetemperatur og et æstetiske flot design, vil skabe en positiv æstetisk oplevelse.Ved hjælp af observationer og interviews i området har vi fundet brugernes krav til og oplevelse af mangler ved passagen.

Nem Affaldssortering

Semesterprojekt for affaldssortering

Social angst med VR

Exposure therapy with VR

Edible garden

This paper focuses on elements of a design to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases within the production of food to add to the sustainable development of our society. Because of huge emissions by the production, distribution, and disposal of produce of conventional agriculture, the purpose of this assignment is to compare the make an analysis between conventional agriculture and non-soil solutions. Furthermore, the three non-soil productions, hydroponics, aeroponics and aquaponics are analyzed to find the best compatible with our design.

Sundhedsplatform for psykiatrien


AI som ven

The purpose of this project is to find the most optimal way to prevent suicide attempts amongst young adults by introducing a technological solution, such as the implementation of chatbots.

SDG-accelerator program – HelloScience

This bachelor thesis is a preliminary study on a potential pilot project between UNDP and HelloScience.
The thesis presents a vision of change based on the results. The vision includes thoughts on how a preliminary study could move forward and what further steps need to be taken before launching a pilot project. Specifically this means developing prototypes for the incorporation of the various tools available to be tested in an onboarding of a few SME’s on the HelloScience platform. Especially to make sure the SME’s can take full potential of the storytelling element on the platform.

Algoritme og Virksomheder

In this paper we want to investigate how Google as a search engine operates. We also seek to investigate how a given website’s rank can be increased on Google, based on the theory of search enginge optimization. In this regard we teamed up with the Human Ressource company, HRtechX, to illustrate how their website ranking on Google could be increased.
Our thesis explores whether HrtechXs ranking on Google can be affected by well-known search engine optimization strategies and theory hereabout. We describe the most important and relevant aspects of a search engine which include the following:


The importance of the internet, and its capability to facilitate information-, and knowledge sharing is ever-increasing. This trend, increases the importance of the foundational technical applications in cyberspace. However, some of the technology applications, like the web cookie, which is a small data file used to cache website attributes, are being used in ways, not intended initially, thus enabling controversy in its use, as it pertains to the tracking of personal information, for example. In this project, we will examine how the web cookie technology is facilitating surveillance capitalis

Data- & online aktivisme

This project focuses on online radicalization with a special look into YouTube and its recommendation algorithm, and how it can affect the radicalization process.

Showtime på Thirdroom

En opsamling/evaluering af Workshop Showtime F2021, som viser graden af aktiv deltagelse og interaktion på Thirdroom.

Bias i risikovurderingsalgoritmer

This paper argues that one should be aware of the use of risk assessment algorithms in the criminal justice system in regard to ethical concerns. To further investigate this inquiry this paper discusses four objections, against the use of biased opaque risk assessment algorithms in the criminal justice system. It is concluded in this paper, that an opaque risk assessment algorithm, does not necessarily become more legitimate if it becomes more transparent.

Computerspils afhængighed

This project assignment deals with the issue of gaming disorder. WHO gave its first proposal on a definition of gaming disorder in 2016, and in 2018 gaming disorder was officially defined in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). This has spawned a lot of debate among scholars. The project attempts to answer how gaming disorder emerges and is developed in males, within the age group 20-30 year old, with a specific focus on the computer game called World of Warcraft.

Redesign af HumTeks forhal

Kan man skabe et inspirende rum der kan bringe de studerendes viden i spil, samt være et rum for projekt arbejde og hygge?

VR- og kreativitet

This project examines children in contact with Virtual Reality and how the techology affects creativity.
By using the creative tool Tilt Brush, the focus lies on the childrens’ interactions where the children have used the different tools and methods available to them in Tilt Brush.

It can be concluded that the children have an interest in the technologies and can expad on their already existing knowledge from other technology platforms such as smartphones and tablet.


Mars Expedition Initiative, we bring Earth to Mars.

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