Envisioning a Green Just Future

Master Thesis in Climate Change on the potential of including utopias in political visions and social movement strategies in instilling a more ecocentric ontology and inspire political change throughout society.

Lynetteholm: Ethical Controversies

Examination of the ethical controversies raised in light of the construction of the artificial island Lynetteholm in Copenhagen considering moral perspectives on climate and distributive justice.

Endnu Et Tabt År

This paper examines the new modes of climate activism from Den Grønne Studenterbevægelse (DGSB), observed in the campaign “Endnu Et Tabt År” that was built around escalating tactics and a heightened dramatic political rhetoric in Spring of 2021.

CPH Village Makerspace

I vores etablering af et Makerspace i CPH Village på Refshaleøen, med henblik på at aktivere den iboende bæredygtige beboergruppe, kolliderede vi med udfordringerne i at skabe fællesskab om bæredygtighed i det moderne samfund. Ingen dukkede op til vores workshop, og vi vente derfor undersøgelsen rundt på os selv som forskere, og behovet for at fæstne et praksisfællesskab i et bottom-up fællesskab med fokus på sociale relationer og nytænkning af det ubæredygtige samfund.

Redesign af HumTeks forhal

Kan man skabe et inspirende rum der kan bringe de studerendes viden i spil, samt være et rum for projekt arbejde og hygge?

Argumentation i Danske Klimaudspil

Through analysis of the use of topoi and different angles in argumentation, we arrived at an overview of three Danish climate proposals – from the current government, Socialdemokratiet and Enhedslisten. We applied and compared this to a focus-group of Danish voters, in which we found similarities and diversions in argumentation.
Most notably, we found it fairly clear that there is several communication-problems between the voters and politicians, heavily found in divisions of topoi and mistrust from the voters.

Den Grønne Studenterbevægelse Roskilde

Fra efterår 2018 til folketingsvalget 2019 udgjorde studerende fra RUC en underafdeling af Den Grønne Studenterbevægelse på campus. I denne tid havde afdelingen succes med en klimastrejke, der samlede over 100 elever og ledte til en protest mod den amerikanske ambassadør. Samt et debatevent med Pernille Skipper og lokale forskere, der førte til konstruktiv diskussion med inddragelse af de studerende og omtale i pressen. Roskildeafdelingen er nu sat på pause for at fokusere på København i forbindelse med folketingsvalget, med mulighed for genaktivering i fremtiden.

Videoproduktion for MSE

To cover a graduation-event and brand the MSE-education at RUC, we produced three videos in various formats, highlighting the value of the education through different alumnae.

Fremtidens Landmænd

As a reaction to current agriculture’s impact on the climate crisis, we examined future farmers through fieldwork and cultural analysis of Kalø Økologiske Landbrugsskole, to discover the potential for change in an alternative view of Nature


This project explains more about what Thirdroom is and how it came to be, if your are interest in the development and its history!


A portrait of Jacob, a climate activist, father and ex-guerilla warrior.

Civil Ulydighed og Den Store Flugt

We examined the reflections behind Henry Thoreau and Andrea Hejlskov’s retreat from the unsustainable structures of society, and the potential of these acts, and accompanying novels, to inspire change as a symbolic act of civil disobedience.

Kunstens fremstilling af klimakrisen

We found that an ontological division of culture and nature hinder people’s reaction to the ecological crisis. With the purpose of possibly deconstructing the normative view of nature, we examined art’s potential to change such understandings through efficient representation in works of “climate fiction”.


A young man, in a bleak place, is being robbed by something strange.