Hjemsendelse af udsatte børn.

Not everybody finds online tuition easy. We will try to solve this problem.

Cookies i medier

Tracking cookies (and pixel-tracking) are both methods that help collecting data around and about internet users. Cookies collect information and data on different formats, while pixels essentially do the same, but, apparently, with more variety in data collected on the user (and then sent to the pixel-creators server).
Advantages of tracking cookies and pixels (tracking, in general terms) could be that marketing can be targeted and be more relevant to the targeted subject. Disadvantages could be the ethical implications that the implementation of the tracking would provoke.

Seksuel krænkelse på arbejdsmarkedet

Mennesket bruger cirka ⅓ af sin hverdag på arbejdspladsen. Derfor er det essentielt at arbejdspladsen er et godt og trygt sted, hvor både det fysiske og psykiske arbejdsmiljø er tilfredsstillende. Især det psykiske miljø, hvor seksuel krænkende adfærd finder vi relevant, da problematikken kan have negative konsekvenser for den det går udover (Heinskou et al, 2017).
Det kan dog være svært at definere hvornår noget er seksuel krænkende, og hvor den enkelte persons grænse er. For hvad der er seksuel krænkende for én, er ikke nødvendigvis gældende for alle andre.

Safe Copenhagen

In the following paper we wish to examine how the individual respond to surveillance. Overall, there´s more than 1.5 million CCTV cameras in Denmark corresponding to 1 CCTV camera per 3.5 person. Whereas 300.000 of those CCTV cameras are recording in public
We wish to understand the influence of surveillance on the individual’s behavior and what psychological responses may occur when they are under surveillance.
Surveillance in all its forms is all around us, in our phones, in public and when doing the Christmas shopping online, something right under the surface, but not often noticed. We

Hacking i modeindustrien

This project examines how to contribute to sustainable changes in the fashion industry through empowerment. Inspired by problem oriented sustainability science, the design focuses on creating a design solution that includes participation as a method for sustainable changes. Finally this project concludes that creating a workshop manual that encourages participation and taking ownership can create empowerment and hopefully the solution spirals to mobilise sustainable communities of empowered consumers.

Lights In The Dark

This paper is a design report centred around public space, lighting and the perceived notion
of unsafety.

Guide: Den gode mundtlige præsentation

Den gode mundtlige præsentation

How-to Thirdroom

You can find help videos and an on boarding flow for Thirdroom here. Please dont hesitate to contact us at thirdroom@ruc.dk if you have any questions!

Brugerdrevet analyse af Thirdroom

This paper is developed in collaboration with the non-profit organization Thirdroom.
Their collaborative platform, and use cases associated with it, will be the context of this
project. This project focuses on the process of cultivating Thirdroom in project work, and
how to get the platform to make sense for the users. We wish to investigate the cultivation
problem Thirdroom faces, by focusing on a specific workflow performed by students when

working on their project while searching for inspiration. Furthermore, the project is struc-
tured on the basis of the MUST-method, with its associated

Digital hjælpemiddel til type 2 diabet

This paper explains T2DM and social inequality within the illness. Furthermore it shows the use of SDSM. Interviews were made in order to make an analysis. Based on that analysis we created a design. Thereafter we discuss our designs ability to embrace social inequality within the treatment of type 2 diabetes.


In this project we are looking into the issue of long queues at the bar in night clubs in an attempt to design a solution. We will start by investigating the problem, through a combination of interviews, surveys, observations and theory about the psychological functions of waiting lines.

Fobi simulationer

How can the group through a VR-simulation of heights give the public a better understanding of how it feels to live with a phobia?
We have specified our project’s main topic to be about mental sickness, which we later narrowed down to phobias. Our main task is to create and evaluate a realistic phobia simulation through Virtual Reality of the many harsh and horrible symptoms, that the patients undergo when facing their specific phobia triggers. We have chosen to study the symptoms and causes of acrophobia which is an extreme or irrational fear of heights.

Sociale medier og mental sundhed

The theme of this paper has its roots in social media and mental health. Many people are using social media in their daily life. By doing so they might not question or noticing how it affects one’s mental health and wellbeing. As a group of students, we are concerned about the unawareness and potential consequences there is regarding social media providing a basis for a bad mental state.
The intention of this paper is to examine how a social media platform such as Instagram affects young people’s self-worth and identity and to create a critical design demonstrating this.

Denvirkeligeverden 3.0

The world we live in now is digitized and the distance between people gets smaller and smaller. Now our access to each other has become easier than ever. Late modernity means that we have developed more technologies and that means that we are able to do more things without moving. Our identity is influenced by the aforementioned, as we are now independent of the traditional ways of life. The name of our project is “self-representation on Instagram”, and the goal of this project is to understand the development and formation of identity of young girls in late modern society. Our focus will be h

Beskyttelse af persondata

The concept of surveillance capitalism is fairly new, and not described in great detail yet. Although one would think that the content of end-user license agreement from big tech companies like Google would be easy to navigate and use, they seem almost impossible to understand and have any form of control over. This paper seeks to define a certificate which aims to provide more influence for the user in regard to his data. In order to understand exactly which elements, the certificate should include, the study investigated which types of data the end-user license agreement contains.


In this student project, we will research the possibility to change the current ordering system in the Danish nightclubs. To enlighten the subject, we will use different theories and methods from the courses Design and Construction, and Subjectivity, Technology and Society. These will be used to compile relevant data and build a prototype. We will analyze the findings within the theories and methods that we use. From that, we will use the Design-model to evaluate the feedback from our respondents, in order to make the best possible solution for our users. In the end, we will discuss the result

Køl ned

Et designforslag til Roskilde Festival hvor du kan komme og køle en øl ned for en cykeltur. Kom og vær’ med, og bliv klogere på bæredygtighed sammen med dine venner!

Redesign af HumTeks forhal

Kan man skabe et inspirende rum der kan bringe de studerendes viden i spil, samt være et rum for projekt arbejde og hygge?

Piezoelektrisk energihøster

Science in primary school is a subject that gives students a basic understanding of the world’s existence through natural science phenomena. However, not all forms of teaching are equally effective. Theoretical teaching offers the students relevant knowledge in i.a. Classical blackboard teaching, where experimental work conveys knowledge through practice. Theoretical work for many students is difficult to relate to, where the practical work for many is a fun and exciting feature of the teaching, but is it also the most educational?

Praktisk arbejde i fysik/kemi

Science in primary school is a subject that gives students a basic understanding of the world’s existence through natural science phenomena. However, not all forms of teaching are equally effective. Theoretical teaching offers the students relevant knowledge in i.a. Classical blackboard teaching, where experimental work conveys knowledge through practice. Theoretical work for many students is difficult to relate to, where the practical work for many is a fun and exciting feature of the teaching, but is it also the most educational?

Fremtidens Energisystem 2025

Fremtidens Energisystemer

Optimering af Jarmers Plads

This assignment focuses on the efficiency improvement of the urban spaces of Copenhagen.


This project explains more about what Thirdroom is and how it came to be, if your are interest in the development and its history!